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Washington, A Guide to the Evergreen State/Index

From Wikisource

A Abbott, Emma, 144, 146 Aberdeen, 93, 164-174; map, 173; points of interest, 171, 174; points of interest in environs, 174 Aberdeen Herald, 167 Aberdeen Public Library, 174 Aberdeen Weekly Bulletin, 167 Adams, Let a, 126 Adams, Maude, 147 Addy, 441 Admiralty Inlet, 12, 39, 523, 637 Adrian, 329 Aeneas Valley, 452 Aeronautical Mechanics' Union, 99 Agassiz, Louis, 48S Agate, Alfred A., 129 Agate Pass, 619; Point, 621 Agriculture, 62-67 J Blaine, 472; Buck- ley. 35°; Dayton, 364, 365; Mount Vernon, 476; Pasco, 370; Walla Walla, 367; alfalfa raising, 375, 376; apple growing, 49, 65, 366, 457, 460; asparagus growing, 374; bee keeping, 376, 532; berry farming, 66, 385, 388; bulb raising, 66; cab- bage seed production, 65, 516; cattle raising, 62, 65; cherry growing, 371; cranberry growing, 66, 561; dairying, 65, 32'. 375. 385; dry farming, 65; grape growing, 371, 570; filbert growing, 66; fruit growing, 314, 315, 329. 355. 356, 357, 3". 375; flax growing, 63; greenhouses, 66, 617, 621; hog raising, 65; hop growing, 386, 388, 466; lettuce growing, 386; oats production, 64, 65; pea growing, 66, 476, 477; pear growing, 65, 376; potato growing, 467; poultry raising, 65. 383. 495'. prune growing, 66; sheep raising, 62, 63, 65, 375; stock raising, 65, 310, 359, 363, 364, 375; suear beet culture, 66; tomato grow- ing. 374; truck farming, 66, 308, 323, 346, 355, 386; wheat farming, 63, 64, 65. 326. 327. 333. 355. 357 362, 364, 366, 367, 419, 423 Agriculture in Eastern Washington, 62-64; in Western Washington, 64 Agriculture: acreage, 64, 66 Agriculture: neglect during period of settlement, 62 Agriculture: number of farms, 64 Agriculture: size of crops, 66 Agriculture: size of farms, 66 Agriculture: effect of towns upon, 64 Agriculture: value of farm products, 66 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Washington State Planning Council, 67 Agricultural Experiment Stations, 24, 67 Ahabeth Shalom, 102, 238 Ahtanum, 377 Ahtanum Mission, 155 Alaska Gold Rush, 218, 219 Alaska Shipping, 210 Alaska Steamship Company, 59 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 50, 54, 118, 138, 219, 231 Albert, Drusilla, 134 Albertson, Abraham Horace, 159 Alden, Charles Henry, 159 Alder, 529 Aldrich, S. W., 83 Alexander Blockhouse (CoupevIIle), 520 Alice D. Cooper (ship), 63, 293 AIki (Chinook jargon), 213 Alki Point, 43, 71, 211, 240, 611, 639 Alki Point Lighthouse, 241 Allen (Ethan) House Museum, 628 Allen, John B., 48 Allyn, 570 Almira, 311 Aloha, 559 Alpha Opera House (Tacoma), 147 Alpine Meadows, 22 Aluminum Company of America, 283 Alvenslaben, Count von, 322 Amanda Park, 557 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 101 American camp, 631 American Federation of Labor, 88, 89 American Gypsum Company Plant, 437

American Lead and Zinc Smelting Company, 431 432 American Legion, 641 American Newspaper Guild, 53, 93, 642 American-Pacific Whaling Company Fleet, 324 American Rand Mining Company, 452 American Railway Union, 88 American Smelting and Refining Com- pany, 262 American Youth Hostel (Whidbey Is- land), 523 Ames, Edwin, 233, 235 Amphibians, 14, 15 Amphion Society, 138 Anacortes, 632, 633 Anatone, 358 Ancon (steamer), 59 Anderson, Ada Woodruff, 123 Anderson, Mrs. Alfred H., 338 Anderson, H. P., 413 Anderson Pass, 544 Anderson, Steve, 113, 237 Andrew Danielson Library (Blaine), 472 Andrews, Lyman B., 82 Angeles Point, 549 Animal life, 13-18 Annapolis, 574 Annie Wright Seminary, 268 Anti-alien Land Ownership Law, 642 Anti-Chinese riots, 49, 217, 267, 641 Anti-Speculation Act (Columbia Basin Project), 24, 337 "Aplets," 315 Apple Blossom Festival, 296 Apple Way, 308 Appletree Cove, 7a Aquarium (Seattle), 225; (Tacoma), 275 Archibald, Norman, 127 Architecture, 154-162 Ariel Dam, 500 Arion Singing Club, 137 Arlington, 478 Armstrong, John, 490 Arrow Point, 621 Artic, 561 Arts and Crafts, 129-134; artists with official exploring expeditions, 129; artists traveling independently, 129- 130; daguerreotypes, 131; famous artists, 132-133; fine arts, organiza- tions and collections, 131-132; handi- crafts today, 130-131; Indian and pioneer arts (collections), 130; murals, 133; regionalism, 131; sculp- ture, 133-134 Ashford, 530 Asotin, 357 Asotin County Sentinel (newspaper), 357 Asotin Flour Mill, 357 Associated Employers of Washington, 91 Associated Farmers, 92 Astor, John J., 40, 459, 638 Astoria, 40, 41, 397, 638 Atkins, Henry A., 216 Attalia, 370 Auburn, 349, 384 Atwood, Albert, 122 Austin Pass, 511 Austin Guard Station, 507 Austrians, 322, 453, 575 Averill, Earl, 113 Avres and Phillips educational survey, 98 Azwell, 461 B Bacheller, Charles, 546 Bachelors' Hall (Fort Vancouver), 279 Badger Pocket, 24 Badger Mountains, 11 Bagley, Clarence, 128, 640 Bailey, George, 234 Bailey Range, 550 Bainbridge Island, 609, 619-622 Bainbridge Island Gardens, 621 Baker, Dorsey S., Dr., 58, 292, 369, 640, 641 Baker-Boyer Bank, 292, 293 Baker Hot Springs, 507 Balch, Lafayette, Capt., 484, 546 Bald Hills, 530 Ball, John, 95, 280, 638 Ballad for Americans (song), 141 Ballard, 220 Ballard, Arthur, 122 Ballard Bridge, 229 Ballard, Levi W., Dr., 385 Bancroft, A. A., 468 Baptist Young People's Society, 618 Barefoot Schoolboy Law, 98, 641 Baring, 343 Barkhuff, Mrs. Del, 113 Barkley, Charles William, Capt., 38, 549. 556, 60S, 637 Barlow, Sam, Capt., 632 Barnes, Bernard, 139 Barnes, George A., 136, 203 Barnes, Jimmie, 113 Barrier, The (motion picture), 507 Barrymore, Maurice, 147 Bartholomew's Great Western Circus, 143 Basalt Point, 615

Bashford, Herbert, 123 Ba9s, Sophie Frye, 128 Batey, David, 509 Battle Ground, 501 Bauer, Edward, 344 Bay Center, 564 Bay City, 560 Bayview, 524 Beachfield, 84 Beacon Rock, 405 Beard's Hollow, 566 Beaux Arts Village, 323 Beaver (village), 553 Beaver (steamer), 273, 608 Bebb, Charles Herbert, 159 Beck, David W., 93 Beck, George F., 331 Beck, John W., 301 Beecham, Sir Thomas, 138 Beethoven, 138 Bell, Eric Temple, 126 Bell, William N., 639 Belle Rock, 632 Bellevue, 323 Bellfair, 571 Bellingham, 49, 97, 140, 174-185; map, 182; points of interest, 183-185; points of interest in environs, 185; 609 Bellingham Bay, 73, 81, 175, 177, 179. 180, 637, 639 Bellingham Normal School, 49 (See also Western Washington College of Education) Bellingham, Port of, 180 Bellingham Public Library, 184 Bellintrham Theater Guild, 151 Bellingham, Sir William, 177 Benchmark Lookout, 344 Benjamin, Richard M., 246 Benn, Samuel, 167 Bennett, John, 179 Bennett, Nelson, 383 Benton City, 371 Benton Countv, n Berlin mining district, 78 Berne, 59, 341 Berry Patch Guard Station, 536 Beverly, 330 Big Bend Country, 8, 325 Bigclow, R. H., Dr., 322 Big Lava Bed, 402 Big Y Storage Plant, 373 Biles-Coleman Lumber Company mill, 455 Billings Hall, 293 Bingen, 399 Binns, Archie, 124 Birch Bay, 473 Bird Creek Meadows, 401 Bird Rocks, 632 Birds, 15-18 Birdsview, 510 Bissell, 435 Black Diamond, 349 Black Diamond (stern-wheeler), 57 Black Prince, the S.S., 199 Blaine, 472 Blaine, Catherine E., 214 Blaine, David E., Reverend, 214 Blake, John, 383 Blake Island, 611 Blakeley Island, 625, 631 Blanchet, A. M. A., Father, 285 Blanchet, Francois Norbert, Father, 42, IOX, 280, 494, 519, 639 Blankenship, Thomas L., 533 Blethen, Alden J., 234 Blewett, 301 Blewett Summit, 77, 298, 315 Blockhouses, construction of, 154 Blue Creek, 441 Blue Glacier (Mt. Olympus), 601, 606 Blue Mountains, 8, 9, 361 Blue Mountain Cannery (Walla Wal- la), 363 Blue Mountain Pea Cannery, (Monte- sano), 394 Blue Ridge, 536 "Blue sky" laws, 52 Blueslide, 430-431 Blyn, 548 "Board Foot," 170 Bodega y Quadra, Juan Francisco de la, 38. 39, 533. 559, «37 Boeing Aircraft Company, 61, 99, 160, 240, 482, 643 Boeing Field, 240 Bogue, Virgil, 448 Bolles, Tom, 113 Bone, Homer T., 92, 169, 542 Bonneville, Benjamin L. E., Captain, 41, 281, 358, 364, 403, 638 Bonneville Dam, 4, 28, 53, 283, 403, 642 Bonneville Observation Tower, 404 Boren, Carson D., 639 Borst Blockhouse, 491 Bossburg, 79 Bonanza Mine, 79 Bothell, 321, 480 Boulder Creek Cave, 379 Boulder Glacier, 511 Boulct, J. B., Father, 503 Boundary Dispute, 523, 626, 629, 631. 640, 641 Bowes, Major Edward, 119 Bowman, Amos, 633

    1. p. 657 (#779) ############################################

I N D ex 657 Box Canyon (near Ione), 431; (near Packwood), 537 Boyds, 439 Boy Scouts, 106 Brackett, George, 481 Bradford and Company, 57 Bradley, John Hodgaon, Io Brant, Joseph, 282 Bremerton, 609, 611-614, 640 Brenner, J. J., Oyster Packing Plant, 2O5 Bretz, Harlan J., 488 Brewster, 459 “Bridge of the Gods,” 403 Bridgeport, 459 Brier, Howard, 126 Briggs, Albert, 546 Brigham, Dennis, 188 Brinnon, 544 British Admiralty, 625 Brix, Herman, 113, 237 Broderick, R. G., Dr., 105 Broken Point, 628 Brookdale, 526 Brooks, Richard H., 133 Brophy, John, 493 Broughton, C. J., 364 Broughton, W. R., Lieutenant, 279, 412, 637 Brown, William, 177, 178 Brown, Zenith Jones, 126 Brown's Butte, 311 Brown's Point, 556 Brown's Resort, dude ranch, 339 Browne, J. J., 247 Browne, Maurice, 151 Bryan, William Jennings, 88 Buck Creek Pass, 34o Buckley, 35o Buckley, John M., 489 Bucoda, 489 Budd, J. S., 436 Budd Inlet, 202, 203 Buddhists, Ioz Buena, 375, 466 Buffalo Rock, 358 Bull, William, 621 Burbank, 37o Burglon, Nora, 126 Burley, 57.1 Burley Lagoon, 57.1 Burlington, 475 Burnett, 351 Burton, 618 Bush, George W., 488 Bush Point, 523 Bush Prairie, 488 Byles, D. F., 392 Cady Pass, 344 Cahill, Holger, 132 Caldwash Bottom, 397 California Packing Company Plant (Yakima), 304 Call of the Wild, The (motion pic- ture), 507 Callahan, Kenneth, 132, 133 Callender's Colored Minstrels, 143, 146 Callista (boat), 9o Callow, Russell, 113 Camano Island, 477, 519, 523 Camels, 461 Camas, 407 Cameron, Basil, Dr., 138 Camfferman, Peter Marinus, 131 Camp Electron (CCC), 352 Camp Fire Girls, 106 Camp Lewis, 51, 642 Camp Moran (CCC), 626, 627 Camp Murray, 485 Camp Wesley Harris Rifle Range, 57.1 Campbell Hill (Hoquiam), 166 Campbell, “Scotty,” 113 Canadian Pacific Railway, 253 Cannon, A. M., 247, 248 Cannon Hill (Spokane), 244 Cannon, William, 71 Canoe Island, 631 Cantwell, Robert, 123 Cap Sante, 633 Cape Disappointment, 39, 637; Light- house, 567 Cape Flattery, 553, 637 Cape Hancock, 83 Cape Horn, 406 Capitol Group, 207 Capitol Hill (Seattle), 212 Captain George Pickett House, 183 Carbonado, 352 Carbon River Canyon, 82 Caribou Trail, 298 Carlisle, 559 Carlisle Lumber Plant, 531, 532 Carlson, 534 Carlton, 460 Carnation, 321 Carnation Milk Products Farms, 65, 321 Carnation Ormsby Butter King, 65 Carr, Job, 154, 265, 266, 275 Carroll, Charles, 112 Carr Inlet, 571, 574 Carson, 402 Carrie Ladd (steamboat), 56 Carter, Dudley, 133 Cascade Crest Trail, 109, 537 Company

Cascade Locks, 282 Cascade Range, Cascade Mountains, 7, 10, 380 Cascade Tunnel, 7, 59, 341 Cascades of the Columbia, 47, 57 Cascades Railroad Company, 57 Casey, Silas, Col., 384, 523 Cashmere, 24, 315 Cashup, 424 Castle Rock, 496, 497; (Roslyn), 317 Cataldo, J. M., Father, 102, 247 Catalyst (boat), 237, 629 Cathlamet, 84, 411 Catholics, 97 Catlin, Seth, 410 Cedar Canyon mining district, 310 Cedar Mountain Coal mine, 348 Cedar River watershed, 219 Cedarville, 490 Cedonia, 435 Celilo Falls, 57, 397 Cenozoic era, 10, 11 Centennial Flouring Mill, 259 Central Lutheran Church (Tacoma), 264 Central Valley High School, 308 Central Washington College of Educa- tion, 49, 97, 464 Centralia, 91, 98, 140, 490-492 Centralia Armistice Day outbreak, 91, 642 Century of Progress, 105 Chambers, David, house, 486 Chambers Prairie, 102 Chambers, Thomas M., 484 Champney, Elizabeth Williams, 126 Champoeg, 42, 639 Channeled Scablands, 12 Chaplin, Charlie, 149 Chase, H. M., 364 Chattaroy, 417 Chatter Creek Guard Station, 340 Chebaulip, 265 Chehalis, 140, 492, 493 Chehalis Point Lighthouse, 166 Chehalis River, 165, 167 Chehalis Valley Chronicle, 393 Chelan, 461, 462 Chelan County, 78, 295 Chelan Falls (village), 461 Chelan mining district, 461 Chelan National Forest, 25, 297 Chelan River Gorge, 461 Chelan Station, 461 Cheney, 49. 97. 445 Cheney Weeder Company Plant, 445 Chesaw, 451 Chewelah, 81, 441 Chewelah mining district, 79 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pa- cific Railroad, 50, 59, 220, 253, 318, 642 Chico, 572 Chief Lawyer Monument (Walla Wal- la), 294 Chief Seattle Monument, 227 Chilberg, R. A., 267 Children's Free Creative Art School, 221 Chillowist Trail, 458 Chinese, 49, 79, 84, 85, 419, 437, 618 Chinese Museum (Tacoma), 274 Chinook (town), 567 Chinook Pass, 7, 380 Chinook wind, 362, 380 Chi rouse, E. C, Father, 479 Chittenden, Hiram, Gen., 122 Chronicle (Vancouver), 282 Christian (denomination), 102 Chuckanut Drive, 185, 474 Chuckanut Island, 623 Church Grape Juice Company, 371 Church of the Epiphany (Chehalis), 492 Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Everett), 161 Church of the Holy Communion, 263 Church of the Immaculate Conception (Steilacoom), 263 Circle Dude Ranch, 469 City Light Building, 160, 224 "City of Destiny," 271 City of Tacoma hydroelectric plant, 529 Civic Auditorium (Everett), 195 Civic Auditorium Group, 228 Civic Building (Spokane), 255 Civil War, 46-47 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) selection, 104 Clallam Bay, 552 Clallam County, 80 Claquato, 156, 492, 493 Clark, 454 Clark County, 65, 66, 278, 281 Clark County Courthouse, 285 Clark, John Hudson, 189 Clark Park (Everett), 197, 198 Clark, William, Capt., 40, 101 Clarkston, 356 Clayton, 443 Clear Fork Guard Station, 537 Cle Elum, 316 Cle Elum mining district, 80 Cle Elum Ranger Station, 317 Cle Elum River Road, 340 Cleveland, Grover, President, 48 Cliff Island, 6a8 Cliff Park (Spokane), 260 Cliffdell, 379

Climate, 8, 9 Clinton, 524 Clipper Ship St. Paul, 229 Close, Benjamin, Reverend, 203 Cloverland, 357 Coast Guard Air Base, 549 Coast Guard and Naval Radio Com- pass Station, 565 Coast Guard Base, 560 Coast Guard Station, 554 Coast Range, 10 Cochran, J. G., 490 Cochrane, Ben, 123 Coffin Rock, 411 Cohasset, 560 Colbert, 417 Colby, 574 Colby, Charles L., j88 Coleman, Edmund T., 129, 508 Coleman Ferry Terminal, 160 Colfax, 425 College of Puget Sound, 97, 140, 268, 274 Collins, Bertrand, 123 Colonial Glacier, 515 Colton, 428 Columbarium, 630 Columbia (ship), 39, 166 Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad, 217 Columbia Bar, 281 Columbia Barracks, 281 Columbia Basin, 8 Columbia Basin Irrigation League, 642 Columbia Basin Project, 337 Columbia Beach, 524 Columbia City, 220 Columbia National Forest, 25 Columbia Plateau, 11 Columbia River, 278, 279, 295 Columbia River Archeological Society, 30, 298 Columbia River Bridge, 297 Columbia River Canyon, 461 Columbia River Flour Milling plant, 3" Columbia River Gap, 299, 369 Columbia Street Warehouses (Wen- atchee), 298 Columbian Exposition (Chicago), 82 Columbian, The (newspaper), 43, 71, 83, 114, 203, 230, 639 Columbus Tree, 582 Colville Indian Agency, 35 Colville mining district, 77, 79, 80 Colville National Forest, 25, 298 Colvos Rock, 615 Comeford, James P., 478 Comet (stern-wheeler), 57 Commencement Bay, 262, 264, 265, 639 Committee for Industrial Organiza- tion (CIO), 93. 94 Community Church (Longview), 161 Community Fund, 106 Conconully, town, lake, reservoir, 77, 79, 457 Concordia Singing Society, 249 Concrete, 81, 510 Concrete Limestone quarry, 510 Condit Cabin, 311 Congregation alists, 102 Conibear, Hiram, 112 Council, 447 Council's Prairie, 640 Connell Prairie Block House, 351 Conner Museum, 130 Conservatory of Music (Whitman Col- lege), 293 Considine, John, 149 Consolidated Builders, Incorporated (Coulee Dam), 336 Constitution ("Old Ironsides"), 619,626 Constitutional Convention, 47, 48 Continental Coal mines, 349 Council of Jewish Women, 106 Conway, 476 Cook, Francis H., 247, 418 Cook, Henry D., 600 Cook, James, Capt., 38, 40, 637 Cook, Mortimer, 509 Cook (town), 402 Cooke, Jay, 59, 266 Coons, L. E. V., 282 Co-operatives, 67; Cap Sante (fish packing), 633; Edmonds (shingle mill), 481; Enumclaw (creamery, etc.), 384; Grayland (cranberries), 561; Gray's River (dairy), 413; Kalama (berry), 599; Monroe (self- help), 346; Poulsbo (Kitsap), 572; Sunnyside (Christian co-operative), 373; Yakima Valley (farmers), 63, 373; Washington Co-operative Egg and Poultry Association, 67, 384, 500, 572, 575; Washington Co-op- erative Chick Association, 183. Copalis, 558 Copeland, R. L., 410 Copper City, 379 Corbett, Don Carlos, 297 Cordray's Theater, 146, 147 Cornell brothers, 136 Cornell, Katherine, 150 Cornish School, 140, 141, 219 Cornish Theater, 151 Corrigenda Guard Station, 544 Cornet Bay, 519 Cort, John, 145, 147. 148

Cosgrove, Samuel G., Gov., 50 Cosmopolis, 561 Cosmopolis Indian Treaty Grounds, '74 Costello, Joseph A., 121 Cottle, Samuel H., 545 Cottonwood Springs, 310 Coues, Elliott, 120 Coulee City, 312, 337 Coulter, Samuel, 489 County-City Building, 159, 223 County Seats, contests for, Davenport- Sprague, 310; Everett-Snohomish, 347; South Bend-Oysterville, 565 Coupe House, 68, 521, 522 Coupe, Thomas, Captain, 156 Coupeville, 520, 522 Covington House, 155, 156, 287 Covington, Richard, 136, 280, 287 Cowgill, Robert P., 417 Cowlitz Convention, 639 Cowlitz Landing, 639 Cowlitz Mission, 42 Cowlitz Pass Trail, 537 Cowlitz Prairie, meeting at, 44 Cowlitz (steamer), 58 Cox, H. D., Colonel, 301 Cox, Ross, 120 Coxey's Army, 88, 268 Craig, David Sbeetz, 140 Craig, William, 356 Crane Island, 628 Cram, Ralph Adams, 158 Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. E. G., 283 Crawford, Peter, 497 Creative Art Class, 131 Creeks: Adams, 536; Arkansas, 58; Bear, 511; Big Sandy, 511; Charlies, 560; Devil, 379; French, 340; Frosty, 340; Glacier, 536; Goblin, 344; Gold, 460; Goodell, 512; Graves, 558; Indian, 340; Judd, 618; Kiona, 555; Klickitat, 469; Latah, 420; Le- land, 340; Little Sandy, 511; Morse, 380; Muck, 528; Newhalem, 513; Power, 340; Quartz, 544; Reeser, 463; Ruby, 77; Ruth, 505; San Juan, 343; Scatter, 454; Shuksan, 507; Sil- ver, 536; Sinlahekin, 457; Sloan, 344; Swauk, 79; Squalicum, 176; Swamp, 503; Swift, 507; Thornton, 512; Tucannon, 363; Van Epps, 340; Wells, 504; Whatcom, 71; Wilson, 330. [See also Mount Rainier Na- tional Park and Olympic National Park.] Creosote, 630 Crescent Beach, 627 Creston, 310 Croats, 317, S75 Crockett Blockhouse, 523 Crosby, Bing, 119, 140, 153 Crow Creek Guard Station, 379 Crowley, H. T., Reverend, 247 . Crown Willamette Paper Company Plant, 407 Crowther, James E., Reverend, 152 Croxton, A L., 612 Curtis, Edward S., 121 Crystal Springs, 620 Cummings, Constance, 153 Cushman, Francis W., 49 Cushman Project, 4, 27 Cusick, 430 Custer, 473 Cutler, Lyman A., 46 Cutter, Mrs. Emily H., 326 Cypress Island, 625, 632 Cyrus, J., 329 D Dabop Bay, 544 Daisy, 43 5 Dalco Passage, 618 Dalkena, 429 Danest 383 Danville, 453 Dardanelles, 340 Darrington, 480 Darst Farm, 520 Dartford, 443 Daughters, Ray, 113 Davenport, 310 Davenport, J. C, 310 David Blockhouse, 523 David, John D., 489 Davies, Mary Carolyn, 127 Davis, H. L., 124 Davis, Louis H., 493 Davis, James H., 424 Davis, Jefferson, 390 Davis (Mary C.) House Museum, 630, 631 Dayton, 364 Dead Man's Hollow, 566 Deakin's Lilliputian Comic Opera Company, 144 Debs, Eugene, 88 Decatur, Stephen, 632 Decatur (sloop-of-war), 215, 620 Decatur Island, 632 Deception Pass, 12, 518 Deception Pass Bridge, 518 Deep Creek, 309 Deep River (town), 413 Deer Harbor, 628 Deer Park, 443 Deer Trail, 79

De Forest, Lee, 118 De Grassi, Father, 296 De Lin, Nicholas, 264, 265, 641 Demers, Modeste, Father, 42, 280, 639 Deming, 502 Democrats, 50, 51, 52 Denison, 443 Denny, Arthur A., 121, 213, 638 Denny, David, 213, 228 Denny Hall, 218, 231, 234 Denny Hill, 219, 228 Denny Park, 228 Department of Business Control, 51 Department of Conservation and De- velopment, 51 Department of Public Works, 51 De Rouge, Etienne, Father, 455 Deschutes River, 202 De Smet, P. J., Father, 101, 120, 259, 430 Des Moines, 482-483 Destruction Island, 556 Devil's Playground, The, 625 Diablo Dam and Power House, 514 Diamond Match Company, 416 Diamond Match Company Plant, 430 Dieringer, 387 Direct primary law, 50, 641 Discovery Bay, 545 Dishman, 308 Dishpan Gap, 344 Disque, Brice P., Col., 90 Dixie, 367 Dobbs, Hugh B., 119 Dobie, Gil, 112 Dockton, 617, 618 Dodd, Charles, Capt., 523 Dodge, 362 Dodge, John, 563 Doebay, 626 Donald, 376 Donation Land Claim Law, 156, 638 Dose Meadows, 544 Dotv, C. A., 499 Double Bluff, 614 Doughty, Dr. J. W., 113 Douglas, 313 Douglas, David, 280, 380 Douglas, Stephen A., 44 Dow (Thomas J.) House, 521 Down River Park (Spokane), 258 Downing, J. J., 246 Drake, Francis, 637 Drayton, Joseph, 129 Drew, John, 147 Driftwood Island, 435 Drury, 340 Dry Alkali Lake, 312 Dry Coulee, 312 Dryden, 315 Dryad, 493 Dubilier, William, 118 Duckabush, 543 Duff Opera Company, 147 Dungeness, 548 Duniway, Mrs. Abigail Scott, 541 Dunkards, 373, 452 Dupont, 485 Dupont Powder Company Plant, 485 Durbee, Jonathan, 409 Durkin, Jimmie, 250, 253 Dust storms, 448 Dusty, 425 Dutch, 130, 466, 473, 519 Dutra, Mortie and Olin, 113 Duvall, 321 Duwamish Head, 611 Duwamish River, a11, 213, 220 Dve's Inlet, 571 E Eagle Cliff, 411 Eagle Forest Guard Station, 551 Eagle Harbor, 619 Earthquakes, 9 East Farms, 307 East Sound, 627 East Stanwood, 476 East Washington (newspaper), 361 East Wenatchee, 296, 314 Eastern Washington College of Educa- tion (Cheney), 49, 97, 445 Eastern Washington Sportsmen's Asso- ciation, 315 Eastern Washington State Historical Society, 130, 260 Eastern Washington State Hospital for the Insane, 445 Easton, 318 Eatonville, 528 Ebey, Isaac N., 203, 522, 523 Ebey (Jacob) Blockhouse, 522 Ebey's Landing, 522 Ebey sandy loam, 516 Ebright, Ky, 113 Edgar Rock, 379 Edison Vocational School, 98 Edison's Unique Theater, 149 Ediz Hook, 549 Ediz Hook Lighthouse, 549 Edmonds, 480. 481. 614 Edmondson, "Hec," 113, 237 Edson, John M., 184 Education, 95-100; financial support of, 98; higher education (in early days), 96; pioneer and missionary period, 95-96; private institutions of higher education, 96, 97-98; State institu- tions of higher education, 96, 97; »

Statehood, period of, 97-1oo; terri- torial period, 96-97; Workers' Edu- cation, 99; Work Projects Adminis- tration (WPA) educational program, 99-100 [See also names of schools, colleges and universities.] Education Center (Seattle), 106 Edwards, "Turk," 112 Eells, Cushing, Reverend, 95, 97, 101, 245, 246, 442, 638 Eells, Myron F., 121, 368 Egbert brothers, 329 Egg Butte, 537 Eight-hour day for women, 50 Elbe, 530 Eldon, 543 Eldridge, Edward, Captain, 177 Electron, 388 Elisa Anderson (steamboat), 57 Eliza Island, 623 Eliza, Juan Francisco, de, 39, 177, 5°7, S18, 545, 549. 623, 624, 625, 627, 631, 632. 636 Elk Park, 557 Elkhorn Guard Station, 550 Ella Higginson Home, 184 Ellensburg, 49. 5°, 97. 46+ Elliott Bay, 210, a11, 213, 214, 609 Elliott Point, 188 Ellisford, 452 Ellisport, 617 Ellsworth, 408 Elma, 39'. 39* Elshin, Jacob, 133 Eltopia, 447 Elwell, Pleasant H., 481 Elwha Ranger Station, 550 Emmons, Samuel F., 582 Enabling Act (to permit organ1zation as a state), 48 Engberg, Paul, 140 English Blockhouse, 630 English Camp, 630 Enterprise (steamer), 393 Entiat, 462 Entiat Valley, 295, 462 Entomological Research Laboratory (Sumner), 387 Enumclaw, 350, 383 Ephrata, 329 Episcopalians, 102 Esther Short Park, 283 Evangeline Hotel (Seattle), 106 Evans, 437 Evans, Elwood, 121 Everest, Wesley, 91 Everett, 186-200; map, 196; po1nts of interest, 195-200; points of interest in environs, 200; 609, 637 Everett Memorial Park, 198 Everett, Port of, 194 Everett Public Library, 160, 195 Everett Pulp and Paper Company mill, 198 Everett Symphony Orchestra, 140 Ewan, 424 Ewart, James, Captain, 425 Exact, the (ship), 213 F Factoria Nursery Gardens, 323 Fairfax, 352 Fairbanks, Avard, 133, 485 Fairhaven, 179, 180 Fairhaven Park and Rosegarden, 185 Fairy (steamboat), 57 Fall City, 321 Falls: Bear, 343; Cascade, 626; Eagle, 343; Florence, 343; Jennings, 536; Kettle, 439; Klickitat, 398; Ladder Creek, 513; Lilliwaup, 543; Meta- line, 429, 431; Nooksack, 504; Pa- louse, 363 ; Snoqualmie, 320; Spokane, 258; Sunset, 343; Tap-Tap, 37a; White River, 342 [See also Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park.] Famous Washington sports figures, 112 Farm Security Administration, 107 Farmer, Frances, 150 Farmer-Labor Party, 92, 269 Farr, Bolin, 426 Fauntleroy Cove, 616 Fay, Robert C, Captain, 213 Federal Building (Spokane), 255 Federal River and Harbor Funds ap- portionment (1860-1888), 48 Federal Social Security Board, 104 Federal Theater, 153 Feister, Henry, 566 Fell, J. J, 72 Ferndale, 474 Ferry, Elisha P., Gov., 48 Ferry, C. P., 273 Ferry County, 80 Ferry Museum, 132 Fibre Boards Products, Inc. (Sumner), 387 Fidalgo, Salvador, Lieut., 553, 639 Fidalgo Island, 517, 632, 633 Fields, W. C, 147 Fife, 483 "Fifty-four-forty or fight," 43, 281, 639 Filipinos, 93 Fillmore, Millard, Pres., 44 Filuce Bay, 571 Finlay, Joco, 245 Finns, 130, 413, 498, 501, 560, 561

Fir Point, 406 Fir lands Sanatorium, 4S1 First Apple Tree, 286 First Baptist Church (Tacoma), 264 First Congregational Church (Taco- ma), 264 First Golf, 108 First Hill (Seattle), 212 First Missions in Oregon country, 42 637, 638 First Protestant Church north of Co- lumbia, 136 First public officials of Washington, 48 First railroad in Washington, 57 First steam locomotive in state, 57 First theatrical musicans, 136, 137 "First Washington" (volunteer regi- ment), 49 Fish conservation, 27, 28 Fish, food and game, 13 Fish Hatcheries: Baker, 511; Biddle, 408; Crab Creek, 329; Falls Creek National Forest Camp, 558; Kalama River Salmon, 498; Lewis River, 500; Samish State Salmon, 475; Sil- ver Creek, 381; State Hatchery (near Clear Fork Guard Station), 537; State Hatchery (Lake Crescent), 551; State Trout Hatchery No. 1, 320; Voight, 388 Fish Lake Guard Station, 318 Fisher, 408 Fisher Flouring Mills Company Plant (Seattle), 160, 241 Fisheries, 82-86, 553, 554, 572, 575; by- products, 85, 86; canning, 84; crab fishing, 539; depletion of resources, 85; early history of, 83, 84; early machinery used in, 84, 85; economic value of in 1910, 85; new methods, 86; oyster culture, 85, 86, 540, 541, 545. 559. 563. 564. 575; regulatory legislation, 85; salmon fishing, 499 [see also Salmon]; size of catch, 85-86; smelt fishing, 498; whaling, 84, 324; workers and wages, 86 [see also Salmon]. Fishing Fleet Harbor (Seattle), 229 Fishing Rocks, 566 Fitzpatrick, Charles L., 565 Flagstaff (sent to Paris Exposition), 72 Flaherty, Ed, 113 Fleischmann Yeast Plant, 387 Fletcher Bay, 621 Flett's violet, 18 Football teams, 112 Flour mill wheels, 283 Fobes, P. W., 346 Forest Camps: Bagley Creek, 505; Bagnall's, 511; Baker Lake, 511; Big Bear Lake, 342; Boulder Creek, 511; Bridge, 504; Bridge Creek, 340; Chiwaukum, 340; Cold Springs, 557; Commonwealth Creek, 319; Cotton- wood, 378; Dalles, 382; Denny Creek, 319; Diamond Meadows, 544; Douglas Fir, 504; Eightmile, 340; Elkhorn, 544; Elwha, 550; Excelsior, 504; Falls Creek National, 558; Ga- lena, 505; Graves Creek, 543; High- wood, 505; Ingalls Creek, 315; July Creek, 557; Killen Creek, 536; Ki- zer, 508; Lake Tyee, 553; La Poel, 551; Little Naches, 379; Little Park Creek, 511; Little Soda Springs, 402, 403; Miller River Lodge, 343; Mineral Springs, 316; Money Creek Park, 343; Muncaster, 557; Nine Mile, 504; Nine Stream, 543; Nobel Creek, 318; Nook sack, 504; North Fork, 535; Rocky Run, 319; Salmon Meadows, 457; Sawmill Flats, 379; Scenic, 342; Silver Fir, 505; Silver Springs, 382; Soda Springs, 537; Spirit Lake, 496; Spruce Spring, 361; Staircase, 542; Taklahk Pond, 536; Teal, 361; Troublesome Creek, 343; Trout Creek, 402; Verlot, 479 [See also Olympic National Park] Forest Park (Everett), 199 Forks, 555 Fort Lewis Military Reservation, 528 Fort Rains Blockhouse, 403 Forts: Bellingham, 178; Canby, 566; Casey, 583; Columbia, 567; Colvile, site of, 76, 245, 436, 638; Colville, site of, 441; George Wright, 243, 258; Lawton, 228, 609; Lewis, 269, 274, 485; Nez Perce', site of, 638; Nesqually, 68, 275, 485, 486, 638, 639; Okanogan, site of, 41, 459, 638; Simcoe, 153, 648; Spokane (Astor's), site of, 245, 434, 638; Spokane (U.S.), site of, 434; Steilacoom, site of, 43, 58, 265, 273, 483, 639; Van- couver, site of, 41, 42, 68, 101, 280, 281, 286, 483, 639; Walla Walla [see Nez Perce']\ Walla Walla (U.S.), site of, 41, 46, 369, 638; Ward, 611, 620; Worden, 546 Fossil Bay, 627 Foster, Stephen, 136 Foster, Michael, 124 Foulweather Bluff, 614 Four Lakes (town), 444 Forest (town), 494

Foyston, Frank, 113 Franchere, Gabriel, 120 Franklin County, 12 Fraser River (gold rush), 178, 215 Frazier, Mary Crawford, 123 Freeland, 524 Free Methodists, 97 Fremont, John C, 41, 280 French, 466 French, R. E., 147 French Renaissance, architecture, 158 Frenchman Hills, 11, 330 Friday Harbor, 629 Frozen Fish Museum, 241 Fruitland, 434 Frye Opera House, 217 Fulkerson, Peter, 281 Fuller, George W., 127 Furth, Jacob, 326 Fur trade, 38, 39 Fusionists, 49 G Gaiety Theater (Walla Walla), 147 Gambel, Thomas L., 316 Game conservation, 28 Game Preserves, Yakima River, 373 Gardiner Cave, 431 Gardner, Dr. David, 281 Garfield, 422 Garnett, Robert Selden, Major, 468 Gas Ice Corporation plant, 396 Gass, Patrick, 120 Gatzert, Bailey and Babette, Founda- tion for Child Welfare, 232 Geiger Field U.S. Army Air Base, 260 "General Jack Rag," 142 Genung, Ed, 113 Geology, 9-12, 312, 313, 331, 355, 368, 370, 380, 398, 401, 415, 416, 419, 420, 451, 530, 608 George Emory, the (ship), 264 George Washington Memorial Bridge, 229 George Washington Statue (Lorado Taft), 235 Georgian Colonial, 156 Germans, 49, 138, 328, 446 Gifford, 435 Gig Harbor, 73, 575 Oilman, John, 617 Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park, 11, 331 Givan, Harry, 113 Glaciation of the Puget Sound Regions, 488 Glacial period, 11, 12 Glacier, 503 Glacier CCC Camp, 503 "Glad Hand," 170 Gladding, McBean Company plant, 322 Glendale, 524 Git'noma, 534 Globe Theater (Spokane), 247 Glover, James Nettle, 246 Goat Rocks Primitive Area, 537 [See also Recreational area: Tieton.] Goddard, Ed, 112 Goethals, G. W. Gen., 336 Goetz, "Dutch Jake," 253 Gold Bar, 344 Gold, discovery of; in Alaska, 49; in early days, 76, 77; in Eastern Wash- ington, 46, 78; in Western Washing- ton, 78 Golden Jubilee, 54, 642 Goldendale, 24, 469 Goldman, Emma, 570 Gompers, Samuel, 89, 269 Gonzaga Museum, 259 Gonzaga University, 97, 140, 247, 259 Good Hope Dairy, 383 Goodwill Industries, 106 Goose Prairie, 379 Gooseberry Point, 474 Gophers, 333 Gorge Power plant (Seattle City Light), 513 Gotchen Creek Guard Station, 401 Gould, Carl F., 159 Gould, Dorothy Fay, 128 Gould, John, 72, 522 Goutre, Peter, 72 Gove House, 569 Government, 54-55; state, 54-55; coun- ty, 55 I city, 55 Governor's Mansion, 161, 208 Gowen, Dr. Herbert, 126 Graham, John, 159, 485 Grand Coulee, 8, 12 Grand Coulee, chasm, 333, 335 Grand Coulee Dam, 4, 12, 24, 28, 53, 254. 297, 332. 333, 335-337, 433. «+2. 643 Grand Coulee, lake to form, 439 Grand Coulee (town), 334 Grand Mound, 489 Grand Opera House, 148 Grandview, 373 Grandview Cold Storage plant, 373 Grange, 63 (first local); 66, 432 Granger, 375 Granger, Walter N., 373, 374, 375 Granite Falls, 479 Grant County, 12 Grant Memorial, 286 Grant, Ulysses S., Pres., 47, 501, 559

Grapeview, 570 Gray, Robert, Capt., 39, 40, 83, 166, 5*7. «37 Gray, W. H., 101 Grayland, 560 Grays Harbor, 40, 165-174; Port of, 173, 560, 637 Grays Harbor County, 66 Grays Harbor County Courthouse, 394 Grays Harbor Junior College, 98 Grays Harbor News, 167 Grays Harbor Pulp and Paper Com- pany plant, 170, 171 Grays River (village), 413 Grazing lands, 23 "Great Circle" route to the Orient, 210 Great Northern Railroad, 48, 59, 88, 189, 217, 250, 269, 296, 641 Great Northern steamship line, 218 Greek Revival, 157 Green Bank Farm, 523 Green River Gorge, 349, 385 Green Acres, 308 Greenbank, 523 Greenwater, 382 Gregg, Vean, 113 Grew, David, 357 Griffin, Charles J., 46 Griffin Bay, 631 Griffin (W.R.) House Museum, 627 Grosscup, Benton S., 371 Grotto, 343 Group of Twelve, 132 Growler (steamer), 519-520 Guemes Channel, 632 Guemes Island, 632 Guggenheim Hall and Wind Tunnel, 236 Guler, 401 Gunther, Dr. Erna, 122 Gusten, Paul Morgan, 132 H Hadley, Henry, 138, 219 Haida Point, 628 Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas—his Pilgrimage, 37, 549 Halfway Flat, 379 Hall, Josef Washington, 127 Haller, Granville O., Col. 45, 156 Hamilton, 510 Hamilton mining district, 80 Hamma Hamma Bay, 543 Hammersley Inlet, 540 Hancock, Samuel, 553 Handforth, Thomas Schofield, 132 Hanford, Cornelius, 122 Hanging Glacier, 505 Hannegan Pass, 505 Hanson, Ole, 90, 609 Hanson and Ackerman Mill, 265 Hansville, 614 Harbor Island, 211, 611 Harbor Plywood plant (Aberdeen), 171. 174 Harborview burn treatment, 105 Harding Memorial, 230 Hardman, F. B., 503 Harney, Henry S., Gen., 441 Harper's Magazine, 129 Harriman, E. H., 253 Harrington, 326 Harris, Dan, 179 Harris, Spencer, 113 Harrison, Benjamin, Pres., 48, 641 Harrison, Joseph B., 126 Harrison, S. J., 374 Hart, Louis F., Gov., 50 Hartford, 479 Hartley, Roland H., Gov., 51 Hartline, 312 Hart's Pass, 461 Haskell's Royal Marionettes, 143 Hastings, Loren B., 546 Havermale Island, 243, 247 Havermale, S. G, Reverend, 247 Havillah, 451 Hay, Marion E., Gov., 150 Haupman, Liborius, 139 Hayes River Guard Station, 544 Hayward, Harry C, 144 Hazel, 478 Hazelwood, 323 H. C. Page, the (ship), 178 Health certification, 52 Hearst, Gottfried, 140 Heath, Frederick, 158 Heath, Geoffrey, 113 Heceta, Bruno, 38, 556, 549, 637 Heddington, T., 129 Hein, Mel, 112 Henry, Alexander, 120 Henry Art Gallery, 131, 235 Henry Duffv Players, 150 Henry Suzzalo Memorial Library, 232, 233 Hercules Ranch, 446 Hercules Sandstone Company, 489 Herndon, William H., 372 Hewitt, Henry, 177, 178 Hewitt, Henry, Jr., 188, 189 Hicklin, J. T, 56, 465, 466 Higginson, Mrs. Ella, 123 High School Music Festival, 141 Highline Canal, 297 Hill, Adam, 193 Hill, James J., 59, 192, 250 Hill, Samuel, 396

Hill Memorial Park, 472 Hines, Augustus, Reverend, 361 Hislop Sheep Pens, 375 History of American Labor mons), 91 History of Washington (Snowden), 108 Hoate, John, 276 Hoecken, Father, missionary, 43o Holbrook, R. B., 520 Holladay, Ben, 368 Holladay Stage Lines, 57 Holden, Thomas A., 413 Holler, G. O., Major, 468 Hollingbery, “Babe,” 112 Hollingsworth, H. S., 425 Hollycroft Gardens, 576 Holman, Charles, 58 Holmes Harbor, 523 Holmes, Silas, 523 Holy Communion Church (Tacoma), (Com- 263 Holy Rosary Church (Seattle), 161 ; (Tacoma), 263 Home, 570, 57.1 Home Valley, 402 Hong Wanji Buddhist Temple (Ta- coma), 264 Hood Canal, 539, 541 Hoodsport, 542 Hoquiam, 164-174; map, 172; points of interest, 169, 171; points of in- terest in environs, 174 Hoquiam Public Library, 17o Horse Heaven Hills, 469 Horse Slaughter Camp, site of, 308 Horticultural Union Local 21, 378 Horton, Dexter, 214 Hotel Edmond Meany, 16o Houghton, 324 Houston, David F., 513 Howard, Daniel, 573 Howard, John Galen, 159 Howells, John Mead, 159 Hubbard, Edward, 61 Huckleberry Mountain, 382 Hudson's Bay Company, building, 155 Hudson's Bay Company, 37, 41-43, 45, 68, 71, 83, 95, 279, 381, 409, 417, 435, 436, 459, 484, 486, 494, 527, 629, 631, 637, 638, 639 Hughes, Babette, 126 Hughes, Glenn, 125, 126, 150, 151, 152 Hull, Isaac, Commander, 626 Humes Ranch, 55o Humptulips, 558 Hunsacker, Jacob, 407 Hunt Brothers Packing Company plant, 389, 390 Hunt, Herbert, 122 Hunters, 435 Hunting, 11o Huntington, H. D., 58, 409 Huntsville, 366 Hurley, Victor, 127 Hutchinson, Arthur H., 127 Hutchinson, Fred, 113 Hutchinson, Josephine, 153 Hyak, 319 Hydroelectric plant, 377 I Ice Cave, 401 Ilwaco, 566 Immanuel Presbyterian Church (Ta- coma), 264 Immigration, reasons for, 5 Inchelium, 435 Index, 343 Index mining region, 78, 79, 81 Indian chiefs: Aeneas, 452; Cha-wit- zit, 177; Comcomiy, 566; Garry, 95, 245, 246, 247, 251 ; Joseph, 455; Kamiakin, 44, 290, 401, 376, 420, 424; Kitsap, 619; Lawyer, 44; Leschi, 45, 276, 282; Looking Glass, 44, 290, 619; Moses, 461; Ow-hi, 290; Patkanim, 199, 479; Peu-Peu- Mox-Mox, 44, 290, 368; Qualchan, 420; Quiemuth, 45; Red Wolf, 359; Seattle, 83, 214, 215, 273, 609, 610; Squatahan, 276; Timothy, 290, 359, 360; Toke, 561 ; Tsalakum, 519; Vle- muxsolix, 440; Wenapsnoot, 44; Wey- atenatemany, 44 Indian Flat Forest Station, 379 Indian reservations, 35, 46; Colville, 46, 78, 439, 453, 455; Hoh, 555; Kalispel, 46, 43o; Lummi, 474; Makah, 552, 553; Muckleshoot, 384; Nisqually, 486; Port Madison, 6oº : Quilayute, 554; Quinault, 556, 559; Shoalwater, 561; Skokomish, 541 : Spokane, 46, 245; Swimomish, 517; Tulalip, 72, 97, 479; Yakima, 46, 466, 468 Indian Tribes: Cathlamet, 411, 412; Cayuse, 44; Chehalis, 4oo; Clallam, 544; Duwamish, 214; Klickitat, 215, 224, 381, 397, 532; Lummi, 177; Nez Perce, 44, 46, 1or, 247, 200, 358, 834; Nisqually, 45, 381; Nooksack, 76, 507; Palouse, 46, 422,423; Puyal- lup, 276, 381; Quinault, 557-558: Satsop, 392: Snoqualmie. 320: Spo- kane, 46; Umatilla, 44: Wahkiakum, 411, 412; Walla Walla, 44, 367: Yakima, 44, 46, 3or, 468

Indians, 29-36; aboriginal cave dwell- ing, 311; archeology, 29-30, 460; basket making, 32, 554; camps, 310, 364; canoes, 521, 553; celebrations and festivals, 35; Chinook jargon, 30; Christian religion, 519; clothing, 31; coast dwellers, 30-33; coopera- tive undertakings, 36; crafts, 31, 34; cultural groups, 30; customs, 399, 406, 407, 411, 417, 522, 542; educa- tion, 97; east of Cascades, 33-35; fishing, 82, 83; food, 14, 21, 31, 33, 34. 630; housing, 31, 33, 467; legends, 317, 318, 320, 371, 378, 383, 397, 482, 496, 514, 527, 528, 551, 554, 555, 60S, 627; picture writing, 29, 3'4, 358, 359, 377, 397, 398, 457; population, 35; present status, 35-36; religion, 33, 34-35; rock carvings, 29, 453; salmon f1shing at Celilo, 397; social organization, 32, 33, 34; songs, 135; treaties of Gov. Stevens with, 44-45, 46; uprisings, 95, 309, 358, 376; war, 45-46, 376, 377, 384, 403, 422, 444, 468, 474, 486, 490, 620, 639; whale fishing, 553; women, position of, 32 Industrial Workers of the World, 89, 90, 91, '94, 220, 432 Industry, 54, 68-86; all-weld ship con- struction, 324; beet sugar manufac- ture, 467; canning, 363, 388 [see also Fisheries]; cascara bark collect- ing, 535! cheese-making [see Migg, J. B.\; fishing [see Fisheries]; flour milling, 63, 70, 3166; food processing, 70; history of, in Washington, 68-71; logging, 320, 345, 382, 383, 391, 402, 429, 430, 497, 533, 534, 542, 544, 555, 558; (skidroads), 72; (special terms used in), 73; ("gyppo out- fits), 75; lumbering, 44; (in Terri- tory), 53; (change in), 71-76, 409, 410, 4'5, 49o, 492, 533, 562, 563, 573; (plywood), 74, 75; (social ef- fects), 75-76; (trends), 75; (use of power),73, 74; (wages), 74-75; min- ing [see Mining]; pulp and paper production, 75, 540, 541, 549; quar- rying, 489; shipping, 482, 546; (in general), 372; (sheep and cattle), 315, 339, 356, 373, 376, 378; (fruit), 560; (lumber), 371; (potatoes), 369; (refrigeration), 311, 312, 326, 446 (wheat). [See also individual com- panies and plants.] Ingalls Creek Lodge, 315 Initiative, referendum, and recall, 50, 642 Inland Empire, 243, 245, 252, 255, 418 Inland Empire Employers, 91 Insects, 14 Institute for Child Development, 232 International Limestone Quarry, 503 Interrorem Camp and Guard Station, 544 Interstate Fair and Live Stock Show, 252 Interstate Highway Bridge, 282, 283 Interstate Power and Light Company plant, 534 Inverarity, R. B.( 133 lone, 431 Irondale, 80 Irrigation, 23-24, 49, 53, 63-64, 329, 336, 339, 370, 457, 460, 527, 641; Projects: Benton, 24; Kittitas, 24; Oroville, 452; Rathdrum, 24; Roza, 24, 374, 465; Sunnyside, 24, 64, 374; Tieton, 24; Tonasket, 452; Wapato, 24; Yakima, 373 Irving, Henry, 147 Irving, Washington, 120, 397, 403 Issaquah, 82, 321 Italians, 322 Izett, John M., 519 J Jackson-Meyers Company, 84 Jackson Prairie Courthouse, 155, 494 Jacobs, Dr. Melville, 122 James, Florence and Burton, 151 James Island (near La Push), 554 Janeck House Museum (Yakima), 302 Janeck, L. O., 302 Jarman, "Blanket Bill," 178 Japanese, 49, 323, 419, 482, 621 Jardine, Kent, and Jardine, architects, 158 Jared, 430 Jason P. Flint (steamboat), 56 Jeal, Mile. Lucy, 143 Jefferson, Thomas, Pres., 40 Jefferson Point, 609 Jepson, Helen, 119 Jerry, 357 Jessup, Paul, 113, 237 Jesuit Mission, site of, 440 Jewish congregations, 102 Joe Lane, the (ship), 203 John Muir School Grove, 382 Jolson, Al, 150 Johnson House, 317 Johnson's Landing, 56, 413 Jones, David, 383 Jones, Nard, 124 Jones, Wesley L., 49 Jones, William C., 48, 49

Joy's Opera House (Spokane), 247 Juan de Fuca, 37, 637 Juan de Fuca Strait, 6, 37, 38, 548, 549 Juanita, 324 Judson House, 484 Judson, Katharine Berry, 121 Julia (steamship), 620 Junger, Aegidius, Father, 286 Junior Colleges, 98 K Kahlotus, 447 Kalakala (ferry), 610 Kalaloch, 556 Kalama, 47, 58, 499, 640 Kamiak Butte Park, 423 Kane, Paul, 129 Kaniksu National Forest, 25 Kapowsin, 388, 528 Karr, James, 166, 168 Karle, Theo, 138 Kate and Ann, 167 Kautz, A. V. Lieut., 45, 581, 582 Kay, Arthur, 139 Keller, 454 Kelly, Larry, 625 Kelly's Dude Ranch, 557 Kelso, 13, 66, 409, 497 Kendall, 503 Kendall, A. C, 307 Kendrick, John, Captain, 39 Kenmore, 480 Kennard, Marietta Hunter, 153 Kennedy, Robert, 366 Kennewick, 66, 370 Kennydale, 323 Kent, 386 Kershaw brothers, 367 Kettle Falls (town), 436 Kettle River Range, 440 Keyport, 572 Keystone, 523 Kimball, William, 153 Kineth (John) House, 522 King, G. A., 503 King County, 65, 80, 82 King County Hospital (Harborview), 105, 228 King County Medical Society, 105 King County Tuberculosis Hospital, 482 King, Stoddard, 127 Kingston, 573 Kiona, 371 Kirkland, 324 Kittitas County, 78, 80, 82 Kittitas Valley, 332 Klahane Gardens, 549 Klaw and Erlanger, 147 Klemmer's Dream Theatre, 139 Klickitat, 398 Knappton, 413 Knights of Columbus, 106 Knights of Labor, 87, 88, 269 Knowles, Joe, 565 Komo Kulshan Ranger Station, 511 Kosmos, 533 Kraft, Vincent I., 118 Krause, Max, 113 Kruger, Karl, 138 Kulshan Ridge, 507 KVI, 617 L Labor, American Federation of Labor, 88, 89; Anti-Chinese riots, 49, 87, 217, 267, 641; Committee for Indus- trial Organization, 93, 94; Industrial Workers of the World, 89, 90, 91, 432; jobless, organization of, 92; Knights of Labor, 87, 88; migratory character of labor in Washington, 86; "Red Scare," 91; regulatory leg- islation, 89, 90; retrogression, period of, 92; Teamsters' Union, expansion of, 93; troubles, 90, 91, 92; Wash- ington Commonwealth Federation, 93, 94; white-collar and professional workers, organization of, 93; World War, effect of, 90; effect of end of, 90, 91 Labor disputes, 52, 53; Gold Bar, 344; McCIeary, 391; Monroe, 346; Omak, 455; Onalaska, 531, 532; Raymond, 562; Roslyn, 92, 317; Stampede, 318 Labor Day. 88 La Center, 501 Lacey, 486 La Conner, 516; Flats, 516 La Grande, 529 Ladies' Musical Club (Seattle), 140 La Escocesa (clipper ship), 630 Lake Chelan Valley, 295 Lake Forest Park (suburb of Seattle), 480 Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad, 346 Lake Stevens (town), 479 Lake Washington Pontoon Bridge, 161, 323 Lake Washington Ship Canal Locks, 161, 213, 220, 229, 642 Lake Washington Shipyards, 324 Lakes: American, 485; Angeline, 342; Ann, 507; Baker, 511; Blue (near Cispus River), 536; Blue (Mt. Baker area), 511; Blue (near Soap Lake), 313; Bonaparte, 453; Bumping, 301, 379; Campbell, 517; Canyon, 504;

Cascades, 627; Chain (Mt. Baker), 508 ; Chain (near Cispus River), 536; Chain (near Tumwater Recreation Area), 340; Chamber, 536; Chelan, 7; Cle Elum, 302, 317; Constance, 544; Copper, 342; Crab, 328; Cran- berry, 518; Crescent, 551; Crockett, 523; Curlew, 453; Cushman, 542; Deborah, 570; Deep (Dry Falls State Park), 312; Deep (near Olympia), 487; Deer, 442; Delta, 342; Diamond, 416; Doelle, 340; Dorothy, 343; Echo, 481; Elorka, 416; Fall, 312; Gazzam, 620; Good- win, 478; Goose, 402; High wood, 505; Ingalls, 315; Josephine, 341; Kachess, 302, 318; Kapowsin, 528; Keechelus, 302, 318; Kurtz, 557; Lewis, 12; Liberty, 308; Little Heart, 342; Loon, 442; Lower Bagley, 507; Lucerne, 349; Merwin, 500; Mills, 550; Mineral, 534; Moses, 330; Mountain, 626; Newman, 307; Northwestern, 399; Omak, 458; Osoyoos, 450; Otter, 342; Ozette, 552; Packwood, 537; Palmer, 451; Park, 312; Pass, 517; Picture, 505; Quinault, 557; Rock, 424; Roe- siger, 345; Samish, 475; Sammamish, 322; Sequalichew, 486; Shannon, 511; Shoecraft, 478; Silver (near Maple Falls), 503; Silver (near Medical Lake), 444; Silver (near Mt. St. Helens), 495; Soap, 313; Spanaway, 526; Spirit, 496; Sports- man, 630; Sprague, 446; Starlight, 341; Steilacoom, 583; Sullivan, 432; Summit, 537; Sutherland, 550; Swan, 454; Tapps, 351, 387; Tipsoo, 381; Tomhoi, 505; Trout, 337; Twin, 505; Tyee, 553; Union, 212; Wan- nacut, 452; Washington, 212, 213, 215, 229, 321, 324, 480; Wenatchee, 340; Wilderness, 349. [See also Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park.] Lakeside, 462 Lakeview, 483 Lamona, 327 Landes, Mrs. Bertha K., 106 Lane, Joseph, 43, 44, 281 "Lane of Remembrance," 443 Land animals, 15 Lange Pottery Company factory, 385 Langlie, Arthur B., governor, 52 Langley, 524 Lansdale, R. H., 281 La Poel Forest Camp and Guard Sta- tion, 551 La Push, 554 Lapwai, 101 Larrabee, C. X., 185 Larson, A. E., 303 Larson Building, 160, 303 Latah, 12 Latah Creek, 243 Lathrop Drive, 529 Lathrop-Pack Foundation, 236 Lauber, Sebastian, 301 Laughton, Charles E., 48 Lava, 10, 11, 23 Lava Caves, 500 Law, Hamilton, 113 Lawrence, George Willis, 159 Lawrence Point, 626 Lawton, Gen. Henry M., 228 Leader, Ed, 113 Leavenworth, 339 Lebam, 493 Le Conte, Joseph, 488 Lee, Daniel, 101, 280 Lee, Jason, Reverend, 42, 101, 280 Lee, Louis, 307 Legislative Building, 161, 207 Lehigh Cement Company plant, 432 Leighton, Caroline, 121 Lembke, Halford, 133 Leonesa, the (ship), 214 Le Plat, Marcel, 153 Leslie, Caird, 153 Leverich, Mrs. Anna, 286 Leverich Park (Vancouver), 286 Levy, H., 84 Levy, Melvin, 123 Lewis and Clark Expedition, 19, 40, 83, 359. 3". 3*8. 370, 4°5» 4", 638 Lewis County, 65, 80 Lewis County Symphony Orchestra, 140 Lewis, James Hamilton, 49 Lewis, Meriweather, Capt., 40 Lewis River Guard Station, 500 Lewis, Victor Alonzo, 133 Liberty, 316 Liberty Bay, 572 Lichty, H. M, 374 Lieske, Otto, 385 Lilliwaup, 543 Lincoln, 434 Lincoln, Abraham, President, 43, 47, 468, 469 Lincoln Guard Station, 543 Lincoln Park (Seattle), 240 Lincoln Rock, 314 Lind, 446 Lindberg, 534 Linden, Eugene, 140 Lindsay, Vachel, 127 Lions Park (Yakima), 303

Lipschultz, George, 139 Lister, Ernest, Governor, 50 Little Beacon Rock, 405 Livingston, Mary, 119 Log cabins, 154. Logging, 168 Lok, Michael, 549 London Times, 280 Long Beach, 67, 565 Long House, 154 "Long and Short Haul" litigation, 250,

  • 54

Long, R. A., 409 Long-Bell Lumber Company, 75, 410, 495 Long Island (Willapa Bay), 564 Long Lake Lumber Company, 438 Longacres, 109 Longbranch, 571 Longmire, Henry, 465 Longmire, James, 527, 583 Longmire family, 381 Longview, 58, 74, 75. 98, 409 Longview Bridge, 161, 410 Longview Fibre plant, 410 Loomis, 451 Loop Loop Trail, 458 Lopez Island, 631 Lopez Sound, 632 Louisiana, the (ship), 214 Louisiana Territory, 638 Low, John N., 213 Lowden, 368 Lower Pond, 405, 406 Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumber- men, 90, 91 Luby, Adam, 326 Lumbermen's Protective Association, 90 Lummi Island, 474, 625 Lutherans, 97, 102 Lyle, 398 Lyman, 510 Lyman, W. D., 122, 468 Lynch, Montgomery, 152 Lynden, 66, 130, 473 M M and M Plywood plant, 410 Mabana, 477 McBride, Henry, Gov., 49 McCarver, Morton Matthew, 265, 273 McChord Air Field, 484, 485 McCleary, 74, 390 McCIellan, George B., Capt., 47, 273. 318, 436, 468 McClintic, Guthrie, 152 McCormick Lumber Company, 615 McCurdy, James, 128 McDonald, Archibald, 275, 436, 638 McDonald, Angus, 436 McDonald, Finan, 245 McDonald's Band of Trained Indians, »43 McDonough, Thomas, Capt., 524 McEIroy, T. F., 203 McFadden House, 492 McFarland, W. D., Reverend, 287 McGowan, 567 McGraw, John H., Gov., 49 McKay, William, 475 McKee brothers, 524 McKenna, 527 McKenzie, Donald, 369 McKenzie, Vernon, 125 McLoughlin, John, Dr., 41-42, 95, 135, 279, 280, 281, 282, 636 McNaught, James, 527 MacNeil, H. A., 133 McPherson Cabin, 441 McReavy House, 569 McWhorter House Museum, 301 McWhorter, L. V., 301 Mad River Dude Ranch, 462 Madame Dorion Bridge, 369 Madison, Helene, 113 Magnesite, 10, 26 Mahon (Matthew) House, 526 Major Hopkins Boy Scout Camp, 622 Major Tompkins (steamboat), 57 Malo, 453 Malone, 490 Maloney, John W., 160 Malott, 458 Manette [see Bremerton] Manette Peninsula, 572 Manito Park and Flower Gardens (Spokane), 260 Mansfield, Richard, 147 Mantell, Robert, 147 Manzanita, 621 Maple Falls (town), 503 Maple Valley, 348 Marblemount, 512 Marcus, 457 Marenzo, 362 Marie, Queen of Rumania, 396 Marietta, 474 Marine fauna (other than fish), 14 Marine plants, 18 Marion, Elizabeth, 125 Maritime Federation, 93 Markham, 560 Markov, Vic, 112 Marlin, 328 Martin, Clarence D., Gov., j1, 52

Martin (F. M.) Mill, 445 Marvin, Daniel, Capt., 478 Maryhill Junction, castle, 396 Maryhill Station, 470 Mary's Corner, 494 Marysville, 73, 478 Mason City, 338 Mason-Walsh-Atkinson-Kerr Company (Coulee Dam), 337 Masonic Building (Spokane), 257 Masonic Home (Des Moines), 483 Masonic Temple (Olympia), 205 Massacre Bay, 628 Match, Mrs. M. E., 618 Maternity Home (Spokane), 106 Matheny, J. N., 246 Mather, Stephen T., 381, 382 Mather Memorial Parkway, 378 Matia Islands, 627 Matoon Sawyer Cabin, 375 Maurmann, Omar, 493 Maury Island, 617 Maxwelton, 524 Mayfield, 532 Maynard, Dr. David S., 83, 214, 215 Mayol, Lurline, 126 Mazama, 461 Mazama Glacier, 508 Mazama Park, 511 Mazamas, 109 Mead, Albert E., Gov., 50 Meany, Edmond S., 121, 235, 320 Meares, John, Capt., 38, 39, 71, 549, 553, 5«6i 6o°. 637 Medea (boat), 629 Medica, Jack, 113 Medical Lake, 444 Medicine Creek Park, 486 Medicine Creek Treaty, 640 Meeker, Ezra, 45, 122, 126, 133, 273, 381, 386, 389, 499, 523, 525 Megler, 413, 567 Memaloose Island, 398, 399, 404 Memorial Park (Wenatchee), 298 Menlo, 493 Menzies, Archibald, 19 "Mercer girls," 216, 640 Mercer, Thomas, 214 Merrill-Ring Logging Company, 552 Merritt, 341 Metaline, 431 Metaline Falls (town), 431, 432 Metaline Mining and Smelting Com- pany, 79, 432 Methodist Colleges, 96, 97, 102 Methow, 460 Methow Valley, 295, 458, 460 Metropolitan Center (Seattle), 221; buildings, 157, 159, 221 , Meyers Falls, 440 Meyers, Victor A., 51, 52 Mesozoic era, 10 Midland, 525 Midway Guard Station, 536 Migg, J. B., 323 Miike Maru (steamer), 59, 60 Milan, 417 Mill Creek (Walla Walla), 289, 290, 291 Mill Creek Run, 341 Miller Addison Icing plant, 448 Miller, Magnus, 510 Miller, Max, 127 Miller, Ralph, 113 Miller, Winlock W, Gen., 495 Millersylvania State Park, 208, 487 Mil left, John P., 475 Millwood, 308 Milk Products Company plant, 374 Mineral (town), 534 Mining and minerals, 25, 26, 54, 76- 82, 431, 43*, 435. 436; coal, 81-82, 316, 317, 322, 323, 349, 351; copper, 79; disasters, 317, 450; ghost towns, 315, 343, 348. 351. 35». 354, 357. 358, 479, 480; gold, 46, 49, 76-79, 315, 316, 439, 453; non-metallic min- erals, 76, 81; prospectors, 345, 356; silver, 79; zinc, 79, 80. [See also names of mining districts and of individual mines.] Mining and minerals, gold: 79 (effect of 1933 price), 78, 79 (location of important deposits), 77 (machinery used). Mining and minerals, importance of, 80, 81; iron, 80; lead, 79, 80; mis- cellaneous metallic metals, 80 Minimum wage law for women, 50 Miramora, Elena, 153 Mission Beach Cemetery, 479 Missionaries, Pioneer Catholic, 101, 102; Pioneer Protestant, 100 Moclips, 559 Moclips Fire Observatory, 559 Model Commonwealth, The (news- paper), 117 Mohler, 327 Monitor, 314 Monroe, 345 Monroe Point, 609 Monroe Street Bridge, 162, 257, 258 Monte Cristo, 78 Monte Cristo mines, 189, 190 Montesano, 91, 392-395 Montgomery, Richard Gill, 41 Monticello [see Longview.]

Monticello Convention, 44, 409 Monuments and markers: American Legion (Centralia), 491; American Legion World War, 392; British Occupation, 630; Camp Washington, 309; Connell Prairie, 351; Ebey (Jacob), 522; First Fourth of July Celebration West of Missouri River, 486; First Military Road in Wash- ington, 52.6; First Protestant Church, site of, 484; First Protestant religious service, 482; Hill (Samuel), 47.o; Indian War Memorial, 376; Lewis and Clark (Long Beach), 565; Mc- Kenzie-Elmer Plaque, 394; Mt. Olympus National Park, 55o; Mukil- teo Treaty Grounds, 48o; Norwegian Pioneer Movement, 477; Old Fort Chehalis, 560; Old Fort Malone, site of, 389; Oregon Trail, 488; Oregon Trail Memorial (Parkland), 526; Parsons, George Howland, 381; Pio- neer (La Conner), 516; Pioneer Me- morial (Wishram), 397; Seattle, Chief, grave of, 61o; Spokane Plains, Battle of, 309; Stonehenge, 47o; Tol- mie, 353; Trevitt, 399; Tumwater Founders, 487; White River Massa- cre, 386; World War Memorial to 91st and 13th Divisions, 485. Moore Theater, 152 Mora, 554 Moran, Robert, 217, 218, 626, 627 Morgan, Harry, 268 Moroni Olsen Players, 151 Morowitz Guard Station, 507 Morris, Bernie, 113 Morrison, Earl W., 16o Morton, 8o, 533 Morton Cinnabar mine, 533 Moses Coulee, 8, 313 Moses Lake (town), 330 Moses, S. P., 203 Mossyrock, 532 Mount Arbor Nursery, 375 Mount Baker mining district, 78 Mount Baker National Forest, 25, 503, 510, 51 I Mount Pleasant, 406 Mount Rainier National Park, 576-598, 641; Anvil Rock, 592; Bear Prairie Point, 582; Berkeley Park, 590; Camp Muir, 584, 591, 592; Canyon Rim, 584; Cathedral Rocks, 592; Cedar Flat, 591; Columbia Crest, 593; Cougar Rock, 583; Cowlitz Box Canyon, 594; Cowlitz Chimney, 593; Cowlitz Divide, 594; Cowlitz Divide Trail, 590; Creeks: Cataract, 596, Chinook, 591; Devil's Dream, 595, Fish, 586, Fryingpan, 587, Ipsut. 589, Kautz, 582, Klickitat, 58: Laughingwater, 591, Lodi, 590 Maple, 594, Marmot, 596, Nickel 594, Olallie, 591, Ranger, 589, St. Andrews, 586, 597, Six-Mile, 59c. Stevens, 594, Tahoma, 582, Whittier. 591, Yakima, 587, 588; Eagle Cliff. 597; Echo Cliffs, 596; Entrances: Carbon River, 352, 589, Mowich, 353, Nisqually, 531, 582, 586, Ohana- pecosh, 381, 537, 590, White River, 587, Yakima, 381; Falls: Affi, 590, Blocher, 583, Carter, 594, Cataract, 596, Christine, 583, Comet, 583. Horseshoe, 593, Madcap, 594, Mar- tha, 594, Narada, 584, Silver, 591, Sluiskin, 585, Stafford, 591, Wau- haukaupauken, 595; Gibraltar Rock, 592; Glacier Basin, 595; Glaciers, 578, 583; Carbon, 596, Cowlitz, 592, Emmons, 588, 590, Fryingpan, 588, 595, Hanging, 597, Ingraham, 592, Nisqually, 578, 582, 584, 592, Ohana- pecosh, 595, Puyallup, 587, Sarvent, 595, Tahoma, 586, Van Trump, 583, Winthrop, 588, 597; Goat Island, 596; Goats Pass, 591; Gold Basin, 590; Grand Park, 590; Hanging Ice Cascades, 587; Indian Bar, 594; In- dian Henry's Hunting Ground, 583, 598; Inspiration Point, 584; Kla- patche Park, 586, 592; Klapatche Point, 586; Lakes: Clover, 588, Ethel, 589; Frozen, 590, 595, George, 586, Goat, 586, Golden, 597, James, 589, Louise, 594, Mirror, 598, Mowich, 597, Mystic, 595, Owyhigh, 591, Re- flection, 594, Squaw, 598, Sunrise, 588; Longmire, 582, 583, 598; Long- mire, trails from, 583; McClure Rock, 592; Mist Park, 596; Moraine Park, 596; Mountain peaks: Ararat, 598, Burroughs, 595, Little Tahoma, 588, 593, Mother, 496, Rainier, 578- 598, Success, 593, Tyee, 589, Wow, 586; National Park Museum, 583; Natural Bridge, 589; Northern Loop Trail, 589; Ohanapecosh Hot Springs, 590, 594; Ohanapecosh Park, 594, 595; Panhandle Gap, 595; Paradise Valley, 584, 585, 592; Paradise Wal- ley, trails from, 585; Ramparts, 598; Register Rock, 593; Ricksecker Point, 584; Rivers: Carbon, 589, 596, North Mowich, 597, North Puyallup, 587, 597, Puyallup, 586, South Mowich, 597, South Puyallup, 597, White,

S87, 592; Round Pass, 586, 597; St. Andrews Park, 586; Silver Forest, 584; Spray Park, 596, 597; Stevens Canyon, 594; Summerland, 595; Summit Climb, 591-593; Sunrise Point, 588; Sunset Park, 597; Ta- homa Vista, 586; Twin Lakes Trail, 591; Van Trump Park, 583, 598; Washington Cascades, 584; Willis Wall, 596; Windy Gap, 589; Won- derland Trail, 593-598; Yakima Park, 590, 595; Yakima Park, trails from, 588, 589; Yellowstone Cliffs, 589 Mount Vernon, 98, 475 Mountain Air Institute, 379 Mountain Bird (steamboat), 56 Mountain climbing, 109 Mountain peaks: Adams, 7, 11, 401; Angeles, 549; Angry, 336; Archer, .405; Aurora, 551; Baker, 7, 11, 39, 507; Bald, 342; Big-4, 480; Blue, 548; Brothers, The, 544; Chatham, • 547; Christie, 557; Chuckanut, 474; Colonial, 515; Colville, 440; Con- stance, 544; Constitution, 623, 627; Dallas, 631; Davis, 514; Diamond, 361; Ellemeham, 451; Ellinor, 542; Fife's, 380; First Thought, 439; Fitz- henry, 6; Glacier, 7, 344, 478; Goat (American River Recreation Area), 379; (Mt. Baker area), 505, 511; Granite, 505; Herman, 507; Hin- man, 342; Index, 343; Jupiter, 544; Kimta, 557; Kodak. 344; Lichten- » berg, 341; Lizard Head, 551; Lum- mi, 625; Mica, 308; Muller, 551; Olympus, 38, 550, 557, 600, 637; Palmer, 451; Panorama Dome, 507; Pickett, 626; Pyramid (Olympic area), 551; (Skagit area), 514, 515; Rainier, 7, 11, 380; Red Rock, 511; Ross, 513; St. Helens, 7, 11, 496; Sauk, 511; Shuksan, 505; Si, 9, 320; Sourdough, 515, 551; Storm King, 551; Stuart, 77; Table, 508; Table Rock, 365; Terror, 512; Three Sis- ters, 176; Tiffany, 547; Triumph, 512; Underwood, 401; Walker, 544, 545; Washington, 511; Winchester, 501; Wind, 402; Zion, 406. [See also Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park A Mountaineers, 109 Moxee, 466 Mud Bay, 390 Mud Mountain, 382 Mudge, Zachary, Lieut., 129 Muir, John, 547 Muirhead residence (Wenatchee), 298 Mukilteo, 84, 480 Mukilteo Treatv Monument, 199 Mullan, John, Lieut., 294 Mullan Road, 77, 291, 307, 308 Municipal power plants, 53 Murphy, John, 282 Music, 135-141; Indians, 135; voyage- urs, 135; missionaries and first set- tlers, 135-136; immigrant pioneers, 136; territorial days, 136-137; in- creasing cultural value, 137-138; the- ater music, 139; present time, 140- 141 My Pioneer Past, 312, 451 Myers, David J., 159 Naches, 378 Naches Pass, 380 Naches Pass route, 266 Nahcotta, 565 Nailor, John, 345 Narrows Bridge, 274, 569, 576 Naselle, 413 National, 530 National Forests, 25 National Miners' Union, 92 National Recovery Administration (NRA), 9a Naval Torpedo Station, 572 Neah Bay, 39, 552, 637 Nebraska, U.S.S., 219 Neck Point, 628 Needles, The, 554 Negroes, 317 Neppel [see Moses Lake.] Nesbitt, Bill, 112 Nessensen, Elsa, 153 New Kamilche, 540 New Tacoma, 266, 267 New Whatcom, 179 Newcastle, 82 Newhalem, 512 Newhalem Power House, 512 Newport (near Idaho line), 415; (on Lake Washington), 323 News-Democrat, the (Spokane news- paper), 249 Nielsen brothers, 447 Nigger Creek, 315 Nighthawk, 451 Nine-Mile Dam, 309 Ninety-first Division, 51, 485 Nisqually, 486 Non-partisan League, 432 Norling, Ernest, 133 North Bank railroad, 642 North Beach (Orcas Island), 627

North Bend, 320 North Bonneville, 403 North Cove, 561 North Cove Coast Guard and Life Saving Station, 561 North Dalles, 396 North Fork Guard Station, 557 North Head, 566 North Pacific (steamboat), 57 North Peninsula (Willapa Bay), 564 North West Fur Company, 40, 41, 83,

  • 45. 296, 309, 369, 559. 638

North Yakima, 301 Northern Hospital for the Insane, 509 Northern Life Tower, 159, 221 Northern Light (newspaper), 179 Northern Pacific Land Co., 74 Northern Pacific Railroad, 47, 59, 69, 72, 84, 116, 168, 179, 216, 248, 265, 266, 267, 281, 298, 301, 318, 640, 641 Northport, 438 Northwest, discovery and exploration, 37-39 Northwest Magnesite Company plant, 44' . . Northwest Outboard Associat1on, m Northwestern Improvement Company mine, 317 Northwestern Stage Company, 57 Norwegians, 138, 383, 477, 572, 614 O Oak Harbor, 519, 520 Oak Point, 411 Oakesdale, 422 Oakland Bay, 540 Oakville, 490 Observation Tower (Seattle), 238 Obstruction Island, 625 Ocean City, 558 Ocean Park, 565 Ocean View State Park, 556 Oceanographic Laboratory, 237 Oceanview, 566 O'Connor, Harvey, 127 Ocosta, 168, 560 Odessa, 327 Ohio Match Company plant, 308 Ohop Valley, 528 Okanogan, 456 Okanogan County, 76, 80, 81 Okanogan Highlands, 7, 46, 78 Okanogan Ice Lobe, 12 Okanogan Valley, 295 Olav, Crown Prince of Norway, 477 Old Admiralty Hotel, 615 Old City Cemetery (Vancouver), 287 Old age pensions, 52 Old British Cemetery, 622 Old Claquato Church, 493 Old Dominion mine, 79 Old-Man-House, site of, 610 Old National Bank Building (Spo- kane), 252 Old Potlatch Ground (Coupeville), 522 Old State Capitol Building, 209 Old Strain mine, 322, 323 Old Town (Old Tacoma), 263, 265, 266, 267 Old Wauconda, 453 Oldest Catholic church north of Co- lumbia River, 484 Olequa Valley, 495 Olga, 626 Olsen, Cliff, 58 Olympia, 43, 44, 58, 96, 102, 136, 201- 208; map, 206; points of interest, 204-208; points of interest in en- virons, 208; 608, 609, 639 Olympia Brewing Company plant, 487 Olympia House (theater), 142 Olympia oyster, 202, 208 Olympia Oyster Company, 204 Olympia, Port of, 204 Olympia Theater, 147 Olympian, The (newspaper), 116 Olympic Hot Springs, 550 Olympic Loop Highway, 642 Olympic Games, team trials (skiing), 11o Olympic Mountains, 6, 10, 548, 549, . 600 Olympic National Forest, 25, 544, 555, 557 Olympic National Park, 598-607, 643; Anderson Pass, 605, 607; Anderson Glacier, 605; Bailey Range, 604; Big Hump, 605; Camp Marian, 605; Chicago Camp, 605; Creeks: Graves, 607; O'Neil, 605; Diamond Mead- ows, 605; Dodwell-Rixon Pass, 605; Dose Forks, 605; Dose Meadows, 605; Elkhorn Guard Station, 605; Glacier Meadows, 606; Hayden Pass, 605; Hayes River Ranger Sta- tion, 605; Hon Valley, 604; Honey- moon Meadows, 606; Jackson Ranger Station, 606; Lakes: Heart, 605, Hoh, 606, La Crosse, 605, Margaret, 605, Marmot, 605, Mary, 605; Little Hump, 605; Mountain peaks: Boga- chiel, 606, Christy, 605, Jupiter, 605, Meany, 605, Seattle, 605; North Fork Quinault Guard Station, 605; Olympus Guard Station, 606; O'Neil Pass, S05; Rivers: Bogachiel, 606, Hayes, 605; Trails: Dosewallips, 605, Duckabush, 605, Elwha, 604, En-

chanted Valley, 607, Hoh Valley, 606, Soleduck, 605, 606. Olympic Stadium (Hoquiam), 170 Omak, 455 Onalaska, 531 O'Neil, Joseph P., Lieut., 600 Oppenheimer, Marcus, 437 Opportunity (town), 308 Orbit, The (ship), 203 Orcas, 628 Orchards (town), 501 Order of the Forgotten Man, 92 Oregon country, claims to, 39-43, 487, 638 Oregon Improvement Company, 82 Oregon Steam Navigation Company, 56, 58 Oregon Territory, 43, 639 Oregon Trail, 280 Oregon-Washington Interstate Bridge, 501 Orient, 439 Oroville, 450; mining district, 450 Orondo, 313 Orthopedic Hospital (Seattle), 105, 219 Orting, 66, 388 Osborne, E. T., 161 Osgood, Frank, 217 Oso, 478 Ostrander, 497 Ough, Betsy, 406 . Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral, 158, 257 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 197 Overland Press, 115 Owen, E. W., 503 Owens, Francis B., 246 Oysterville, 565 Ozette, 169 P Pacific American Fisheries, 625 Pacific Beach, 559 Pacific Coast baseball league, 108 Pacific Coast Coal Company, 82 Pacific Coast Company powerhouse, 348 Pacific Foundry Company plant, 322 Pacific Fur Company, 40, 41, 245, 638 Pacific County, 66 Pacific Lutheran College, 97 Pacific Lutheran College and Academy, 140, 526 Pacific Northwestern Ski Association, 110 Pacific Packing and Navigation Com- pany, 84 Pacific Silver Cornet Band, 137 Pacific Theatrical Troupe, 143 Pacific Tribune, 115, 266 Pack, Charles Lathrop, 529 Pack Demonstration Forest, 529 Pack Forestry Foundation, 25 Packard, Richard, 411 Pack wood, 536 Packwood, William, 536 Padden Creek, 175, 184 Paddocke, John Adams, Reverend, 303 Paddy-Go-Easy Pass, 340 Padelford, Frederick Morgan, 126 Padelford, Morgan, 235 Paha Cliffs, 398 Paine Field Army Air Base, 195, 199 Paleontology, 10-1a Paleozoic era, 9, 10 Palmer, Joel, 44, 290 Palmer, John, 346 Palouse, 423; country, 8, 66 Palouse soil, 8, 419 Panic of 1893, 49 Pantages, Alexander, 149 Parker, Samuel, Reverend, 245 Parkland, 526 Parkland Lutheran Children's Home (Everett), 199 Partington, Vernon Louis, 125, 234 Patridge, Roi, 132 Pasco, 50, 61, 66, 448 Pasco, Franklin County Airport, 448 Pasco Union stockyards, 448 Pataha, 360 Pateros, 81, 459 Patos Islands, 627 Pattle, William R., 178 Patterson, Ambrose, 132, 133 Peabody, Russell V., 177 Peace Arch, 472 Peale, Titian Ramsay, 129 Peavine Pass, 625 Pearson Army Airport, 279, 286 Pearsons, Dr. D. K., 293 Pe Ell, 493 Pennell, John W., 216 Pend Oreille County, 79 Pend Oreille Mine and Metal Com- pany plant, 431, 432 Penn Cove, 520, 522 Penrose, S. B. L., Dr., 293 Penthouse Theater, 150, 151, 237 Perez, Juan, 38, 600, 637 Perkins, J. A., 425 Peshastin, 339; mining district, 78 Peshastin Creek mining district, 77 Peter Merenblum String Quartet, 140 Peterson, Glenn, 560 Petite, A. J., 553 Pettibone, Anita, 123

Pettygrove, Francis W., 546 Phelan, James, 112 Phillips, Walter W., 126 Phillips Farm, 447 Phra Sang (steamer), 59 Physiographic areas, 6-8 Pickering, William, Gov., 47, 72, 204 Pickett, George E., Capt., 46, 47, 178, 183. 273. 474. 523. 631 Pickett Memorial Bridge, 183 Pickford, Mary, 149 Piedmont, 551 Pierce County, 65, 66, 82 Pierce County Commissioners, 105 Pierce County Courthouse, 158, 272 Pierce County Farmers' Alliance, 269 Pierce, Franklin, Pres., 46, 390 "Pig War," 46, 631 Pike Place Public Market (Seattle), 227 Pine Canyon, 313 Pioneer (boat), 85 Pioneer Cemetery (near Seabeck), 571 Pioneer Methodist Church (Walla Walla), 293, 294 Pioneer Mother Statue, 283 Pioneer Square (Seattle), 224 Pioneer and Democrat (newspaper), 136 Piper bluebell, 18 Pixley Sisters, 144 Plant life, Western Washington, 18- 21; Eastern Washington, 21, 22 Plante, Antoine, 246 Playfair, 109 Plaza, 421 Pleasant Beach, 611, 620 Plummer, Alfred A., 546 Plummer, C. B., 142 Pluvius, 493 Pocock, George, 113 Pollard, Lancaster, 127 Pogue Flat, 457 Poinar, George, 140 Point Defiance, 618 Point Defiance Park, 262, 265, 275 Point Ellis, 83 Point Grenville, 38, 559, 637 Point Heyer, 617 Point No Point Treaty, 614 Point Roberts, 83 Point Vancouver, 279 Pole Pass, 628 Poles, 406, 493 Polilokofsky (gunboat), 620 Polk James K., 43 Poison, Alex, 168 Poison Lumber and Shingle Mills, 171 Poison State Park, 559 Pomeroy, 360 Pomona, 46$ Pope and Talbot, 573 Population, in territory, 44; at time of admission as state, 48; in 1900, 49; in 1910, 50; in 1920, 642; in 1930, 642; in 1940, 643 Populist Party, 88 Port Angeles, 74, 80, 549 Port Blakeley, 620 Port Discovery, 547, 548 Port Gamble, 72, 572 Port Gardner Bay, 188 Port Gardner Peninsula, 188 Port Ludlow, 546, 615, 616 Port Madison, 621 Port Madison Bay, 609 Port Orchard, 573, 574; Ba>, 611 Port Susan, 188 Port Townsend, 43, 73, 80, 546, 547 Port Washington Narrows, 611 Portage, 617 "Porte-Crayon," 129 Porter, 490 Portland Cement Company plant, 81, 51° Portland, the (ship), 218 Posey Manufacturing plant, 171 Possession Sound, 480 Post, Frederick, 246 Potlatch, 542 Poulsbo, 572 Powell, Mrs. W. W., 261 Prairie Center, 522 Pratt, Dudley, 133, 235 Pratt, Sunya, 264 Pratt, V. Claflin, 134 Presbyterians, 102 Press Valley, 550 Pre-Inca Pottery and Textiles Exhibit, 274 Preston, 321 Preston, Lindley, 493 Preusse and Zittel, architects, 158 Price, Daniel, 617 Prices (in early days), 68 Priest's Point Park, 202 Primitive Baptists, 533 Princesa (frigate), 552 Prindle, 406 Proctor, A. Phimister, 134 Progressive Party ("Bull Moose"), 50 Prohibition, 48, 50, 52, 374 Prosser, 67, 372 Prosser Flouring Mill, 372 Prosser, William, Col., 122 Proterozoic era, 9 Providencia (ship), 524

Provisional Government, 42, 43, 58, 639 Produce Row (Yakima), 300, 302 Prosch, Thomas, 266 Prospect Hill (Tacoma), 263 "Prune Picked Platoon," 282 Prusoff, "Hank," 113 Public Markets (Tacoma), 272 Public Service Commission, 51 Public Utility Districts, 51, 53 Puget Island, 412 Puget Mill Company, 72 Puget Sound, 7, 39, 56, 60, 69, 73, 75, 607-609, 637 Puget Sound Basin, 6, 10 Puget Sound Bulb Exchange, 387 Puget Sound Courier, 114 Puget Sound Daily, 115 Puget Sound Group of Northwest Painters, 132 Puget Sound Herald, 114 Puget Sound Institute, 96 Puget Sound Mail (newspaper), 516 Puget Sound Naval Academy, 622 Puget Sound Navy Yard, 51, 609, 611, 612, 613, 641 Puget Sound Power and Light Com- pany plant (Nooksack), 387, 504 Puget Sound Vegetable Growers, 387 Pullman, 426 Pullman strike, 88 Pulpwood and paper, 197, 201 Pumice Stone Pinnacle, 508 Putnam, Katie, 144, 146 Purdy, 574, 575 Pure Food and Drug Act, 50 Puyallup, 24, 66, 67, 388 Pysht, 550 Q Quarries of Quartzite Mountain, 442 Quartermaster Harbor, 617 Quaternary period, t1 Queen Anne Hill (Seattle), 212 Queets, 556, 557 Quiett, Glenn Chesney, 128 Quilcene, 545; Bay, 545 Quimper, Manuel, 39, 380, 518, 625, 637 Quimper Peninsula, 545, 546 Quinault Natural Area, 558 Quincy, 330 R Racing, 65, 108, 109, 311, 313, 366, 482 Race Track Guard Station, 402 Rader, Melvin, 125 Radio, 118, 119 Railroads, 47 Rainbow Camp and Guard Station, 545 Rainbow Glacier, 508 Rainier, 527 Rainier Club, 217 Rainier, Peter, 264 Rains, Gabriel J., Maj., 376, 470 Ralston, Bowman, 138 Russian Concert Orchestra, 139 Randle, 535 Randle Logging Company, 535 Ravens Roost, 379 Ravensdale, 348 Ray, Dr. Verne, 122 Raymond, 493, 562 Rayonier, Inc., Pulp plant, 540 Reamer, Robert C, 159, 160 Reardan, 310 Rebel Battery, The (newspaper), 117 Reclamation [see Irrigation] Recreation: fishing, 110,379, 399; hunt- ■nKi 379 , resources, 28 Recreation Areas: American River, 379; Baker River, 510, 511; Glacier Peak, 340; Goat Rocks, 536; Leavenworth, 339; Mount Adams, 469; Randle, 535; Shaser, 31$; near Snoqualmie Pass, 316; Swauk, 316; Tieton, 378; Tumwater, 340; Wilbur, 311 Redmond, 321 Redondo, 483 Red Shield Home (Seattle), 106 Reed, Harlan, 126 Reflector Bar, 514 Reforestation, 402, 495 Regattas, 1ll Regenery Cabin, 441 Religion, 101-103 Remington, Frederic, 452 Renton, 81, 322 - Renton, William, 573 Repertory Playhouse, 151, 237 Republic, 453 Republic mining district, 78, 79 Republic Creosoting plant, 323 Republican Party, 48, 49, 50, 51 Reservation Bay, 518 Reservation Monument (Vancouver Barracks), 286 Resources and Conservation, 23-28 Respari, Father, 296 Restoration Point, 611, 620 Retsil, 574 Rhododendron, 20, 51 Rhododendron Glen, 237 Rhubarb Growers' Association, 387 Ribbon Cliff, 462 Ricard, Pascal, Father, 262 Rich Pass, 611, Rich Passage, 620

Richardson, P. D., 159 Richland, 371 Richmond Beach, 481 Richter, August H., 501 Rickey, Henry C, 364 Ridgefield, 411 Riffe, 533 Rimrock Dam [see Riven: Tieton.] Ringgold, Cadwalader, Lieut., 264 Ritzville, 446 Ritzville Flour Mills, 446 Rivers: American, 385; Baker, 81, 511; Big Quilcene, 545; Black, 81; Bog- achiel, 554, 555; Cedar, 323; Che- halis, 490; Cispus, 535, 536; Clark Fork (Pend Oreille), 429; Cle Elum, 318; Columbia, 7, 1t, 12, 38, 39, 40, 58, 78, 325, 330, 336, 369, 370, 371, 396, 409, 459, 463, 567, 637, 638; Cowlitz, 13, 81, 409, 495, 536, 533; Deschutes, 487, 528; Dosewallips, 80, 544; Duckabush, 544; Dungeness, 80; Duwamish, 324, 482; Elokomin, 412; Elwha, 550, 603; Entiat, 462; Grande Ronde, 358; Hamma Ham- ma, 543; Hob, 555; Hoquiam, 165, 166; Kalama, 498; Klickitat, 398; Lillian, 550; Little, 80; Little Spo- kane, 250; Lewis, 279, 500; Methow, 459; Muddy Fork, 537; Naches, 377, 378; Nisqually. 486, 530; Nooksack, 474, 504; North, 562; Okanogan, 65, 45*. 454. 456; Palouse, 40, 63, 425; Pend Oreille (Clark Fork), 76, 415; Pilchuck, 479; Puyallup, 262, 388, 390, 483; Pysht, 552; Queets, 556; Quillayute, 554; Quinault, 557; Rag- ing, 321; Sammamish, 321; Sanpoil, 453i 454; Sauk, 10, 511; Similki- meen, 70, 80; Skagit, 81, 220, 475, 509; Skookumchuck, 490; Skokomish, 80, 469; Skykomish, 338; Snake, 8, 40. 63. 35*, 357. 370, 637; Snohomish, 186, 188, 540; Snoqualmie, 320; Sole- duck, 551, 554; Spokane, 63, 80, 243, 245; Stillaguamish, 81, 477; Tieton, 378; Touchet, 366; Toutle, 81, 495, 496; Tye, 340; Wenatchee, 314, 321, 344; White, 324, 382; White Salmon, 401; Willapa, 563; Wishkah, 165, 167; Yakima, 11, 65, 299, 300, 301, 316, 318, 372, 463. [See also Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park.] Riverside, 454 Riverton, 482 Robbeson, A. B., 203 Robe, 479 Robertson, W. W., Col., 302 Robinson, Earl, 141 Robinson Flat, 455 Roche Harbor, 630 Roche Harbor Lime and Cement Com- pany, 630 Rochester, 490 Rock Island, village and dam, 314 Rockdale Tunnel, 7 Rockefeller Foundation, 152, 237 Rockport, 513 Roeder, Henry, Capt., 177, 178, 184, 520 Rogers, A. C, 383 Rogers, John R-, Gov., 49, 88, 98, 122, 218 Rogers, John T., 189 Rogersburg, 358 Rolling Bay, 622 Romanesque architecture, 158 Ronald, 317 Roosevelt, Franklin D., Pres., 404, 465, 513, 600, 642 Roosevelt elk, 15, III, 603 Rosalia, 46, 421, 422 Rosario, 627 Rosario Strait, 625 Roslyn, 82, 317 Ross, Alexander, 120, 245, 369 Ross, James D., 512, 513 Ross, Lanny, 119 Ross Dam, 515 Round-the-World Flight Memorial, 230 Rowe, Bobbie, 113 Rowland, Christian, 374 Roy, 527 Royal European Circus, 143 Royal Horticultural Society, 280 Royce, T. N., 113 Roza, 465 Ruby, 457 Ruby Beach, 555, 556 Ruby Silver Camps, 79 Rucker, Bethel. Jr., 188, 189 Rucker Hill (Everett), 186, 190 Rucker, Wyatt J., 188, 189 Russian Orthodox Church, 102 Rust Building (Tacoma), 269 Rust, W. R., 79 Ruston, 262 Ruth, Sebastian, Father, 119 Ruth School for Girls (Seattle), 106 Ryan's Progressive Weekly, 252 Ryderwood, 495 S Sacajawea, 40 St. Aloysius Church (Gonzaga Univer- sity), 158, 259 St. Francis Mission, 494 St. Ignatius Mission, site of, 430

St. James Cathedral, 158, 228 St. James Church (Vancouver), 285 St. John, 434 St. John the Evangelist Cathedral (Spokane), 161, 260 St. Joseph's Mission, 202, 301, 375 St. Mark's Cathedral (Seattle), 161, 238 St. Martin's College, 486 St. Martin's Hot Springs, 402 St. Mary's Mission, 455 St. Michael's Episcopal Church (Yakima), 303 St. Michael's Mission, 247 St. Patrick's Church (Tacoma), 263 St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church (Walla Walla), 293, 294 St. Paul and Tacoma Company, 268 St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber plant, 276 St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 136 St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Walla Walla), 293, 294 St. Paul's School for Girls, 96 St. Peter's Episcopal Church (Tacoma), 263 St. Regis Mission, 440 Salal, 19, 20 Sales tax, 52 Salkum, 532 Salmon, 5, 13, 27, 28, 404, 405, 411 Salmon Creek Meadow, 505 Salmon derbies, m Salmon fishing, m Salmon La Sac Guard Station, 318 Salvation Army, 106 Sam Benn's Point, 167 Samuel Benn Home, 174 Samuel Benn Park, 174 Samuel Rosenberg Memorial Library, 239 San de Fuca, 520 San Juan Channel, 628, 629, 631 San Juan International Camp for Boys, 630 San Juan Island, 7, 10, 39, 46, 622-632, «37 San Poil mining district, 311 Sand Point Naval Air Base, 230, 642 Sappho, 552 Saratoga, 524 Saratoga Passage, 519, 523 Saticum, Charlie, 276 Satsop, 392 Satus Pass, 469 Sauk, 511 Saunders, John Monk, 152 Saunders, S. S., 492 Sauvies Island, 279 Savage, George M., Jr., 153 Sawyer, 376 Sayward, William F., 615 Scammon, Isaiah, 292 Scandinavians, 49, 130, 138, 321,412, 526 Scatchet Head, 614 Scenic, 59, 342 Schaefer Brothers mill (Montesano), 393. 394. 395 , Schanno, Joseph and Charles, 301 Schneider, Hannes, 505 Scientific Oyster Laboratory, 211 Scotch broom, 20, 21 Scott, Harvey W., 541 Scott, Wallace, 113 Scott's Prairie, 541 Scranton, S. R., 246 Seabeck, 571 Seabold, 621 Seattle, 9, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 80, 81, 82, 85, 87, 90, 91, 92, 102, 209-241; maps, 222, 226; points of interest, 221-241; points of interest in environs, 241; 609, 637, 641 Seattle and Walla Walla Railway, 216 Seattle Art Museum, 131, 238 Seattle Civic Opera Company, 140 Seattle City Light Company Tours, 511- 5"5 Seattle City Light construction project, 5"-513 Seattle College, 140 Seattle Fire, 218 Seattle Gazette, 215, 217 Seattle general strike, 90 Seattle Municipal Railway, 220 Seattle Music and Art Foundation, 131 Seattle Pacific College, 97, 140 Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra [see Seattle Symphony Orchestra] Seattle, Port District, 220 Seattle, Port of, 228 Seattle Post, 115 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 53, 78, 93, 116, 118, 642 Seattle Press, 217 Seattle Public Library, 1, 223 Seattle regrading, 219 Seattle Rifles, 217 Seattle Star, 93 Seattle Symphony Orchestra, 138 Seattle Theater, 147 Seattle Times, 1t6, 217 Seattle Union Record, 88, 117 Seaview, 565 Sedro Woolley, 509 Sehome, 179 Sehome Hill (Bellingham), 176, 184

Sehome Hill Park, 184 Sells Brothers Circus, 143 Sekiu, 552 Selah, 466 Selleck, 349 Sequim, 8, 548 Seventh Day Adventists, 97, 102, 375, 384 Seward Park (Seattle), 239 Seward Statue, 238 Seymour, W. W., 274 Shakers, 490, 542 Shaser, 315 Shaw, B. F., Col., 600 Shaw Island, 628, 629 Shead, Oliver, 136 Shellrock Point, 456 Shelton, 540 Shelton, William, Chief, 121, 199 Shephard, Mrs. Esther, 124 Sheridan, Philip H. (U.S.A.), 47, 403, 484 Sherman, S. D., Capt., 617 Sherman, William T., 47 Shine, 546 Ship Bay, 627 Shishi Beach, 80 Sholes Glacier, 508 Short, Amos, 280, 281, 283 Short, Esther, 280, 281, 283 Shoudy, John A., 464 Showalter, Noah D., 51 Showboat Theater, 151, 237 Shuffleton Steam Power plant, 323 Silcott, 359 Sick's Seattle Stadium, 239 Sieg, Lee Paul, 233 Silvana, 477 Silver Creek (village), 532 Silver Creek Ranger Station, 381 Silver Hills, 80 Silver Queen Mine, 436 Silverdale, 572 Similkameen Gorge, 451 Simmons, Michael T., Co., 68, 71, 202, 487, 639 Simpson, George H., 167 Simpson, Sir George, 279 Sinclair Inlet, 571 Sinclair Island, 62; Sinnaywah, Richard, 276 Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, rot Site of the First Legislative Hall, 204 Site of First Seattle Settlement, 240 Site of the Seattle Fire's Beginning, 225 Site of the Second Fort Walla Walla, 293 Site of the Territorial University, 221 Site of Vancouver's Landing (Everett), 198 Skagit County, 64, 65, 66, 80 Skagit Flats, 516 Skagit Power Development, 4, 27, 220 Skamania, 405 Skamokawa, 412 Skansie, Mitchell, 575 Skate Creek Guard Station, 537 Skiing [See Winter Sports.] Skull Island, 628 Skykomish, 342 Skyline, Queets Trail, 557 Slacum, William, Lieut., 638 Slaughter, William, Lieut., 217, 273, 385 Slavs, 317 Slovaks, 575 Smith, Bill, 112 Smith, E. S., 85 Smith, Henry A., 214 Smith, J. Allen, 125 Smith, J. B., 313 Smith, James L., 490 Smith, Levi Lathrop, 202 Smith, Modoc, 423 Smith, Sam, 359 Smith, Solomon H., 280 Smith, Zoe, 113 Smith Cove, 92, a11, 212 Smith Cove Piers, 228 Smith (Okanogan) Orchard and Home, 451 Smith Tower, 159 Smith Tower Building (Seattle), 224 Smoothing Iron Game Preserve, 361 Snake River Canyon, 359 Snake Rock, 615 Snakes, 15 Snell, W. H., Judge, 525 Snider Ranger Station, 551-552 Snohomish, 346 Snohomish County, 64, 65, 77, 78, 81, 186 Snohomish County Courthouse, 195 Snohomish County Hospital, 346 Snohomish Lettuce Farm, 346 Snoqualmie, 74, 320 Snoqualmie Forest Reserve, 530 Snoqualmie National Forest, 25, 318, 320, 343. 378. 38' Snoqualmie Pass, 7, 9, 77, 80, 319 Snow Grand Flats, 537 Snowden, Clinton, 122 Snyder, Mrs. M. A., 137 Soap Lake, 329 Social Democratic Party, 88 Social Institutions, 104-107; church agencies, 106; Community Fund sup-

port, 106; divisions of Department of Social Security, 104; medical services, 105, 106; migratory labor camp pro- gram, 107; W.P.A. program, 105 Society of Seattle Artists, 131 Sohon, Gustave, 129 Soil, 23 Soil conservation, 24, 27, 357, 363, 365, 421 Sokoloff, Nikolai, Dr., 138 Sol Due Hot Springs, 551, 606 Sol Duc Plantation, 552 Sothern, E. H., 147 Sou Foong Company, 144 Soules, T. W., 475 South Beach, 620 South Bend, 563 South Palouse, 24 Spalding, H. H., Rev., 42, 101, 359, 638 Spanaway, 527 Spangle, 41 5. 416 Spargur, John M., 138, 219 Spargur String Quartet, 140 Sparks, C. B., 310 Sperlin, Ottis B., 125 Spokane, 48, 50, 59, 61, 66, 78, 88, 89, 91, 92, 98, 99, 106, 242-260; map, 256; points of interest, 255-260; points of interest in environs, 260 Spokane and Northern Railway, 79 Spokane Art Association, 260 Spokane Art Center, 133 Spokane Bridge, 307 Spokane County, 65 Spokane Chronicle, 116, 249 Spokane Civic Symphony, 140 Spokane Divide, 11, 309 Spokane Falls, 87, 247, 248, 250, 641 Spokane Falls Review, 248, 249 Spokane Fire, 249 Spokane House, 40, 245, 309, 638 Spokane Little Theater, 151 Spokane News, 249 Spokane Public Library, 257 Spokane Public Museum, 259 Spokane Spokesman-Review, 250 Spokane Svmphony Orchestra, 140 Spokane Times, 247 Spokane Union Terminal Project, 253 Spokane Weekly Times, 249 Spokane-Portland Cement plant, 437 Sports and Recreation, 108-113 Sprague, 445 Sprague. J. W., Gen., 495 Springdale, 442 Spruce Division, U.S.A., 282, 562 Squire. Watson B., 48 Squire's Opera House, 137, 147 Stacy home (Seattle), 157 Stadium High School, 158, 273 Stage-lines (pioneer days), 368 Stampede Tunnel, 7, 48, 267, 318, 641 Stamps, I. M., 113 Standard Brands plant (Sumner), 387 Stanwood, 477 Startup, 344 State Bureau of Labor, 50, 641 State College of Washington, 26, 48, 97, 107, 140, 426, 427-428, 641 State Constitution, 48, 54 State Custodial School (near Medical Lake), 445 State Department of Agriculture, 67 State Department of Social Security, 52, 104, 642 State Division of Mines and Mining, 26 State Electrometallurgical Laboratory, 26 State Employment Service [See Unem- ployment and Placement Program.] State flag, 51 State flower [see Rhododendron] State Food Commission, 50 State Forest Department Headquarters, 486 State Game Buildings, 408 State Grange, 94 State Highway Commission, 51 State Highway Department, 60 State Highway Patrol, 60 State Library, 208 State Liquor Law, 642 ; Control Board, 5* State Museum, 30, 235 State Parks, 5; Barnes, 495; Bogachiel, 555; Clearwater, 557; Deception Pass, 517-518; Dry Falls, 12, 312; Field's Spring, 358; Larrabee, 474; Lewis and Clark, 494; Lewis and Clark Trail, 366; Matilda Jackson, 494; Moran, 626, 627; Mount Spo- kane, 418; Pend Oreille, 416; Rain- bow Falls, 493; Sacajawea, 370; Salt Water, 483; Schaefer, 392; Sequim Bay, 548; Vashon, 617 State Parole Board, 51 State Pollution Laboratory, 571 State Railroad Commission, 50, 642 State School for the Blind, 287 State School for the Deaf, 288 State Tax Commission, 50, 642 State Unemployment Compensation [see Unemployment and Placement Pro- gram] Statehood, 48-54 Steep Trails (Muir), 547

Steilacoom, 43, 68, 102, 136, 484 Steliko Ranger Station, 462 Stella, 411 Steptoe, 424 Steptoe Butte, 424 Steptoe, Edward J., Col., 46, 291, 402, 422, 640 Steptoe Memorial Park, 422 Stevens, Hazard, 266, 581, 582 Stevens, Isaac L, Gov., 44, 45, 46, 47, 96, 108, 129, 203, 215, 273, 300, 309, 436, 480, 486, 517, 614, 640 Stevens, James, 124 Stevens County, 10, 26, 65, 79, 80 Stevens Pass, 7, 341 Stevens Pass Road, 338 Stevenson, 403 Stevenson, Frank, 383 Still, Lester, Judge, 522 Stokes, Isaac N. P., 159 Storm King Guard Station, 551 Strahorn, Robert Edmund, 253 Strain Company Strip Mine, 323 Strain Mine, 349 Strand Fisheries, Incorporated, 174 Stratford, 329 Stratoliner crash, site of, 529, 530 Stretch Island, 570 Strong, Anna Louise, 127 Strong, Peggy, 133 Studio Theater, 150 Subsistence homesteads, 410 Sucia Islands, 627 Sultan, 345 Sultan Basin, 77, 80 Sumas, 473 Summer High School Music Institute, 141 Summit, 525 Summit (Snoqualmie), 319 Sumner, 66, 387 Sumner Grain and Milling Company, 387 Sumner Iron Works (Everett), 189, 191 Sumner Packing House, 387 Sumner Rhubarb Growers, 387 Sumner Sash and Door plant, 387 Sunnyside, 373 Sunnyside Land and Investment Com- pany, 374 Sunset Beach, 559 Sunset Lodge, 319 Sunset Mine, 343 Suquamish, 609 Survey of the Common School System of Washington, 98 Sutter's Friendship Garden, 274 Suzallo, Henry, Dr., 231 Svenska Pressen, 117 Swallows Nest Rock, 357 Swalwell, William G., 202 Swan, James P., 121 Swan Bay, 552 Swauk Creek formation, 31$ Swauk mining district, 77, 79 Swedish, 138 Swinomish Slough, 517 Swiss, 441 Sykes, J., 129 Sylvester, Edmund, 202, 203 Sylvester House (Olympia), 205 ; Park (Olympia), 205 Symphony Orchestra (Seattle), 219 T Table Mountain, 403 Tacoma, 47, 53, 58, 59, 61, 66, 71, 74, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 132, 167, 259-277; map, 270; points of interest, 270, 277; points of interest in environs, 277; 542, 609, 639, 641, 642 Tacoma Art Association, 132 Tacoma Drama League, 151 Tacoma Hotel, 158, 268 Tacoma Ledger, 116, 117 Tacoma News, 115 Tacoma Philharmonic Orchestra, 140 Tacoma, Port of, 262, 271 Tacoma Public Library, 158, 27a Tacoma (Indian) Sanatorium, 276 Tacoma Smelter, 79, 262, 275 Tacoma Theater, 147 Tacoma Theater Building, 272 Tacoma Times, 116 Tacoma Trades Council, 88, 268 Tacoma Tribune, 116 Tacoma Water Department Shop, 276 Tacoma Weekly Ledger, 115 Taft, Lorado, 133 Taggart, Genevieve, 127 Taholah, 558, 559 Taholah Indian Agency, 35 Tala Point, 615 Tallequah, 618 Talmud Torah Synagogue (Tacoma), 264 Tarlett Slough, 566 Tatem, S. W., 369 Tatoosh Island, 553 Tatoosh Range, 582 Tatoosh Ridge Lookout, 537 Taylor, Lauretta, 14S Taylor, Orson D., 398 Taylor, William T. and Mary, 320 Teamsters' Union, 93 Telegraph, the (ship), 191 Telegraph Slough, 517 Temperance Echo (weekly paper), 115

Temple de Hirsch, 102, 238 Temple of Justice, 208 Tenalquot Prairie, 527 Tenino, 81, 488, 489 Tenino (boat), 57 Tenino Mounds, 12, 489 Tennessee Jubilee Singers, 143 Terrace Heights (Yakima), 299 Territorial Period (of history of Wash- ington), 43-48 Territorial press, 114 Territorial Superintendent of Schools, 96 Territorial University, 47, 96, 215, 640 Terry, Ellen, 147 Terry, Leander, 213 Tertiary period, 10 Thatcher Pass, 632 Theater, 142-153 Theater Comique, 145 Thompson, David, 40, 120, 247, 361, 431, 638 Thompson, Oscar, 140 Thompson, Will, 113 Thorndyke, J. F., 615 Thornton, 423 Thorpe, Fielding M., 301 Thurston County, 66, 201 Thurston County Courthouse, 207 Tillicums, 227 Timber, 24, 25 Timber Worker (newspaper), 89 Timothy Memorial Bridge, 360 Todd, Edward Howard, Dr., 274 Toftezen, Zakarias, 519 Tokeland, 561 Toledo, 495 Tolmie, William Fraser, Dr., 81, 275, 484, 581 Tonasket, 452 Toppenish, 466 Totem Pole (Everett), 199; (Seattle), 225; (Tacoma), 272 Touchet, 368 Towhead Island, 625 Township 21 N, Range 9 W ("21-9"), 167 Tracy, Harry, 311, 442 Trade Union Savings & Loan Bank, 91 Trade Union Unity League, 92 Trafton, 478 Transcontinental telegraph, 47 Transportation: airlines, 61; automo- biles, 60; bus lines, 60, 61; ferries (in early days), 56, 57; motor trucks, 61; portages, 57; railroads, 58, 59; roads, 58, 60; stages (in early days), 57, 58; steamboats, 56, 57, 58; steam- ships, 59, 60 Traveler (steamer), 615 Trees, 18, 19 Trimble, William Pitt, 611 Trinidad, 314 Trinity Church (Seattle), 102 Trinity Episcopal Church (Everett), 161, 197 Trout Lake, 401 Truax, Sarah (Mrs. Albert), 148, 151 Tshimakain Mission, site of, 101, 442 Tucannon Game Preserve, 361 Tukwila, 482 Tulalip, 479; Bay, 72 Tulalip Indian Agency, 35 Tumwater, 68, 487, 608, 639 Tumwater Falls, 202 Turner, George, 49 Tumwater Canyon, 340 Tunnel City, 341 Turnow, John, 394 Turtleback Range, 627 Twanoh State Park, 570 Twin, 550 Twin Creek, 382 Twisp, pass, river, town, valley, 460, 461 Two Rivers, 370 Two-Way Junction, 444 Tull, V. T., 84 U Ulbrickson, Alvin, 112, 113 Umatilla National Forest, 25, 357, 361, Uncle Tom's Cabtn, 144 Underwood, 401 Unemployed Citizens' League, 92 Unemployment and Placement Pro- gram, 104 Union, 569 Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, 373 Union Labor Party, 268 Union Pacific Railroad, 50, 220, 253 Union Producers, 92 Uniontown, 428 United States Children's Bureau, 104 United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey Station, 629 United States Courthouse (Seattle), 160, 223 United States Customs and Immigration Service, 438, 439 United States Government West Conser- vation Point, 335 United States Forest Service, 109 United States Marine Hospital, 106, £39 United States Weather Bureau Observa- tory, 566

United States Weather Bureau Station, 629 Unity Temple (Tacoma), 264 University buildings, 159 University of Washington, 26, 28, 47, 100, 230-237, 641 University of Washington Arboretum, 237 University of Washington crew, 112 University of Washington Oceanograph- ic Laboratories, 629 University of Washington School of Music, 141 Upright Channel, 631 Upright Head, 632 Useless Bay, 614 Usk, 430 Utah-Idaho Sugar Beet Company plant, 467 Utsaladdy, 477 Utter, William, 177 V Vader, 495 Vail, John, 562 Valley, 442 Valley Evaporating Company plant, 372 Valley mining district, 80 Vanasdlen, John, 345 Vancouver, 48, 96, 98, 136, 278-288; map, 284; points of interest, 283-288; points of interest in environs, 288 Vancouver Barracks, 278, 286 Vancouver boarding school for girls (under House of Providence, Mont- real), 96 Vancouver City, 280, 281 Vancouver, George, Capt., 39, 40, 71, 82, 120, 177, 264, 473, 508, 518, 522, 541, 542, 545, 546, 547, 548, 573, 608, 617, 619, 620, 625, 637 Vancouver Expedition, 129 Vancouver, Port of, 282, 285 Vancouver Public Library, 286 Vancouver, the (ship), 279 Vanguard, The (weekly paper), 117 Vansycle, J. M., 369 Vantage, 331 Van Trump, P. B., 582 Van Volkenburg, Ellen, 151 Variety Theater, 145 Varney Air Lines, 61 Vashon, 617 Vashon Heights, 617 Vashon Island, 611, 616-618 Vaughn, 570 Vavasour, Lieut, of the British Army, 639 Velvet, 438 Vendovi Island, 625 Veradale, 308 Verlot Forest Ranger Station, 479 Verona (boat), 90 Victorian Gothic, 157 Villard, Henry, 82, 231 Virginian, The (Wister), 460 Vivian, Charles, 142, 143 V'iti Rocks, 625 Vix Air Circulation Company, 375 Voice of Action, The (weekly paper), 117 Volunteer Park (Seattle), 238 Volunteers of America, 106 Von Zonneveld Bulb Farm, 388 Voyageurs, songs of, 135 W Waadah Point Coast Guard Station, 552 Wagener, Otto F., 87 Wagenknecht, Edward, 125 Wah-pow-e-ty, 581 Waiilatpu, 42, 43, 95, 101, 102, 135, 368, 638, 639 Waitsburg, 366 Waldron Island, 628 W1lker, Cyrus, 615 Walker, Elkanah, Rev., 95, 101, 245, 246, 442, 639 Walker's Prairie, 246 Walkinshaw, Robert, 128 Walla Walla, 44, 46, 47. 5°. 57. 5*. 6l. 63, 66, 96, 107, 291, 294; points of interest, 293, 294; points of interest in environs, 294; 640, 641 Walla Walla College, 97 Walla Walla County, 289 Walla Walla Public Library, 294 Walla Walla Symphony Orchestra, 140 Walla Walia Union, 115, 292 Walla Walla Valley, 289 Walla Walla and Columbia Railroad, 47, 63. 369 Wallace, Oliver W., 139 Wallgren Bill, 600 Wallula, 47, 56, 57, 58, 290, 291, 293, 369, 641 Walter, Ellery, 127 Wapato, 376 War canoe races, 108 War Memorial Monument, 208 Warbassport, 58 Ward, "Bud," 113 Waring, Guy, 128, 312, 451, 457 Warm Beach, 478 Warnick, 503 Warre, Henry J., Lieut, of the British Army, 129, 639 Wasco (steamboat), 56

Warren, F. W., 84 Washington Agricultural College (See State College of Washington) Washington, area of, 6; dimensions of, 6; population of, 6 Washington (ship), 39 Washington Berry Growers Association, 387, 575 Washington Brick and Lime Company plant, 441 Washington Commonwealth Federation, 53. 93. 94 Washington Dehydrating Foods, Inc., 303. 373 Washington Frosted Foods, Inc., plant, 386 Washington Industrial Council, 93 Washington Magazine, 122 Washington Monumental Stone Com- pany quarry, 444 Washington Navigation Company, 575 Washington Packers, 387 Washington Stadium, 236 Washington State Council of Churches, 103 Washington State Game Commission, 27, 28 Washington State Custodial School, 350 Washington State Historical Society, 130 Washington State Historical Society Museum, 30, 130, 273, 553 Washington State Planning Council, 98 Washington State Reformatory, 346 Washington State School for Delinquent Girls, 490 Washington State Soldiers' Home, 388 Washington State Theater, 152 Washington State Training School for Boys, 492 Washington Statesman, 114, 292 Washington Technical Institute, 106 Washington Territory, 44, 639 Washington Territory entertainment, 142 Washington Veterans' Home, 574 Washington Water Power Company generating plant, 461 Washingtonian, The (newspaper), 167 Washougal, 406 Washougal Woolen Mills, 406 'Washington, 447; Lake, 447; Valley, 447 Wasp Passage, 628 Waterville, 313 Waterville Plateau, 11 Waterpower, 26, 27 Waterworth House [See Dvw, Thomas J., House] Watsak Point, 522 Watson C. Squire Opera House, 217 Watson, J. R., 215 Watt, Roberta Frye, 128 Wauna, 571 Wayfarer, The (pageant), 152 Wayfarer's Cabin, 155, 455 Weatherwax, Clara, 123 Webster, Aaron, 489 Weekly Intelligencer, 115 Weeks, William C, 320 Wehn, James, 133 Weir, Allen, 48 Wellington, site of, 341 Wells, Lemuel H., Rev., 294 Wells-Fargo Stage Lines, 57, 291 Welsh, 138 Welty, John, 453 Wenat (stern-wheeler), 57 Wenatchee, 50, 98, 61, 77, 81, 295-298; points of interest, 298 Wenatchee Guard Station, 357 Wenatchee Mountains, 298 Wenatchee National Forest, 25, 297 Wenatchee River, 295, 296, 297 Wenatchee Valley, 49, 295, 296 West Fork Logging Company, 534 West, Harry, 148, 220 West, John, 83 West Point, 212 West Point Lighthouse, 229 West Sound, 627 Westerland, Jack, 113 Western Central Labor Union, 88 Western Federation of Miners, 88 Western International baseball, 108 Western State Hospital for the Insane, 483 Western dik1ng, 117 Western Washington College of Educa- tion, 97, 184 Western Washington Experiment Sta- tion, 389 Western Washington Fair Grounds, 389 Westport, 560 Wetmore, C. W., 188 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, 73, 75. 192, 410, 528, 562 Weyerhaeuser Sulphite-Pulp plant, 198 Whatcom County, 64, 65, 66, 77, 78, 80 Whatcom Courthouse, 156 Whatcom Creek, 175, 177. 178. Whatcom (early name for Bellingham), 178, 180 Whatcom Falls Park, 184 Whidbey Island, 7, 35, 65, 68, 101, 516, 519. 639 Whidbey, Joseph, 177 Whiskey Range, 452 White, Stanford, 147

White Beach Bay, 628 White Bluffs, The, 12 White Chuck Glacier, 344 White Mission, 308 White Pass, 344 White Point, 620 White River Glacier, 344 White River Mills, 382, 383 White River Ranger Station, 382 White Salmon, 399 White Swan, 468 White River Valley, 264 White Temple Baptist Church (Walla Walla), 293 "Whiteheaded Eagle," 41, 279 Whites (village), 391 Whitehouse and Price, architects, 161 Whiting, J. S., 553 Whitman, Marcus, 42, 43, 95, 101, 135, 290, 293, 368, 638, 639 Whitman Centennial, 293 Whitman Centennial, Inc., 367 Whitman College, 97, 140. 293. 294 Whitman College Museum, 12, 130, 294 Whitman Conservatory of Music, 140 Whitman Memorial Building, 293 Whitman Memorial Park, 368 Whitman Mission, 155 Whitman, Narcissa, 95, 135, 290, 293 Whitworth College, 97 Whitworth, George P., Rev., 96, 102, 203 Wickersham, Alexander, 350 Widow's pension law, 50 Wight, Douglas, 153 Wilbur, 311 Wilbur, James H., 468 Wild Life Conservation Act, 28 Wild Life Zones, 578-581 (Mt. Rainier); 601-603 (Olympic National Park) "Wild West" Division [See Ninety- First Division.] Wiley City, 24, 377 Wiley, J. W, 203 Wilkes, Charles, Lieut., 120, 486, 488, 5'9. 54*. 5*8. 6'9. 623. 625 Wilkes Expedition, 41, 129, 264, 523, 524. 575. 6o9. 621, 639 Wilkeson, 81, 351 Willapa, 493 Willapa Bay, 559, 564 Willapa Harbor Lumber Mills, 563 Willapa Harbor Pilot, 117 Willapa Harbor, Port of, 563 Willapa Hills, 6 Willamette River, 282 William I, Emperor of Germany, 46, 631, 641 Williams, Lewis R., 563 Williams, S. W., and Brother, 84 Williamson, Henry, 280, 281 Will-o-wisps, 372 Wilson, A. D., Dr., 582 Wilson, George, 112 Wilson^ John L., 48 Wilson, William, 463, 464 Winchester, 330 Wind River Nursery and Forest Exper- iment Station, 402, 529 Winesap, 462 Wing Point, 619, 622 Winlock, 495 Winslow, 619 Winter Sports: American Ridge Ski Bowl, 379; Chinook Pass, 110; Deer Park (near Port Angeles), 11o, 548; Heather Meadows Area, 507; lone Ski Club, 431; Mt. Baker, 11o, 505; Mt. Rainier, 584, 585; Municipal Ski Lodge of Seattle, 319; Otto Lang Ski School, 505; Paradise Valley, 110; Roosevelt Hill, 339; Salmon Meadows Ski Lodge, 457; Seattle Ski Club, 319; Snoqualmie Ski Bowl, 11o, 319; Spokane Ski Club, 418; Stevens Pass, 11o, 341; Tipsoo Lake, 381 Winther, Sophus Keith, 125 Winthrop, 461 Winthrop, Theodore, 121 Winton, 340 Wishram, 397 . . : i Wister, Owen, 123, 452, 460 "Witness Tree," 281 Wohleb, Joseph, 160 Woman Suffrage, 48, 50, 642 Women Painters of Washington, 132 Wood, Salem, 345 Woodinville, 321 Woodland, 500, 501 Woodland Park (Seattle), 230 W.P.A. Washington Art Project, 133 Work, John, 436 Workingman, The (weekly paper), 217 Workman's Compensation Act, 52, 641 Work Projects Administration, 99; ed- ucation projects, 100; certification, 104 W.P.A. Art Center (Spokane), 255,257 W.P.A. Hospital Assistance Project, 105 W.P.A. Housekeeping Aide Project, 104 | World War, 50, 51 Wright, George, Col., 46, 258, 308, 309, 420, 444, 640 Wright Park (Tacoma), 271 Wurdemann, Audrey, 126 Wyeth, Nathaniel, 41, 95, 280, 628 Wynooche, 8

Y Yakima, 50, 66, 88, 98, 299-304; points of interest, 302-304; points of interest in environs, 304 Yakima Canyon, 465 Yakima Chamber of Commerce, 107 Yakima City Sentinel, 301 Yakima County, 65, 107, 299 Yakima Fruit Growers' Association, 303, 376 Yakima Herald, 302 Yakima Indian Agency, 35 Yakima Record, 301 Yakima Republic, 302 Yakima Valley, 92, 107, 299, 300, 301 Yeager, Richard, 113 Yeaton, Cyrus F., 246 Yellow Aster Butte, 505 Yelm, 527 Ye Old Curiosity Shop (Seattle), 225 Yesler, Henry, 72, 214 YeslerHall, 142, 143. H9 Yesler Hill (Seattle), 213 Yesler's Pavilion, 136 Young America Mine, 79 Young Men's Christian Association, 106 Young Women's Christian Association, 106 Young Women's Christian Association Camp (Bainbridge Island), 622

Z Z Canyon, 431, 432 Ziegler, Eustace P., 133 Zillah, 375 Zionists, 374 Zoological Gardens (Seattle), 229