Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Ho Chieh

Mr. Ho Chieh
Mr. Ho Chieh was born at Canton, is 1888. He Studied in the Canton Christian College, 1903-6; in the Tangshan Railway and Engineering College 1906-9; went to America in October 1909, after becoming a successful candidate for a government scholarship; studied mining and metallurgy at the Colorado School of Mines, 1910-13; and graduated in 1913 with the degree of E. M. (Engineer of Mines). He took up post-graduate work on Coal and Iron at Lehigh University, 1913-14, and received the degree of M. S. (Master of Science) in 1914. Mr. Ho returned to China in August 1914. He was Professor of Mining and Metallurgy, the National University of Peking, 1914-19, Dean of the Department of Engineering, 1919-23, concurrently Dean of the Department of Geology, 1919-24. He also held other concurrent posts, besides those of the National University of Peking, as assistant engineer, Chou Siang Railway, 1917, and professor of mathematics, University of Communications of Peking, 1923-24. His present position is Dean and Professor of Mining, Pei-Yang University. Mr. Ho is Member of the American Institute of Mining & Met. Engineers, 1913; of the Association of Chinese & American Engineers, 1920; and of the Geological Society of China, 1922, also elected Councillor of the Society in 1924. He was conferred the Fourth Class Chiaho Decoration, 1923. Mr. Ho is the author of the following sets of notes all of which have been published by the National University Press of Peking: Ore Analysis, Analysis of Iron and Steel, Technical Gas Analysis, Fire Assaying, Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, and Mine Sampling and Valuation; also a Popular Gem Stone in North China, printed by the Geological Society of China. He has also published a number of magazine articles in Chinese on "Gems and Precious Stones."