Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Liao Shih-ch'eng

Dr. Sze-chen Liao,
(Liao Shih-ch'ang)
Dr. Sze-chen Liao, professor of Educational Psychology, National Southeastern University, and director of the University Middle School, was born in Kating, Kiangsu province, on June 14, 1893. After his graduation from Nanyang College Middle School, he entered Tsing Hua College at Peking. He was sent abroad by the latter institution in 1915. Then he joined Brown University as a sophomore where he received his Ph. B. and M. A. degrees. In the meantime he went to New York and studied at Teachers College, Columbia University, for three summer sessions consecutively. In 1918 he was elected to Sigma Xi and was awarded the James Manning Scholarship for "distinguished excellence in college studies." In 1919 he came back to China, working at his thesis, while he was teaching in the Higher Normal School at Nanking. In 1920 he received his Ph. D. degree from Brown University. Since then he has spent most of his time in doing experimental work in secondary education. The books he has written are as follows: Principles of Secondary Education (Commerical Press), Educational Psychology (Tsung Hua Book Co.), Middle School Education in China, Bulletins on Chinese Education, 1923 (Commercial Press), and Group Intelligence Tests (Commercial Press). Besides, he has translated Colvin and Bagley's Human Behavior (Tsung Hua Book Co.). He is editor of Secondary Education magazine, and Chairman of the Secondary Education Committee organized by the Chinese National Association for the Advancement of Education.