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Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to Boston/Reception by German Citizens

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Boston: John Wilson and Son, page 79 and pages 85-87

453424Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to BostonReception by German CitizensSt. Botolph Club, collectively and as individuals





On Wednesday evening, March 23, Mr. Schurz was entertained at the Turn Halle by the German citizens of Boston, who tendered their distinguished countryman an enthusiastic reception. After orchestral music by the Germania band, and a part song by the singing section of the Turnverein, the chairman of the reception committee, Captain Magnitzky, announced that Professor Krauss would make the introductory address. The proceedings were in German.

The close of Mr. Schurz' address was greeted with applause as hearty as that at the beginning. Another vocal selection closed the public exercises.

A German Nachtessen, or supper, after the style of the Fatherland, was then served in the banquet hall below, where plates were laid for about two hundred guests. Mr. Henry H. Rueter presided, having Mr. Schurz at his right, and near him were Professor Krauss, Hon. Leopold Morse, S. B. Schlesinger, and other well-known German citizens.

Mr. Rueter's introductory remarks alluded to the German reception to Kossuth in the Meionaon over twenty-five years ago, and his address to them in their own language, when he spoke of the importance of the influence they would have on the institutions of their adopted country. He compared them to the salt of the earth. Mr. Rueter said that Kossuth's idea of the importance of the German influence in America had been realized in Carl Schurz; for whom he called a dreimal hoch. It was given with a vim.

Mr. Schurz responded and said, substantially, that whether he had deserved all that had been said about him in such pleasant words was doubtful; that he had striven to deserve it, however, was true. The praise was a continuous spurring on to him to do honor to the German and American names. We dwell, said he, in a grand country, and among a great and a noble folk. No one present could be prouder than he of his German blood; but no man could also feel prouder than he did of his American citizenship. No people on earth had made greater voluntary sacrifices for human liberty and for national existence than the American. Not only had they in the late war sent many hundreds of thousands of their sons to the battle-fields, but, aside from taxes, they had voluntarily contributed untold millions to ease the sufferings of our wounded. In all history there was to be found no people which would have made such offerings. Much had been said about American politics and American corruption. There was much truth in what was thus said; but it was also true that the American people were a just people, and that when their eyes were opened to such corruption, they always overthrew those responsible for it. And so it would ever be, as long as the people understood the value of their freedom. Looking at Europe, it was not too much to say that America stood as the only free country on earth. In closing, he called upon all to empty their glasses with a hoch for the American Republic,—the greatest republic that ever was, the greatest that is, and, he believed, the greatest that ever would be. Mr. Schurz' remarks were followed with hearty cheers.

Hon. Leopold Morse was called upon. He began his remarks in German, but begged the privilege of being allowed to continue in English, long use of the adopted tongue having made him more able to express himself in it. There was no man whom he felt more proud to honor than their guest. Mr. Schurz had gained his high place in the nation's councils not be wealth, but by his energy and the force of his brains. He spoke of the high services of Mr. Schurz in the Cabinet, and approved heartily his attitude toward office-seekers. Mr. Morse declared strongly in favor of legalized civil-service reform; and said that the only way to do the business of a country, as of a private concern, was to do it on business principles. He spoke of the grand tribute of such a reception as that of the previous evening; and said that to deserve such, he himself would be willing to live and die a poor man.

Pastor Schwarz said that he felt like Saul among the prophets; he was here among the political prophets. Their guest had head, heart, and conscience in the right place; and such a man was at home in any party.

Dr. de Gersdorff made a highly humorous speech; and gave reminiscences of the old German days in Boston. Dr. Conrad Wesselhoeft read an amusing poem in Knittelverse. Mr. Charles L. Rothenberg, of the “New England Stäten Zeitung,” made a spirited response for the German press of Boston. Mr. S. B. Schlesinger, German consul, spoke briefly, and sang “Die Zwei Grenadier” with such effect that another song was demanded. Mr. Louis C. Elson spoke for the young German Americans, and, like Mr. Morse, began in German and continued in English; and other remarks were made by Professor Krauss, Mr. Carl Eberhardt, Mr. Louis Prang, Max Fischacher, Esq., and Godfrey Morse, Esq.