Wanton Virgins Frightened/The Rejected Maid

LONG have I spent my time in vain,
By loving a young man did me disdain,
By loving a young man did me disdain,
Through woods and groves I took his part,
False is the man that has won my heart,
So deep is the wound and so great is the smart.
Why does the Heavens so decree?
That women to men such slaves should be, etc.
Their ways our hearts so easy won,
When once betray'd they are undone. When, etc.
Beauty's a flower that's fine and gay,
Young Virgin's hearts are soon betray'd, etc.
But how can we stand the pow'rs of young men?
They'll rove and range, do all we can,
They have so many ways for to trapan.
They'll bring you presents fine and gay,
Pretending in your arms to die away, etc.
Dissimulation sure in every part,
False is the man that has won my heart,
So deep is the wound, and so great is the smart.
As soon as they have the conquest won,
Straight to another girl they will run, etc.
Boasting of all they have enjoy'd,
And of your love they can't abide,
Young Cupid has my heart betray'd.
Young Virgins all be wise in love,
The jolly, fair and constant swain, The jolly, etc.
And Cupid's dart you need not fear,
Nor never seem to shed a tear,
Take the man that's just and loves you dear.