Wanton Virgins Frightened/The Busy Crew

THE busy Crew their sails unbending,
the ship in harbour safe arriv'd,
Jack Oakham all his perils ending,
had made the port where Katty liv'd.
His rigging no one dare attack it,
tight fore and aft, above, below,
Long quarter'd shoes, check shirt, blue jacket,
with trowsers like the driven snow.
His honest heart with pleasure glowing,
he flew like light'ning to the side,
Scarce had he been a boat's length rowing,
before his Katty he espy'd.
A flowing-pennant gaily flutter'd,
from her neat made hat of straw,
Red was her cheek, when first she utter'd,
it was her sailor that she saw.
And now the gazing crew surround her,
while secure from all alarms,
Swift as a ball from a nine pounder,
they dart into each other's arms.

Printed by J. & M Robertson, Saltmarket. 1802.