Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Liu Ch'ung-chieh

Mr. Liu Chung-chieh
Mr. Liu Chung-chieh was born at Minghouhsien, Fukien Province, in 1880. After having studied Chinese at home under private tutors, he went to Japan for higher education and joined the Waseda University, where he graduated. Upon his return to China he was appointed Counsellor of the Board of Education. He thus began his official life at an early age. A year later he returned to his native province and became superintendent of the Fukien College of Law. In the last days of the Manchu Dynasty he served as First Counsellor to the Chinese Legation in Tokyo. Upon the establishment of the Republic he was made First Secretary to the Chinese Legation in the same metropolis. During May 1916 he acted as Chinese Charge d'Affaires. In March 1917 Mr. Liu was appointed Counsellor of the Cabinet and was conferred the Second Class Chiaho. Four months later he was ordered to act concurrently as Counsellor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the spring of 1919 Mr. Liu accompanied Mr. Liang Chi-chiao, former Minster of Finance, to Europe to assist the Chinese Delegation to the International Peace Conference. He returned at the beginning of 1920 and re-joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the same capacity of Counsellor. In January 1920 Mr. Liu was awarded the Second Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho. In September 1920 he was appointed Chinese Minister to Spain and Portugal. In October 1922 Mr. Liu was given the Second Class Tashou Chiaho.