Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Chang Fu-yun

Mr. Chang Fu-Yun
Mr. Chang Fu-Yun was born in 1890 in Fu Shan Hsien, Shantung, and studied in the Shih Yi Academy, Chefoo, and in Tsing Hua College, Peking. He was graduated in 1914 from Harvard College with the degree of of A. B. cum laude; in 1917 from the Harvard Law School with the degree of LL. B., and while in school was a member of the Diplomatic Club of Harvard University, and president of the Chinese Students Alliance in the U. S. A., 1917-1918. Upon his return to China he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1918, and also served as lecturer in International Law in the Peking Government University. He was Secretary of the Chinese High Commission in Siberia, 1919-1920, and served as secretary to the Chinese Delegation to the Washington Conference 1921-22. Upon his return he became director of the Marine Department of the Ministry of Communications, 1922-1923, in which capacity he advocated and took part in the drafting of marine laws for China. He has been President of the University of Communications since 1923, and has received the 2nd Class Ta Shou Paokuang Chia Ho Decoration.