Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Sung Ch'un-fang

Mr. Soong Tsung-faung
(Sung Ch’un fang)
Mr. Soong Tsung-faung was born in 1891 at Wu Shing, Chekiang. When he was a mere youth of thirteen, he received the degree of "Shoutsai” or B. A. in the old Chinese Regime. He studied English at St. John's University, Shanghai, for some years, and later went to Switzerland and entered the University of Geneva to study Social and Political Science. In 1915 he received the M. A. degree from that university. After his return to China, Mr. Soong became lecturer of modern languages in St. John's University from 1916 to 1917. Then he went to Peking and accepted the position of professorship in French Language in Tsing Hua College which he held until 1918 when he left Tsing Hua to take up the Chair of French Literature in Peking Government University. In 1920 Mr. Soong took his second trip to Europe to investigate post-war social conditions and literary tendencies. While in Europe he also served as Secretary of the Chinese Delegation to the Peace Conference at Geneva. After his return from Europe Mr. Soong held several official positions, Secretary of Ministry of Finance, (January-June 1922 and again since September 1923) Co-Director of Loan Department, vice-chairman of the Tariff Investigation Commission. Mr. Soong is the author of the following publications: “Parcourant le Monde en Flammes,” “La Literature Chinois Contemporaine" and “Dramatic Essays.” Mr. Soong is the editor of the undermentioned periodicals: “Tribune de Geneva," “Revue de Geneva” and “The Eastern Times, (Shanghai).” Mr. Soong is president of the Peking Esthetic Club.