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#! /usr/bin/env python
# _*_ coding: utf8 _*_
# Integrate the endnotes of [[The Public Orations of Demosthenes]] into the
# text as footnotes (using <ref> and <references />).
# This is an interactive script.
# Copyright © 2007, GrafZahl ( user)
# Licence: GPLv2
# run with standard args "-log -putthrottle:xx"

import wikipedia

# Handle args

args = wikipedia.handleArgs()

for arg in args:
	wikipedia.output(u'(WWW) Ignoring unrecognised argument %s' % arg)

# basic text tokens, etc.

summ = u'[bot] interactive endnote integration'

footnotemarker = u'[n]'
versebeginmarker = u'{{verse'
verseendmarker = u'}}' # Let's hope that's sufficient

refquestion = u'(???) What would you like to do with this footnote marker?'
refanswers = [ u'Create a new reference', u'Reuse old reference', u'Ignore footnote marker' ]
refhotkeys = [ u'C', u'r', u'i' ]
refdefault = u'C'

base_reusedref = u'<ref name="%s" />'
base_newref = u'<ref name="%s">%s</ref>'

# Function to obtain a multiline text blurb

def get_blurb(text):
	wikipedia.output(u'(???) %s' % text)
	wikipedia.output(u'(???) Please finish with <Return>.<Return>')
	result = u''
	while True:
		line = wikipedia.input(u'')
		if line == u'.':
			return result.rstrip()
		result += line + u'\n'

# Start operation

site = wikipedia.getSite()

while True:
	title = wikipedia.input(u'(???) Please enter the title of the page you want to process next:')
		page = wikipedia.Page(site, title)
		text = page.get()
	except wikipedia.Error:
		wikipedia.output(u'(EEE) Unable to obtain text from [[%s]]' % title)
	wikipedia.output(u'(III) Processing [[%s]]' % page.title())
	processed = 0
	newtext = u''
	while True:
		wikipedia.output(u'(III) Searching next footnote')
		footnotepos = text.find(footnotemarker, processed)
		if footnotepos == -1:
			wikipedia.output(u'(III) There are no more footnotes')
			newtext += text[processed:]
		versebeginpos = text.rfind(versebeginmarker, 0, footnotepos)
		if versebeginpos == -1:
			wikipedia.output(u'(WWW) Warning: footnote found at position %s with no previous verse marker, ignoring' % footnotepos)
			newtext += text[processed:footnotepos + len(footnotemarker)]
			processed = footnotepos + len(footnotemarker)
		verseendpos = text.find(verseendmarker, versebeginpos)
		if verseendpos == -1:
			wikipedia.output(u'(WWW) Warning: end of verse not found, assuming verse length of 30')
			verseendpos = versebeginpos + 30
		wikipedia.output(u'(III) Current footnote marker matches %s in context "...%s"' % ( text[versebeginpos:verseendpos + len(verseendmarker)], text[footnotepos-30:footnotepos] ))
		choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(refquestion, refanswers[:], refhotkeys, refdefault)
		if choice in [ u'i', u'I' ]:
			wikipedia.output(u'(III) OK, ignoring this footnote marker')
			newtext += text[processed:footnotepos + len(footnotemarker)]
			processed = footnotepos + len(footnotemarker)
		refname = wikipedia.input(u'(???) Please enter reference name:')
		if choice in [ u'r', u'R' ]:
			wikipedia.output(u'(III) OK, reusing reference %s' % refname)
			newtext += text[processed:footnotepos] + (base_reusedref % refname)
		else: # default: create
			refcontent = get_blurb(u'Please enter reference content')
			newtext += text[processed:footnotepos] + (base_newref % ( refname, refcontent ))
		processed = footnotepos + len(footnotemarker)
	wikipedia.output(u'(III) Difference between texts:')
	wikipedia.showDiff(text, newtext)
	choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'(???) Would you like to commit the changes?', [ u'yes', u'No' ], [ u'y', u'N' ], u'N')
	if choice in [ u'y', u'Y' ]:
		wikipedia.output(u'(III) Committing changes.')
			page.put(newtext, summ, minorEdit = False)
			wikipedia.output(u'(!!!) Please add the <references /> generator manually if necessary')
		except wikipedia.Error:
			wikipedia.output(u'(EEE) Failed to commit changes.')