Vida's Art of Poetry/end matter
BOOKS Printed for A. Bettesworth, at the Red Lion in Pater-noster-row.
The Art of Poetry, in 4 Canto's. Price 1s.
The Lutrin: An Heroic-Comical Poem, in 6 Canto's. To which is prefix'd, some Account of the Author's Writings, and this Translation. By N. Rowe, Esq; 3d Edition. Pr. 1s. 6d. Both by Mons. Boileau.
Esther, Queen of Persia: An Historical Poem in four Books; by John Henley, B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Pr. 1s. 6d.
A Poem on the Last Day; by Edward Young, L.L.D. Fellow of All-Souls-College, Oxon. 3d Edit. corrected. With Cuts. Pr. 1s.
The Force of Religion; or, Vanquish'd Love: A Poem, in two Books; by the same Author. Pr. 1s.
Poetical Miscellanies, on several Occasions; by Sam. Jones, Gent. Pr. 1s.
Ovid's Metamorphoses, in 15 Books; made English by several Hands; adorn'd with Cuts. 2d Edition, with great Improvements. 2 Vols. By Dr. Sewell. Pr. 6s.
Nuptial Dialogues and Debates; or, An useful Prospećt of the Felicities and Discomforts of a Marry'd Life, incident to all Degrees from the Throne to the Cottage; digested into serious, merry, and satyrical Poems, wherein Both Sexes, in all Stations, are reminded of their Duty, and taught how to be happy in a Matrimonial State; in two neat Pocket-Volumes; by the Author of the London Spy. Pr. 6s. Adorn'd with Cuts.
New Miscellaneous Poems, with five Love Letters from a Nun to a Cavalier; with the Cavalier's Answers. Pr. 1s. 6d.