White Paper on Indian States (1950)/Part 10
204. The formation of Unions has radically changed the old order in the integrated States. The new order will take some time to grow. The transitional period will be one of acute stress and difficulty. Apart from the fact that they are interested in the new States playing their legitimate role in building a new order in the country, the Government of India have a direct responsibility in respect of the ordered progress of these Unions in that it is mainly through the Government of India's mediation and effort that the new political set-up has been consummated. It is, therefore, essential that the Government of India should carefully watch and guide the progress of the Unions during their formative stage which will be beset with many dangers and pitfalls. A brief survey of the political and administrative background of the integrated States will be helpful in assessing the magnitude of the task confronting the Governments of these Unions.