Vivian Grey/Volume 2/Chapter 3.2

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4421382Vivian Grey, Volume 2A ColleagueBenjamin Disraeli



And Vivian was now an inmate of Kenrich Lodge. It would have been difficult to have conceived a life of more pure happiness, than that which was apparently enjoyed by its gifted master. A beautiful wife, and lovely children, and a romantic situation, and an income sufficient, not only for their own, but for the wants of all their necessitous neighbours;—what more could man wish? Answer me, thou inexplicable myriad of sensations, which the world calls human nature!

Three days passed over in most delightful converse. It was so long since Cleveland had seen any one fresh from the former scenes of his life, that the company of any one would have been delightful; but here was a companion who knew every one, every thing, full of wit, and anecdote, and literature, send fashion, and then so engaging in his manners, and with such a winning voice.

The heart of Cleveland relented: his stern manner gave way; all his former warm and generous feeling gained the ascendant: he was in turn amusing, communicative, and engaging. Finding that he could please another, he began to be pleased himself. The nature of the business on which Vivian was his guest, rendered confidence necessary; confidence begets kindness. In a few days, Vivian necessarily became more acquainted with Mr. Cleveland's disposition, and situation, than if they had been acquainted for as many years; in short,
They talked with open heart and tongue,
Affectionate and true,
A pair of friends.

Vivian, for some time, dwelt upon every thing but the immediate subject of his mission; but when, after the experience of a few days, their hearts were open to each other, and they had mutually begun to discover, that there was a most astonishing similarity in their principles, their tastes, their feelings, then the magician poured forth his incantation, and raised the once-laid ghost of Cleveland's ambition. The recluse agreed to take the lead of the Carabas party. He was to leave Wales immediately and resign his place; in return for which, the nephew of Lord Courtown was immediately to give up, in his favour, an office of considerable emolument; and, having thus provided some certainty for his family, Frederick Cleveland prepared himself to combat for a more important office.