Wellington's letter to the French Commissioners, 26 June 1815
Headquarters, 26th June 1815.— 10 P.M.
As Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington has only at this moment returned to his Quarters, he has only now received from Marshal Prince Blücher the letter of their Excellencies, and which their Excellencies had sent to the Prussian Outposts.
When the Field Marshal last heard from the Headquarters of the Allied Sovereigns, the 21st instant, their Majesties were at Heidelberg, and they must still lie in that direction. It must be obvious to their Excellencies that the Field Marshal can neither prevent nor aid their Excellencies in reaching their Majesties; but if he has it in his power, or if their Excellencies think proper to pass through the countries in which the troops are under his command, the Field Marshal begs they will let him know in what manner he can facilitate their journey.
The Field Marshal was not aware that any Officer commanding an Advanced Post had agreed verbally, or in any other manner, to a Suspension of Hostilities.
Since the 15th instant, when Napoleon Buonaparte [sic], at the head of the French Armies, invaded the dominions of the King of the Netherlands, and attacked the Prussian Army; the Field Marshal has considered his Sovereign, and those Powers whose Armies he commands, in a state of war with the Government of France; and he does not consider the Abdication of Napoleon Buonaparte of his usurped authority, under all the circumstances which have preceded and attended that measure, as the attainment of the object held out in the Declarations and Treaties of the Allies, which should induce them to lay down their arms.
The Field Marshal cannot consent therefore to any Suspension of Hostilities, however desirous he is of preventing the further effusion of blood.
As the only object on which their Excellencies desired to converse with the Field Marshal was the proposed Suspension of Hostilities : they will, probably, after the perusal of his sentiments and intentions, as above declared, consider any interview with him an useless waste of time; but, if their Excellencies should still do him the honour to desire to have an interview with him, the Field Marshal will be ready to meet them at the time and place they shall appoint.
The Field Marshal begs their Excellencies will receive the assurance of his high consideration.
"Wellington." |