Valid Objections to So-called Christian Science/Preface
To the Third Edition
The wholly unlooked for success with which this little book has met in the short time elapsed since its first issue has led the writer to hope it may prove an instrument of further good in the hands of those who may have an interest in meeting the onset of the Christian Science delusion. Since its publication, early in March of this year, the first edition has been entirely exhausted, and a special edition of 120,000 copies has been purchased for distribution to the members of the medical profession, in the United States, Canada, Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands. This end could never have been accomplished, had it not been for the helpful interest displayed by many prominent clergymen, physicians, and others who have written in appreciation of the writer's efforts, and have shown a strong desire to recommend this treatise as a preventive agent. The author wishes to express his deep appreciation of the help and encouragement thus afforded him, and to hazard the hope that the arguments set down herein may reach a still wider circle of readers, and prove of some further benefit to the cause of humanity, and sane thinking.
Christian Science is a thing we can no longer ignore. It is a force that must be seriously reckoned with. It therefore behooves those who know what it is, who comprehend what it stands for, who perceive the pitiful results it will lead to—to expose its flagrant inconsistencies and to stimulate a more searching inquiry into its transgression of the law in the province of medical practice.
The writer, by this treatise, hopes to be of some service to that large class of people to whom the Christian Scientist is constantly making appeal, and who may not at first understand how dangerous to themselves and to civilization is this modern delusion—by giving them an exposition of what Christian Science really is, by warning them of the fallacy of its teaching, and by depicting the suffering it would cause to humanity if its practice should become prevalent.
St. John's Rectory,
Yonkers, N. Y., June 15th, 1902.
Valid Objections
to So-called
Christian Science