Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Liu Lu-nan

Mr. L. N. Lau
(Liu Lu-nan)
Mr. L. N. Lau was born in 1892 in the district of Sunwui, Canton, Kwantung Province. He was graduated from Canton Christian College at the age of 23, and went to America, graduating in 1919 from the College of Arts and Sciences of Cornell University. After graduation he went into the real estate business in Florida, organizing the Florida Agricultural Corporation in 1919 which now has a paid-up capital of $200,000. He has been director, vice-president and treasurer of the concern since its organization. Returning to China in 1920, Mr. Lau was appointed secretary to the director of the Canton Mint. When the Chinese Merchants' Bank, Ltd. of Hongkong opened an agency in New York City in 1922, Mr. Lau took charge there and has remained as agent since. In 1924 he was elected vice-president and a director of Vantine, Inc., a flourishing store near Fifth Avenue, New York, dealing in Oriental merchandise. Mr. Lau was one of the founders of the Rho Psi Fraternity at Cornell University, a society particularly well-known to Chinese students in America.