Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Ts'ai Kuang-i

Mr. Char Kwang-ki
(Ts'ai Kuang-i)
Mr. Char Kwang-ki was born at Shanghai in 1889. From 1901 to 1908 he studied at the St. John's University, Shanghai. He was the winner of the gold medal in an essay contest in 1907 and was editor of St. John's Echo in 1908. With government support Mr. Char went to America in 1908 and studied civil engineering at Cornell University where he graduated in 1912 with the degree of C. E. He was elected to Sigma Xi in April 1912 and was second vice-president of the Cosmopolitan Club 1911-12. Mr. Char returned to China in 1912. The first professional position he held in China was that of assistant engineer of the Pukow Commercial Port during 1912 and 1913. He was professor of Civil Engineering in St. John's University 1913-14; assistant engineer of the Szechuan-Hankow Railway, I-Chang Section, 1914-1915; assistant engineer of the Nanking-Hunan Railway, 1916; Se ry and Engineer of the Chu-Ching Railway, 1917-1920. From May 1921 to January 1922 Mr. Char was secretary to the Minister of Communciations, Peking. While in that capacity, he was sent to Washington in the winter of 1921 as a technical expert of the Chinese Delegation to the Pacific Conference. He was given the Third Class Chiaho in June 1922. Since his leaving Peking in 1922, he has been connected with the Shanghai Office of the Chung Foo Union Banking Corporation.