Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Li Teng-hui
Dr. T. H. Lee
(Li Teng-hui)
Dr. T. H. Lee was born in Batavia, Java, in 1872. His native home being Tungan Hsien, near Amoy, Fukien Province, China. In his early childhood he received his preliminary education under Dutch auspices. At the age of fourteen he began his English education in the Anglo-Chinese School under the auspices of the M. E. Mission where he came under Christian influence. At the age of nineteen Dr. Lee went to the United States and entered Ohio Wesleyan University of which Bishop J. W. Bashford was then president. In 1897 he went to Yale University and was graduated in June 1899. Dr. Lee returned to the Straits Settlements as a teacher in the Anglo-Chinese School, but left in 1901 to found an English School in Batavia in connection with the Reform Movement of Mr. K'ang Yu-wei. Dr. Lee arrived in Shanghai in 1905 and in August of the same year promoted the World Chinese Students' Federation of which he served as chairman for a period of ten years. He also helped in the establishment of the Fub-Tan University of which he was first Dean and later became the president. This position he is still holding. Dr. Lee was chief-editor of the Republican Advocate in 1912-1913 and at the same time held the position of editorship in the English Department of the Chung: Hwa Book Company. He was elected an Honorary Member of the Chung Hwa Guild of Batavia in 1906; Fellow of the American Geographical Society in 1915; honorary president of the Huai River Conservancy in 1922; and was awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters by St. John's University, Shanghai,in 1919. Dr. Lee took an active part in the students' movement of 1918, and during the Peace Conference at Versailles, he promoted the League of public organizations which he served as provisional chairman to protest against the Treaty affecting Chinese rights and oppose the placing of China's signature on the pact. During the Washington Conference Dr. Lee became chairman of the People's National Diplomatic Federation representing 180 organizations from different parts of the country. Besides being President of Fuh Tan University, Dr. Lee is also holding a number of honorary positions: chairman of the Shanghai Chinese Y. M. C. A., vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Y. M. C. A., chairman of the Over-seas Chinese Association, vice-chairman of the World Chinese Students Federation, director of the Pan-Pacific Union, director of the Tsinan Institute, director of the Shih-pei Public School, Director of the Christian Educational Association of China, vice-chairman of the East China Association of Christian Colleges and Universities, director of Amoy University, and member of the educational commission of the Shanghai Municipal Council.