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The Order of Prayers of the Whole Year
It is the custom of the nation to read every day in the morning: After reading the portion "Command" and the Priestly Blessing, this Mishnah is read: These are the things which have no limit: The Corner, and the First Fruits, and the Seeing, and Acts of Kindness, and Study of Torah. These are the things that a man eats their fruits in This World and the Principal remains for him for the World to Come: Respect of father and mother, and Acts of Kindness, and Examination of Prayer, and Visiting the Ill, and Arising of the House of Study, and Bringing in Guests, and Bringing Peace between Man and his Fellow, and Study of Torah corresponds to all of them. Said Rabbi Zeira: The daughters of Israel, they were sringent upon themselves, that even if they see a drop of blood like a mustard seed, they sit upon it seven clean days. It was learned at the house of Elijah: Everyone who studies Halakhoth every day, it is assured to him that he is a man of the World to Come, as it says: His ways are everlasting. Do not read ways, but halakhoth. Said Rabbi Eleazar: Said Rabbi Hanina: Talmidei Chachamim multiply Peace in the world, as it says: And all your children taught by God, etc. A song to David, God, who shall live in Your tent? Who shall rest on Your holy mountain? He who walks uprightly and works righteousness. A man should always be fearful of Heaven in the concealed, and admit to the truth, and speak truth in his heart, and should arise and say: Master of the Worlds, not because of our righteousnesses do we set forth our supplications before You, but because of Your many compassions. What are we? What is our life? What is our kindness? What is our righteousness? What is our power? And what is our might? What shall we say before You, God, our God, Aren't all the mighty men like nothing before You? And the men of renown, like they weren't? And wise, like without knowledge? And understanding, like without wisdom? For all of our acts are unformed and void, and the days of our life are vanity before You, like it is written in Your holy Words: and the preeminence of man, etc. But we, Your nation, the sons of Your covenant, the sons of Abraham Your lover, that You swore to him on Mount Moriah, the seed of Isaac Your only one, who was tied unto Your altar, the congregation of Jacob Your son, Your firstborn, that from Your love that You loved him, and from Your joy that You rejoiced in him, You named him Israel and Jeshurun. Therefore, we are obligated to thank You, and to praise You, and to glorify You, and to give praise and thanks to Your Name, and we are obligated to recite before You every day; evening and morning: Hear Israel, God our God, God Is One. Fortunate we are; how good is our portion; how sweet is our lot; how nice is our inheritance. Fortunate we are that we arise early and stay up late every day constantly evening and morning and say: Hear Israel, God our God, God Is One. You Are He before the world was created; You Are He after the world was created. You Are He in This World; and You Are He in the World to Come. You Are First; and You Are Last. Sanctify Your Big and Holy Name in Your world; and with Your Help our horn should be raised and lifted. Blessed is He Who Sanctifies His Name in public. You Are God, our God, in the heavens above and on the earth below and in the upper heavens of the heavens. You Are First and You Are Last; and there is no god other than You. Gather those who hope for You from the four corners of the earth. Let all who come in the world recognize and know that You Alone Are The God for all kingdoms of the earth. You Made the heavens and the earth. And who in all the work of Your Hands, in the higher ones or in the lower ones, who should tell You what You Should Do. Our Father In the Heavens, Do with us like You Promised us through the hands of Your seer: At that time I Will Bring you and at the time I Gather you, for I Will Make you to be a name and a praise among all nations of the earth, when I Return your captivities before your eyes, Said God. And it says: You Are He, God, You Alone; You Made the heavens, the heavens of the heavens, and all their army, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and You Preserve them all; and the army of the heavens bow to You. You Are He, God, The Lord, Who Chose Abram; and You Brought him out of Ur of the Chaldees; and You Gave him the name Abraham. You Are He; and Your Years will have no end. God Reigns. God Reigned. God Shall Reign forever and ever. God Reigns etc., until: Blessed Is God forever; Amen and Amen. The first blessing that is recited before the verses of the songs, this is its text: Blessed Is He Who Said, and the world was. Blessed Is He. Blessed Is He Who Says and Does. Blessed Is He Who Decrees and Fulfils. Blessed Is He Who Is Compassionate on the earth. Blessed Is He Who Is Compassionate on the creatures. Blessed Is He Who Takes away darkness and brings light. Blessed Is He Who Pays a good reward to them that fear Him. Blessed Are You that no evil, no forgetfulness, and no falsehood, and no deception, no partiality-showing, and no bribe-taking exist before You. Blessed Is God Who Lives forever and Exists for eternity. Blessed Are You, God, our God, King of the world, The God Who Is praised by the mouth of His nation, lauded and glorified by the tongue of all His pious ones and His servants and by the songs of David, Your servant, Your anointed, we shall praise You, God, our God, with praises and with songs, we shall thank You and laud You and glorify You and mention Your Name, our King, our God, Only One, Life of the worlds, His Name is lauded and glorified until forever. Blessed Are You, God, King Who Is lauded with praises. And the following verses are read: The Glory of God Shall Be forever; God Shall Rejoice in His works, etc. Praised, etc., until the end of Psalms. And afterwards, the following verses are read: Blessed Is God forever; Amen and Amen. God Shall Reign forever; Amen and Amen. And David blessed God before the eyes of all the congregation and David said: Blessed Are You, God, the God of Israel, etc. The final blessing of after the verses of the songs, this is its text: Your Name Shall Be praised forever, our King, The God, The Big and Holy King, in the heavens and on the earth; because for You it is nice, God, our God and the God of our fathers, etc., and the Song is read until its end according to the custom of the place. On Sabbath, it is the custom of the whole nation to add before this blessing, this text: The soul of all living shall bless Your Name, God, our God, and the spirit of all flesh shall glorify and exalt Your Remembrance, our King, constantly, from generation to generation, and from always, and until always, You Are God; and there is no god other than You, and we have no king, deliverer and helper, redeemer and rescuer in every time of tragedy and distress only You Provider and Compassionate one; God of all creatures; Master of the children; Who Is lauded with praises; Who Leads His world with Benevolence and his creatures with much Compassion; True God; will not nap and will not sleep; Who Rouses the sleeping and Awakens the slumbering; Upholds the fallen and Heals the sick and Unbinds the prisoned ; and to You we thank. And if our mouth would be full of singing as the sea, and our tongues with joy as its crowd of waves, and our lips with praise as the spaces of heaven, and our eyes would light up as the sun and as the moon, and our hands would be stretched out as the vultures of the sky, and our legs would be light as hinds, we would not suffice to thank You, God, our God and the God of our fathers, and to bless Your Name on one of thousand thousands of thousands and much much ten thousands of times, the goodnesses, miracles, and mighty deeds, that You Did with us and with our fathers. From inside, from Egypt, You Delivered us; God, our God. From the house of slaves You Redeemed us. In hunger You Sustained us and in satiety You Provided for us. From sword You Rescued us; and from plague You Delivered us; and from many sore sicknesses You Raised us up. And until now, Your Compassions Helped us; God, our God; and Your Benevolence did not leave us. Therefore, the limbs that You Divided within us, and spirit and soul that You Breathed in our nostrils, and tongue that You Placed in our mouth, they, they shall thank and bless Your Name; God, our God, etc., shall be praised, etc. And it is also the custom to read the entire "Psalm, Song for the day of the Sabbath" before beginning the verses of the songs on the day of Sabbath and on the Day of Atonement. And there are places where the custom is to read the Great Praise on Sabbaths before the verses of the songs. And there are places where the custom is to read "A Song of the Ascents", all according to their custom. The first blessing before the reading of Shema, this is its text: Blessed Are You, God, our God, King of the world, Who Forms light and Creates darkness, etc., until: Who Forms the lights. The second blessing: An everlasting love You Have Loved us, God, our God. A great and additional compassion You Have Been Compassionate over us. Our Father, our King, etc., until: His nation, Israel, with Love. The final blessing of after the reading of Shema, this is its text: True and certain, etc., until: Blessed Are You, God, Who Delivered Israel. And in the evening, the first blessing: Blessed Are You, God, our God, King of the world, that with His Word, He Makes evening, until: Blessed Are You, God, Who Makes evening. The second blessing: An everlasting love, the House of Israel, Your nation, You Have Loved, etc., until: Blessed Are You, God, Who Loves His nation, Israel. The first blessing of after the reading of Shema of the evening, this is its text: True and faithful is all of this, confirmed upon us, etc., until: Blessed Are You, God, Who Delivered Israel. The final blessing, this is its text: Lay us down, God, our God, to peace, etc., until: Blessed is He Who Keeps His nation, Israel, forever. Blessed is God forever, Amen and Amen, etc., until: You Redeemed me, God, the God of Truth. Our eyes shall see and our heart shall rejoice, etc., until: God Reigns. God Reigned. God Shall Reign forever and ever. And it is the custom of part of the nation to bless verses in middle of the blessing and they read with this text: And the entire nation saw and they fell on their faces; and they said: God, He Is The Lord; God, He Is The Lord. Save us, God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the nations, so that we may give thanks to the Name of Your Holiness; that we may triumph in Your Praise. For God Will not forsake His nation for His Great Name's sake; for God Has Sworn to Make you a people to Himself. And saviours shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be to God. And God Shall be King over the entire earth; in that day, shall God be One, and His Name One. Our God Who Is in the heavens, unite Your Name Which Is Called upon us. Impose Your Name and Your Kingdom upon us constantly. In Your Hand are the souls of the living and the dead. Which in His Hand is the soul of every living thing, and the spirit of each flesh of man. Into Your Hand I shall deposit my spirit; You Redeemed me, God, the God of Truth. And we, Your nation, and sheep of Your pasture, we shall give thanks to You forever; to each and every generation we shall tell Your praise. God, deliver my soul from lying lips; from a deceitful tongue. Israel is saved by God with an everlasting salvation; you shall not be ashamed and you shall not be confounded forever and ever. God, our God, shall be with us as He Was with our fathers; He shall not leave us, and He shall not forsake us; to incline our heart to Him; to walk in all His ways; to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances, which He Commanded our fathers. Each soul shall praise God; Hallelujah. Blessed is God by day. Blessed is God at night. Blessed is God when we lie down. Blessed is God when we rise. Constantly we shall praise You forever and we shall meditate in Your statutes and in Your faith. Blessed Are You, God, Who Reigns in His Honor, Lives and Exists constantly Shall Reign upon us, etc.
The Text of the Blessings of the Prayer and their Order
(1) Blessed Are You, God, our God and the God of our fathers; God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob; the Great God, the Mighty, and the Awesome, etc. (2) You Are Mighty forever, God. You Resurrect the dead; Mighty to save, (Descends the dew) (Blows the wind and Descends the rain), Provides for the living with Benevolence, Resurrects the dead with much Compassion, Upholds the fallen, etc. (3) You Are Holy and Your Name Is Holy; and holy ones every day shall praise You forever. Blessed Are You, God, The Holy God. (4) You Grant a person knowledge and Teach a human intelligence. And grant us from Yourself knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence, and understanding. Blessed Are You, God, Who Grants the knowledge. (5) Bring us back, our Father, to Your Torah; and make us cleave in Your commandments; and draw us close, our King, to Your worship, and return us with full repentance before You. Blessed Are You, God, Who Wants repentance. (6) Forgive us, our Father, for we sinned; pardon us, our King, for we transgressed to You; for You Are a good God and a Forgiver. Blessed Are You, God, Gracious one, Who abundantly Forgives. (7) Look, please, upon our affliction; and take up our grievance; and judge our claim; and quicken to deliver us; for You Are a God, King, and Mighty Deliverer. Blessed Are You, God, Who Delivers Israel. (8) Heal us, God, our God, and we shall be healed; save us, and we shall be saved; for You are our Praise; and bring up a complete healing for all our sicknesses; for You Are a God, Healer, and Compassionate one. Blessed Are You, God, Healer of the sick of His nation, Israel. (9) Bless us, God, our God, in all the work of our hands; and bless our years; and give (dew and rain for) a blessing upon the entire face of the earth; and satiate the world from your blessings; and satisfy the face of the universe. Blessed Are You, God, Who Blesses the years. (10) Blow with a great horn for our freedom; and raise an ensign to gather all of our exiled from the four corners of the entire earth to our land. Blessed Are You, God, Who Gathers the dispersed of his nation, Israel. (11) Restore our judges as at the first, and our counsellors as at the beginning; and remove from us sorrow and sighing; and reign upon us, You alone, in lovingkindness and in compassion, in righteousness and in justice. Blessed Are You, God, King Who Loves righteousness and justice. (12) For the informers there shall be no hope; and all of the heretics shall be destroyed as a moment; and the wicked kingdom You shall uproot and shatter speedily in our days. Blessed Are You, God, Who Shatters the evil and Humbles the wicked. (13) On the pious and on the righteous and on the converts of justice and on the remainder of Your nation, the House of Israel, shall Your Compassion Yearn, God, our God; and give a good reward to all those who trust in Your Name with truth, etc. (14) Dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, Your city, as You Have Spoken; and build her up an everlasting building speedily in our days. Blessed Are You, God, Builder of Jerusalem. (15) The shoot of David You shall speedily cause to grow up; and his horn shall be raised with Your Help. Blessed Are You, God, Who Causes the horn of help to grow up. (16) Hear our voice, God, our God, and have mercy; and be compassionate upon us; and accept with compassion and with desire our prayer. Our King, do not return us empty-handed; for You Hear, etc. (17) Be pleased, God, our God, with Your nation, Israel; and to their prayer have respect; and return the worship to the Sanctuary of Your House, and the burnt offerings of Israel, and their prayer, etc. Blessed Are You, God, Who Returns His Dwelling to Zion. (18) We give thanks to You, that You Are He, God, our God and the God of our fathers. You Are the Rock of our life and Shield of our help, to each and every generation we shall give thanks to You and tell Your praise upon our lives, etc. (19) Grant peace, goodness and blessing, grace and kindness and mercy, upon us and upon Israel, Your nation; and bless all of us; from the light of Your Face You Gave us, God, our God, Torah and life, love, etc. In the days of the summer, one says in the second blessing: Mighty to save, Descends the dew, Provides for the living with Benevolence, etc. And blesses the ninth blessing with this text: Bless us, God, our God, in all the work of our hands; and bless our year with dew of desire, blessing, and charity, like the good years. Blessed Are You, God, Who Blesses the years. On Saturday night, and at the conclusion of the Day of Atonement, and at the conclusion of holidays, one blesses the fourth blessing with this text: You Grant a person knowledge and Teach a human intelligence. You Distinguished between sacred to secular, between light to dark, between Israel to the nations, between the seventh day to the six days of labor. Just like You Distinguished between sacred to secular, so, redeem us and rescue us from all kinds of destroyers and from all kinds of punishment that assemble to come in the world; and keep us from all; and grant us from Yourself etc. On New Moons and on the Weekday of the Festival, one adds at the seventeenth blessing at evening and morning and afternoon and recites the blessing with this text: Be pleased, God, our God, etc., until: the worship of Israel, Your nation. Our God and the God of our fathers, may there ascend and come, etc., and our eyes shall see, etc. And on the Weekday of the Festival, one says: on the day of this holy convocation, on the day of the occasion of this Festival of the Matzoth; or: on the day of the occasion of this Festival of the Weeks; or: on the day of the occasion of this Festival of the Sukkoth. On a fast day, the individual blesses the sixteenth blessing with this text: Hear our voice, God, our God; have mercy and be compassionate upon us; and accept with compassion and with desire our prayer. Before You, our King, do not return us empty-handed. Answer us, our Father, answer us, on the day of our fast; for we are in great distress. Do not hide Your Face from us; and do not turn away Your Ear from hearing our request; and be near to our outcry. Before we will call, and You Shall Answer; we will speak, and You Shall Hear; as it is said: And it shall be, before they will call, and I Will Answer; while they yet speak, and I Will Hear; for You Hear the prayer of every mouth. Blessed Are You, God, Who Hears prayer. And the leader of the congregation says this text – a blessing for itself – after the seventh blessing, he says: Answer us, etc., until: for God Answers at a time of distress; Redeems and Rescues in every time of distress and woe. Blessed Are You, God, Who Responds in time of distress. On the ninth of Av, one blesses the fourteenth blessing with this text: Be Compassionate, God, upon us, upon Israel, Your nation, and upon Jerusalem, Your city, the mourning, destroyed, desolate city, which is given in the hand of strangers; which sits and has a covered head like a barren women who did not bear; and legions swallowed her; and worshipers of idols inherited her; and they gave the carcass of your servants to be food for the fowl of the heavens and for the beast of the earth. Therefore, Zion with bitterness shall cry and Jerusalem shall give her voice; my heart, my heart, upon their casualties; my inmost parts, my inmost parts, upon their killed. See, God, and look; and see her desolations; and console her; for with fire You Lit her, and with fire You are destined to rebuild her, as it is written: And I Will Be to her, Says God, a wall of fire round about; and I will be the glory in the midst of her. Blessed Are You, God, Builder of Jerusalem. On Purim, one blesses the eighteenth blessing with this text: We give thanks to You, that You Are He, God, our God, upon our lives that are delivered into Your Hand, upon our souls that are entrusted to You, upon Your miracles that are in each and every day, and upon Your marvelous deeds that are in every time, etc., upon the miracles, and upon the mighty deeds, and upon the salvations, etc., and upon all of them, God, our God, we give thanks to You, the Good one, for they have not ceased, etc. On Hanukkah, one recites this blessing with this text: We give thanks to You, etc., until: and upon Your wonders that are in every time, evening, and morning, and noon, upon the miracles, etc., until: and afterwards, Your sons came, etc. A cantor always recites the third blessing with this text: We shall sanctify You and we shall coronate You and we shall give You a triple sanctification like that is said by Your prophet: And one called unto another, and said: Holy, holy, holy, is the God of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His Glory. His Glory and His Greatness Fill the world and His servants ask: Where is the place of His Glory, to admire him? As opposed to them, they praise and say: Blessed be the Glory of God from His Place. From Your Place, our King, You Shall Appear and You Shall Reign upon us for we wait for You; when Will You Reign in Zion in our life and in our days You Shall Dwell, You Shall be Exalted and You Shall be Sanctified in the midst of Jerusalem, Your city, unto all generations, for eternity of eternities; and our eyes shall see in the Kingdom of Your Might like that is said in the words of Your Holiness by David, Your righteous Messiah: God Will Reign forever; your God, Zion, unto all generations; Hallelujah. Unto all generations we shall tell Your Greatness and for eternity of eternities we shall sanctify Your Sanctification; and Your Praise, our God, shall not depart out of our mouth, for You are a God Who is a Great and Holy King. Blessed Are You, God, the Holy God. At the time that the cantor says in this blessing: "And one called unto another", the whole congregation answers: Holy, holy, holy, etc. And when he says: "Where is the place of His Glory", the whole congregation answers, they praise and they say: Blessed etc. And when he says: "In our life and in our days", the whole congregation answers: "Amen". And when he says: "By David, Your righteous Messiah", the whole congregation says: God Will Reign forever. And all these things that the community answers, he reads together with them. And he should not raise his voice at the time that they answer with him. And both the individual and the cantor, during the ten days that are from Rosh Hashanah until the Day of Atonement, say at the end of this blessing: As it says: And the God of hosts was exalted through justice, and the Holy God was sanctified through righteousness. Blessed Are You, God, the Holy King. A cantor always says kaddish before every prayer and after every prayer and after he says the order of the day. At each time that he will say the order of the day, he should beseech a little and should say kaddish. And when he will finish to read in the Torah and at every time that he will beseech with words of supplications, when he will finish his supplications he should say kaddish.
Text of the kaddish
Exalted and sanctified be His Great Name in the world which He Created according to His Will and may He Establish His Kingdom and may His Salvation blossom and may He Bring His Messiah near and may He Redeem His nation in your lives and in your days and in the lives of the entire House of Israel, speedily and in near time and say: Amen. May His Great Name be blessed forever and to all eternity. May He be blessed etc. At the time that the cantor will say: "Exalted and sanctified be His Great Name", the whole congregation answers: "Amen". And at the time that he says first: "And say: Amen", the whole congregation answers: "Amen. May His Great Name be blessed forever and to all eternity." And it is the commandment of the first Sages to answer "Amen. May His Great Name be blessed" with a man's whole strength. And when he says: "May He be blessed", the whole congregation answers: "Amen". And when he says: "Blessed is He", the whole congregation answers: "Amen". And when he says at the end: "And say: Amen", the whole congregation answers: "Amen". And in this order they answer at each and every kaddish. The last kaddish – Every kaddish that a cantor says after he finishes the prayer, that he does not say anything afterwards, but the whole congregation hears it and leaves, it is the custom of the congregation to add at its end this text: May their prayers be accepted and may they be fulfilled their supplications and their prayers and their supplications of the entire House of Israel before their Father Who is in Heaven. May there be abundant peace and help and redemption from Heaven upon you and upon us and upon the assemblies of Israel and say: Amen. He Who Makes peace in His high places, He in His Mercy Shall Make peace upon us and upon all of Israel. Amen. Kaddish of our rabbis – each ten of Israel or more that occupy themselves with the study of the Oral Torah, and even with Midrashoth or with Haggadoth, when they finish, one of them says kaddish with this text: Exalted and sanctified be His Great Name Who is Prepared to Renew the world and to Revive the dead and to Redeem the living and to Build the City of Jerusalem and to Complete the Holy Sanctuary and to Uproot foreign worship from the earth and to Restore Worship of Heaven to its place with its brightness and its unity and may He Establish His Kingdom etc., until: And consolations that are said in the world and say: Amen. Upon our rabbis and upon their disciples and upon the disciples of their disciples that occupy themselves with the Torah, that are in this place and in every place, may there be to them and to you grace and lovingkindness and compassion and help and relief from before their Father Who is in Heaven and say: Amen. May there be peace etc., and this is what is called kaddish of our rabbis. It is our custom to beseech with falling on one's face with these words and verses, at times with all of them and at times with some of them: Therefore, I kneel and bow and beseech before You, Lord of the world, God of gods and Lord of lords, for not because of our righteousnesses do we set forth our supplications before You, but because of Your many compassions. God, hear, God, forgive, God, attend and do, defer not. What shall we say before You, God? What shall we speak and how shall we clear ourselves? We have sinned, we have dealt iniquitously and we have done wickedly and we have rebelled and we have turned aside from Your commandments and from Your ordinances. Unto You, God, belongs the righteousness, and unto us, shame of the face. Our faces have blackened because of our sins and our stature has been bent because of our guiltinesses. We do not have a mouth to reply, nor a forehead to lift up our head. My God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to You, my God; for our iniquities have increased until over the head, and our guiltiness has grown up until the heavens. We do not have deeds. Do with us righteousness for Your Name's sake and save us like You Promised us by Your prophet: For My Name's sake will I defer My anger and for My Praise will I refrain for you, that I cut you not off. Not for your sake do I do, house of Israel, but for My Holy Name, which you have profaned among the nations, where you came there. Not for us, God, not for us, but for Your Name give glory, for Your mercy, for Your truth. Why should the nations say: "Where is now their God?" Please, God, do not look unto the stubbornness of this people, nor to their wickedness, nor to their sin. Pardon, please, the iniquity of this people as the greatness of Your lovingkindness, and as You have forgiven this people, from Egypt and until now; and pardon our iniquity, for it is great. God, hear. God, forgive. God, attend and do; and do not defer; for Your sake, my God, because Your Name is called upon Your city and upon Your people. It is the custom of the nation to beseech after falling on the face, when one raises his face from the ground, with these verses: And we shall not know what we shall do; but our eyes are upon You. Remember Your compassions, God, and Your mercies; for they have been from always. Do not remember against us the iniquities of the first ones. Let Your compassions speedily come to meet us; for we are brought very low. Arise, help us and redeem us for Your mercy's sake. Let Your mercy, God, be upon us as we have waited for You. If You, God, will mark iniquities, God, who will stand? For the forgiveness is with You, that You should be feared. God, save; the King shall answer us in the day of our calling. For He knew our creation; He remembers that we are dust. Help us, God of our salvation, for the sake of the glory of Your Name; and deliver us and forgive our sins for Your Name's sake. And likewise, it is the custom of the nation to beseech after the order of the day with these supplications: God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, keep this forever, for the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of Your people, and direct their heart to You. And He, the Compassionate One, shall forgive iniquity etc. For You, God, are good and forgiving, and plenteous in mercy to all those that call upon You. Your righteousness is righteousness forever and Your law is truth. Who is a God like You, Who pardons iniquity and passes by transgression? He will again have compassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities etc. Blessed is God, day by day He Bears our burden, the God, our salvation; selah. God of Hosts is with us; a High Tower for us; God of Jacob; selah. God of Hosts, praised is the man that trusts in You. Blessed is our Lord. Blessed is our Creator. Blessed is He Who Created us for His Glory and Separated us from those going astray and gave us a law of truth by our teacher Moses and planted among us a life of eternity. The Merciful One shall open our heart for the study of His law and shall place in our heart His love and His fear and His law to do His will and to worship Him with a whole heart and with a willing mind so that we should not labor in vain and we should not bring forth for terror. So may there be will and compassion before You, God, our God, that we shall live to keep Your ordinances in This World and for the days of the Messiah in order that we should merit and we should inherit goodness for the life of the World to Come; so that my glory may sing to You, and shall not be silent; God, my God, I will thank You forever. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before You, God, my Rock, and my Redeemer. It is the custom of part of the nation to read every day after these supplications the song of the psalm that the Levites used to say at the Temple in that day; and they read: "To David, unto You, God, I shall lift up my soul", the whole psalm, and they read: Said Rabbi Eleazar: Said Rabbi Hanina: Learned men increase peace etc. There is none like our God, there is none like our Lord, there is none like our King, there is none like our Savior. Who is like our God? Who is like our Lord? Who is like our King? Who is like our Savior? Let us thank our God, let us thank our Lord, let us thank our King, let us thank our Savior. You are He, our God, You are He, our Lord, You are He, our King, You are He, our Savior. You shall arise, You shall have compassion upon Zion; for it is time to be gracious unto her, for the appointed time has come. But the righteous shall give thanks to Your Name; the upright shall dwell in Your presence. And they that know Your Name shall trust in You; for You have not forsaken those that seek You, God. For all the peoples will walk, each one in the name of its god; and we will walk in the Name of God, our God, forever and ever.