When the Leaves Come Out/Hey! Polly

(Tune: "Yankee Doodle")
The politician prowls around
For workers' votes entreating.
He claims to knows the slickest way
To give the boss a beating.
Polly, we can't use you, dear,
To lead us into clover;
This fight is ours and as for you,
Clean out or get run over.
He claims to be the bosses foe
On workers' friendship doting.
He says, "Don't fight while on the job,
But do it all by voting.
Elect Me to the office, boys,
Let all your rage pass o'er you;
Don't bother with your countless wrongs,
I'LL do your fighting for you."
He says that sabotage won't do,
(It isn't to his liking)
And that without HIS mighty aid
There is no use in striking.
He says that he can lead us all
To some fair El Dorado,
But he's of such a yellow hue
He'd cast a golden shadow!
He begs and coaxes, threatens, yells,
For shallow glory thirsting,
In fact he's but a bag of wind
That's swollen up to bursting.
The smiling bosses think he'd like
To boodle from their manger;
And as he never mentions STRIKE,
They know there is no danger.
And all the while he spouts and spiels
He's musing undetected
On what a helluva snap he'll have
When once he is elected!