User:TalBot/soft redirect maintenance/February 2009/redirects
- Abridgment of Roman History → Abridgement of Roman History
- Author:John Taylor Kay → Author:James Taylor Kay
- James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist → James Madison letter to Nicholas P. Trist
- James Madison, Letter to William Rives → James Madison letter to William Rives
- Laws (Plato)/Laws → Laws (Plato)
- The Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abba → A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abba
- The Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abbatissa → A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abbatissa
- The Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abbreviations → A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abbreviations
- The Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abda → A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Abda
- The Dictionary of Saintly Women/Acacia → A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Acacia
- The Dictionary of Saintly Women/Annofledis → A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Annofledis
- The Dictionary of Saintly Women/Anominata → A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Anominata
- The Story of Stone → The Story of the Stone
- The Times/1912/Obituary/Mr. G. K. Fortescue → The Times/1912/Obituary/George Knottesford Fortescue