War, the Liberator, and Other Pieces/Farewell
To Sergeant H. Fraser and L.-Sergeant G. M‘Kay
WELL, you have gone now, comrades,And I shall see no moreThe gallant friendly facesFramed in my dug-out door.I had no words to tell youThe things I longed to say,But the company is emptySince you have gone away.
The company is filled nowWith faces strange to see,And scarce a man of the old menThat lived and fought with me.I know the drafts are good men,I know they’re doing well,But they’re not the men I slept withThose nights at La Boiselle.
Oh, the old days of friendshipWe shall not see again,The bitter winter trenchesAnd the marches in the rain.Bécourt, Authuille, Thiepval,Henancourt, Avelay,Their names are keys that openRemembered doors to me.
Doors that will open neverUpon this tortured land.I shall not see you ever,Or take you by the hand.Only for ancient friendship,For all the times we knew,Maybe you will rememberAs I remember you.