Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Lu Chin

General Lu Chin
General Lu Chin was born at Tientsin in 1880. After his graduation from the Pei Yang Military Academy, he went to Japan where he first entered the Cheng School and then the Military Officers Academy. Upon his graduation General Lu returned to China and became a military officer. During the Ching Regime, he was first. Assistant Commander of the Artillery Regiment of the First Army Corps, then Chief of Staff to the Second Army Corps, then Director of the Staff Office of the Pei Yang Army, and finally was Councillor to the Shantung Military Training Office. In 1912, General Lu was Councillor to the Chihli Military Training Office and later became the Chief of Staff to the Military Governor of Chihli. From October 1913 he was Defence Commissioner of Tientsin until July 1914 when he was called to Peking to become a Junior Member of the Chiang Chun Fu. In 1914 a Model Regiment was formed in Peking, of which Yuan Shih-kai himself was honorary colonel, and General Lu was a colonel commanding one battalion. In 1917 he was appointed Assistant Chief of the General Staff and held that position for about two years. In January 1919 General Lu was given the brevet of Chiangchun or Marshal. In December 1919 he was made “Ming-Wu Chiangchun, a member of the College of Marshals. In January 1920 General Lu was conferred the First-Class Tashou Chiaho. In August 1920 he was appointed Acting Commander of the Ninth Division of the National Army. In October 1920 he was conferred the First-Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho. In February 1921 General Lu was given the brevet rank of a Full General. In November 1922 he was appointed Chief Staff Officer to the High Inspecting Commissioner of Chihli, Shantung and Honan. In March 1923 General Lu was awarded the Fourth Order of Merit. In November 1923 he was made a Full General. Since January 1924 General Lu has been the Minister of War. In March 1924 he was relieved of the Commandership of the Ninth Division of the National Army.