Searched through
[edit]- Author:Aeschylus
- Agamemnon (b, g) (Ours is just excerpts)
- The Libation-Bearers (b)
- The Furies (b)
- Prometheus Bound (b, g)
- Author:Hans Christian Andersen
- Tales, as translated by Author:Charles William Eliot (Author:Charles W. Eliot, Author:Charles Eliot) (b, some g) We have various tales already.
- Author:Saint Augustine
- The Confessions of Saint Augustine as translated by Author:Edward Pusey (Author:Edward Bouverie Pusey, Author:Edward B. Pusey) (b, g) - We have other translations.
- The Bhagavad Gita (b), as translated by Author:Edwin Arnold. And the previous translation needs work.
- Author:Bjornstjerne Bjornson (or Author:Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, or Author:Björnstjerne Björnson)
- A Happy Boy (b, g)
- Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (b) by Author:Ebenezer Cobham Brewer (Author:Ebenezer C. Brewer, Author:Ebenezer Brewer)
- Author:Rupert Brooke
- Collected Poems (b, g): Introduction by Author:George Edward Woodberry (Author:George E. Woodberry, Author:George Woodberry); Biographical Note by Author:Margaret Lavington.
- Author:Thomas Browne
- Religio Medici (b, g) - needs dab
- Author:Cicero
- On Friendship (b, g)
- On Old Age (b, g)
- Letters (needs dab) (b, g1, g2)
- Author:Padraic Colum
- The Golden Fleece (b, g) - needs dab
- The Adventures of Odysseus (b, g)
- Author:Confucius
- The Analects (b, g1, g2 g3) - We have a different translation
- Author:Pierre Corneille
- Polyeucte (b, g), translated by Author:Thomas Constable
Yet to search
[edit]- Collections:
- A Treasury of War Poetry (b)
- A Victorian Anthology (b)
- An American Anthology (b)
- Anthology of Irish Verse (b)
- Anthology of Massachusetts Poets (b)
- Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1920 (b)
- Buddhist Writings (b)
- Cambridge History of English & American Literature[1]
- English Essays from Sir Philip Sidney to Macaulay (b)
- English Poetry I: Chaucer to Gray (b)
- English Poetry II: Collins to Fitzgerald (b)
- English Poetry III: Tennyson to Whitman (b)
- Hymns of the Christian Church (b)
- Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States (b)
- Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the 17th c (b)
- Modern American Poetry (b)
- Modern British Poetry (b)
- Modern Essays (b)
- The Book of American Negro Poetry (b)
- The New Poetry: An Anthology (b)
- The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse (b)
- Yale Book of American Verse (b)
- Author:Charles Darwin[2] Gut Auth search
- The Voyage of the Beagle (b) (The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle needs to be overwritten)
- Author:Robert Frost[9] Gut Auth search
- Miscellaneous Poems to 1920 (b) - the poems should be checked
- Author:Thomas Hardy[14] Gut Auth search
- Wessex Poems & Other Verses (b) - some may already be present
- Author:Francis Bret Harte[15] Gut Auth search
- Three Stories (b)
- Author:Victor Marie Hugo[19] Gut Auth search
- Notre Dame de Paris (b) - another translation
- Author:John Keats[22] Gut Auth search
- Poetical Works (b) - some may already be present
- Author:Charles Lamb and Author:Mary Lamb[25] Lamb]%20and%20[[Author:Mary%20Lamb Gut Auth search]
- Author:Edna St. Vincent Millay[38] Gut Auth search
- Renascence and Other Poems (b) - some may be present already
- Author:John Milton[39] Gut Auth search
- Complete Poems Written in English (b) - some may be present already
- Tractate on Education (b)
- Author:Eugene O'Neill[41] Gut Auth search
- Three Plays (b) - We have 1 of 3
- Author:Edgar Allan Poe[47] Gut Auth search
- Three Stories (b) - Just the introductions
- Author:Henry M. Robert
- Robert's Rules of Order, Revised (b) - We already have Robert's Rules of Order, the 1875 version. We need the 1915 revised version.
- Author:Edwin Arlington Robinson
- Collected Poems (b) - we already have a few.
- Author:William Roper
- The Life of Sir Thomas More (b) - should be redone
- Author:Jean-Jacques Rousseau[52] Gut Auth search
- On the Inequality among Mankind (b) - different translation
- Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar (b) or The Creed of a Savoyard Priest
- Author:Siegfried Sassoon[58] Gut Auth search
- The Old Huntsman and Other Poems (b) - incomplete
- Counter-Attack and Other Poems (b) - incomplete
- Picture-Show (Collection) (b) - incomplete
- Percy Bysshe Shelley[61]
- Complete Poetical Works (b) - we have some
- The Cenci (b)
- Author:William Wordsworth[81] Gut Auth search
- Complete Poetical Works (b) - many (most?) are already present