Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Mou Lin

Mr. Mou Lin
Mr. Mou Lin was born at Tseng-i Hsien, Kueichow province, in 1879. He was a provincial graduate in the Ching Dynasty and received a modern education in Japan being graduated from the Normal Course of the Hung Wen Academy. After his return from Japan, Mr. Mou served as President of the Kueichow High Normal College and also of Kueiyang government Middle School. In 1909 Tzu-I-Chu (Provincial Advisory Council) came into Kueichow province. In 1910 the Tzu Chen Yuan (National Advisory Council) was convoked in Peking, Mr. Mou being elected to represent Kueichow in the Council. After the establishment of the Republic, Mr. Mou was elected Member of the Lower House of the First Parliament which was convoked in Peking in April 1913 and dissolved by Yuan Shihkai in January 1914. Mr. Mou played an important part in the Yunnan Revolt against Yuan Shih-kai's monarchical attempt in 1915-16. Before the Yunnan Uprising (December 25, 1915) Mr. Mou secretly went to Kueichow where he came into close touch with the Commanders of the Kueichow troops. These troops were afterwards engaged in actual campaigns against the Northern troops. In August 1916, after the death of Yuan Shih-kai, the First Parliament was reconvoked. Mr. Mou as an M. P. went to Peking sometime after its convocation. The second dissolution of Parliament occurred in June 1917, Mr. Mou in company with other M. P.'s went to Canton where in August 1917 the Extraordinary Parliament came into existence. During the period from August 1917 to October 1922 when the First Parliament was for the third time convoked in Peking, Mr. Mou was travelling through the southwestern provinces and between Canton and Shanghai doing publicity work for the constitutional cause. Since October 1922 Mr. Mou has been in Peking taking his seat in Parliament. He was awarded the Second Class Tashou Chiaho in October 1922 and the Second Class Wenhu in January 1923.