Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Mei Ying-fu

Mr. Howard S. Moy
梅英 福
(Mei Ying-fu)
Mr. Howard S. Moy is a native of Kwangtung Province. He went to America in 1898 and received most of his education there. He traveled in Europe in 1906 with Kang Yu-wei and then returned to China where he acted as English secretary for the Jun Wah Mining Company of Kwangsi Province. After his return to America he and his father became interested in a chain of restaurants and cafes in Chicago and are now proprietors of several enterprises of this kind, the chief one being the King Joy Lo of Chicago, which was established fifteen years ago largely through the efforts of Mr. Kang Yu-wei. It is in banking, however, that Mr. Moy has become identified with the larger business interests of the Chicago district. He is assistant manager of the foreign department of the Great Lakes Trust Company of Chicago, an institution which was organized in 1919. This was the first bank to be organized in America that catered to Chinese investors in the United States and has done a great deal to induce the Chinese merchants of America to make investments in America rather than send their surplus funds back of China. The bank has connections in China and is now developing an ambitious banking scheme for both China and New York City. The president of the bank is Harry H. Merrick, fomerly of Armour and Company, and now president of the Mississippi Valley Association and former president of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Mr. Merrick is one of the leading business men of the Central Western part of America and is an important factor in the development of American trade in China. Mr. Moy was one of the organizers of the Chinese Industrial and Commercial Association of Chicago, an organization which includes the leading Chinese business men of that section. It is affiliated with the Chicago Association of Commerce. There are approximately 5,000 Chinese in the Chicago district and they are said to own more than G. $20,000,000 worth of real estate, chiefly business property in the city of Chicago. They are actively working to make Chicago the center of Chinese-American trade and are an active factor in encouraging the American manufacturers in the Chicago and Mississippi Valley territory to extend their selling organizations to China. Mr. Moy's father, Moy Wah June has been president of the Chicago Chinese organization since its founding early in 1919.