Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/P'an Hsieh-an

Mr. H. A. Pan
(Pan Hsieh-an)
Mr. H. A. Pan was born in 1893, at Shanghai. He received his early education from his parents and entered St. John's University, where in 1912 he received his B. A. Degree. After finishing at St. John's, he spent one year in Tsinghua College where he received a Boxer Indemnity scholarship. While waiting for his scholarship funds, he served as instructor in English in Soochow Academy for one year. In 1914 he went to America and entered the Wharton School of Commerce and Finance of the University of Pennsylvania, where he received the degrees of B. Sc. in economics in 1916 and M. A. in 1917. As a student, Mr. Pan was inclined chiefly toward literary activities, being associate editor of the. Tsing Hua Alumni Annual, associate editor of the Chinese Students' Monthly for two years, and twice First Prize winner of the Monthly Essay Contest. Upon his return to Shanghai in 1918, he joined the faculty of the Teacher's College at Nanking as Professor of Economics and Insurance. In 1920 he became Chinese advisor to the general manager of the American Asiatic Underwriters. Since 1921 he has been Assistant-secretary of the Asia Life Insurance Company. Absorbed in the task of building up life insurance in China, Mr. Pan is actively interested in insurance education and is now lecturing on property and life insurance at St. John's University in Shanghai, and delivering special addresses on insurance and finance in other school and colleges.