Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Li Yuan-hsin

Mr. William Yinson Lee
(Li Yuan-hsin)
Mr. William Yinson Lee of Brewer Manufacturing Cremists, wholesale druggists and merchants, was born at Sydney, N. S. W. Australia, in 1884. He was the eldest son of the later W. R. G. Lee, well-known merchant of Sydney, Hongkong and Heungshan City (Canton), Kwangtung, and received his English and Chinese education under private tutors in Australia and Hongkong. He came to China in 1903 and joined Johnson, Stokes & Master, a leading legal firm in Hongkong andi became closely associated with the late Sir Boshan Wei Yuk, K. C. M. G. and the late Sir Hormusjee Mody, In 1909, as representative of an influential group of Hongkong merchants, Mr. Yinson accompanied Admiral Li Tsun upon a visit and survey of Yulinkan, Hainan Island (the southernmost point in China, at that time proposed as a naval base), also visiting and surveying the Paracels, a group of islands lying between Hainan and the Philippines. He spent from 1910 to 1922 in commercial pursuits in Australia, Hongkong and Canton, located principaly in Sydney, N. S. W., but paying frequent visit to China. Mr. Yinson Lee is a vigorous writer and was a frequent contributor to the leading press of Australia the defence of Chinese matters. During the war, he was instrumental in securing the sanction of the Commonwealth government, the State government of New South Wales and the Municipal Council of Sydney for the inclusion of the Chinese flag among those of the principal allied nations when officially displayed, which example was followed by the general public in the principal cities, the Chinese in Australia greatly appreciating the recognition. He is a life governor of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital the principal hospital in Sydney; and is one of the two Chinese members of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce, a prominent member of the Millions Club of New South Wales and the Masonic Club of Sydney, a Mason holding the highest degrees in the New South Wales, Scottish and American Constitution and a Shriner of Aleppo Temple, Boston, Mass. He holds the distinction of being the youngest Mason ever initiated in Australia, being only 18 years and 3 months old when he received his initiation by special dispensation of the M. W. Grandmaster for New South Wales, Admiral Sir Harry Rawson, State Governor. Mr. Yinson Lee made a tour of the South Sea Islands, Australia, Europe and America in 1922-3 securing business connections and came to China to open the China Branch of Brewer & Co. Inc. of Worcester, Mass., of which he is co-director, in January 1924. He is a charter member and president of the Y Men's Club of Shanghai, affiliated with the International Association of Y Men's Clubs. Toledo O. Mr. Yinson Lee possesses a unique collection of rare procelain and ancient Chinese coins.