Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Sun Ch'i-lien

Mr. C. L. Sun
(Sun Ch'i-lien)
Mr. C. L. Sun was born at Hangyang, Hupei province, in 1890. When he was ten years old he was sent to Boone College, Wuchang, for elementary education. He remained in that institution until 1905. From 1905 to 1909 Mr. Sun was at the St. John's University, Shanghai, where he received a middle school education. In September 1909 Mr. Sun arrived in America to study with private support. Between 1909 and 1910 he prepared for college at Cook Academy. In 1910 Mr. Sun entered Syracuse University, New York, where he studied Law and was graduated with the degree of LL. B. in 1914. While in the school, he was elected to the Legal Fraternity, Phi Delta Phi, in October 1913. Mr. Sun returned to China in August 1914. In 1916 he was an editor of the Far Eastern News, Peking. In 1917 he was translator in the President's Office, Peking. From 1918-1921 Mr. Sun was English Secretary to General Li Yuan-hung. During 1922-1923 he was English Secretary of the President's Office, Peking. He was awarded the Third Class Chiaho Decoration in 1922. Since 1923 Mr. Sun has been Private English Secretary to General Li Yuan-bung. While serving General Li Yuan-hung in the capacity of private secretary, Mr. Sun was entrusted with looking after the education of General Li's children. Mr. Sun has also been a lecturer on law subjects in Nankai College. His present address is No. 182 Parkes Road, British Concession, Tientsin.