Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Sung Shou-heng

Mr. Sung Tso-chiu
(Sung Shu-heng)
Mr. Sung Tse-chiu was born at Tientsin in 1866. He had a humble beginning in life and is now the most influential merchant at that port. Mr. Sung was an apprentice in a small store in his early youth. He gradually worked his way up until he became manager of the Teng Ching Lung Company, one of the largest piece goods stores at Tients'in. After his resignation, he devoted his time and energy to the promotion of native goods stores and the encouragement of native products. In consequence of his activity in that direction, he was elected president of the Association for Industrial and Commercial Studies, and chairman of the Industrial Association, both of these offices being filled with great credit to himself. He invented An Kuo Pu or “Loving Country Cloth” to replace imported cloth. An Kuo Pu has now become so popular that it is extensively used by every family in the country and during the beginning of the Great War, large quantities of it were shipped to Russia where it was in high demand. In 1915, he promoted the movement of boycotting Japanese goods as a result of the Twenty-One Demands Japan made upon China. When the European Peace Conference decided the Shantung issue in Japan's favor, he together with his friends promoted the organization of ten-men groups to arouse a 'healthy national feeling. In recognition of his enthusiasm, he was elected vice-president of this organization, which subsequently proved to be one of the most influential organizations in promoting the boycott movement. On account of his Anti-Japanese activities, he was wanted by the Tientsin Police. Among the various offices he now holds are: director of the Native Goods Store which was founded more than fifteen years ago; chairman of the Association for the Encouragement of Native Products; director of the Anti-Narcotic Association; A member of the People's Association; chairman of the Financial Committee of the Union of Various Professions; assistant manager of the Tientsin Soap Factory. Mr. Sung is a Christian, and interested in the social welfare of the community in which he lives. Once he was president of the Reformatory where men with criminal inclinations or those who are mentally distorted are sent for treatment. Mr. Sung has established six schools at Tientsin all at his own expense. They are called Sung's Schools.