Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Hung Yeh

Mr. Willam Hung
(Hung Yeh)
Mr. William Hung was bɔrn at Foochow, Fukien Province, in 1893. At the age of 22, he graduated from the Anglo-Chinese College in his native city, remaining as instructor the following year. In 1916, Mr. Hung went to the United States entering Ohio Wesleyan University from which he received an A. B. degree in 1917. In 1919 he was given his A. M. at Columbia University and in 1920 he became a Bachelor of Divinity at the Union Theological Seminary in New York. During 1921-22 he was Chinese secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the same time lecturing extensively throughout America under the management of the Lyceum and Chautauqua organizations. In 1922, Mr. Hung was Horizon Lecturer at De Pauw University, during which period he was appointed assistant professor of history of Peking University. The following year, he became acting head of the history department of latter University. Mr, Hung is a member of the Civic Club, Clergy Club, China Society of America, and Phi Beta Kappa in New York City, and of the American Historical Association, Washington, and the Gesellschaft fur Kirchengeschichte, Berlin-Friedenau.