Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Ling Tao-yang

Mr. D. Y. Lin
(Ling Tao-yang)
Mr. Lin was born at Pao-an Hsien, Kuangtung province, in 1888 and received his early education at St. John's University, Shanghai, graduating in 1909. In the fall of 1909 Mr. Lin went to America and in 1912 was graduated from the Massachusetts Agricultural College with the degree of B. Sc. in agriculture. Then he took post graduate work in foresty at the Yale Forest School, Yale University, and obtained the degree of M. F. in 1914. In the summer of 1914 he investigated the German forestry service. He returned to China in the fall of 1915 and was appointed Lecturer on Conservation in the National Y. M. C. A. in 1915. In 1917 he became Technical Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, Peking. In the fall of 1917 he accepted the professorship on forestry in the University of Nanking. In April 1919, Mr. Lin became Commissioner of Forestry for Shantung and concurrently forester in the Ministry of Communications on railway forestry matters, and adviser to the Shantung Civil Governor. Later he served as expert on agricultural and forestry matters at the Shantung Negotiations in Peking, in the fall of 1922. Since March 1923 Mr. Lin has been Director of the Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry, Tsingtao, and concurrently special secretary for general affairs for the Tsingtao government. Mr. Lin is the author of the following publications: Elements of Forestry-1915; Manual of Forestry-1916; The Chinese Wood Oil, Camphor, Etc.-1917; Forests and Chihli Flood—1918; Relation of Forests to Floods and Droughts—1919; Some Features of Chinese Agriculture—1922. The Elements of Forestry and Manual of Forestry. published by the Commercial Press, are popular text books used in the agricultural schools and colleges of China. Mr. Lin's address is Bureau of Agricultural and Forestry, Tsingtao, China.