Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Lin Fu-yuan
Arthur F. Lym
林福 元
Lin Fu-yuan
Captain Arthur F. Lym, second in command of the Canton Aviation Corps, was born in San Francisco, U. S. A., in 1891. Aside from occupying an important post in the Army of Canton Captain Lym has also entered into active business and is now doing well as an import and export insurance agent. He is now starting a school to train chauffers for the growing motor car trade in which he has taken the lead. Captain Lym is the first Chinese to graduate from the well-known Curtis Aviation School of Buffalo, N. Y., receiving his diploma 1913. He is now the holder of International Pilot License No. 245. While in America he flew over many cities and won many trophies for record flights. Captain Lym arrived in China 1914 and gave some demonstrations in Swatow and Canton soon after his arrival. The authorities in these two ports rewarded him specially for his success in showing the local inhabitants the possibility of other Chinese learning the science of aviation. In 1915, the Military Governor of Kwangtung commissioned Captain Lym to invade the bandit strongholds in the island of Hainan. He finished the job well. To promote local aviation Captain Lym has organized an Aero Club in Canton. He is now chairman of a flourishing club of more then twenty members. Captain Lym is very popular socially in Canton. He is the head of the Sun Tinge Club and treasurer of the European-American Returned Students' Association, two of the leading organizations of college men and foreign educated Chinese.