Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Ch'en Ch'i-pao

Mr. Chi-Pao Cheng
(Ch'eng Chi-pao)
Mr. Chi-Pao Cheng was born in Nanchang in 1897. He entered Tsing Hua College at the age of 15. While there, he was one of the leading students and was once editor-in-chief of the Tsing Hua Journal, a monthly published alternately in English and Chinese. Mr. Cheng was sent to America by this College in the summer of 1918 and first entered Hamlin University as a senior student. Half a year later he was appointed a member of the War Work Council and was sent to France with the Y. M. C. A. as a secretary, Mr. Cheng rendered valuable service to the association and also to the Chinese Labor Battalion under the French Army. He travelled extensively throughout Europe and contributed to several Paris papers. Mr. Cheng returned to Hamlin in April 1920 and received his B. A. degree in the same summer. He then entered the University of Wisconsin and the University of Chicago and took his M. A. degree from the latter institution. He then enrolled as a graduate student in Teachers' College, Columbia University, where he will receive his Ph. D. degree upon the publication of his thesis. In July 1923, he was made a member of China's delegation to the world Conference on Education in San Francisco. His work there was well received. Upon his return to China, in September 1923, Mr. Cheng was appointed the executive secretary of the National Southeastern University-an important position in the institution. At the same time, he is exerting large influence upon Chinese education through his work, lectures and writings.