Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Fu Liang-tso

General Fu Liang-tso
General Fu Liang-tso was born at Kan-cheng Hsien, Hunan province. He graduated from the Japanese Military Officers' Academy in October 1904, having specialized in artillery. In 1912, the First Year of the Republic, General Fu was made a Lieutenant-General. In the previous years he had served in the Peiyang Army under the late Yuan Shih-kai. After Yuan Shih-kai became President of China, he appointed General Fu to be Chief of the Military Affairs Bureau in the President's Office. He held this position until November 1912 when he was appointed Tutung (Military & Civil) of the Charhar Special Area. In June 1913 General Fu was transferred to Chihli and appointed acting Occupation Commissioner of the Chi-yu District. This position he held only for three months. In May 1916 General Fu was appo'inted Vice-Minister of War. This position he held for serveral years. The Chang Hsun's monarchical movement broke out in 1917. General Fu played an important part in overthrowing it for he was a close follower of Marshal Tuan Chi-jui. After having overthrown the movement, Marshal Tuan Chi-jui became Premier again. In July 1917 General Fu was appointed Tuchun of Hunan. However, owing to the opposition of the Tuchuns of other Yangtse provinces he only remained there for a few months and returned to Peking in November 1917. Owing to his being a close follower of Marshal Tuan and a prominent figure of the Anfu Party, General Fu was considered by the opponent party to be one cf the undesirables to be removed. During the Anfu downfall, 1920, he was imprisoned by Civil Governor Tsao of Chihli, a strong factor of the opponent party, while on a secret mission sent by Marshal Tuan Chi-jui to Tientsin. General Fu was released in May 1921 and has been residing in Tientsin ever since that time.