Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Tseng Yu-tsun

Mr. Tseng Yu-tsun.
Mr. Tseng Yu-tsun was born at Ming-hou Hsien, Fukien province, in 1879. He became a Provincial Graduate in 1898. Subsequently he held a series of official posts in different districts and prefects in Chihli province such as Magistrate Prefect and Expectant Taotai. Afterwards he was transferred to Peking and worked in the Board of Post and Communications in various capacities. In 1924 he served as Director of Military Supplies and Chief of the Salt Revenue Bureau in Kalgan. Later he was appointed Secretary to the Cabinet. In 1916 he became managing director of the Peking-Hankow Railway. A year later he resigned from this post on account of ill health. In 1918 Mr. Tseng was elected a member of the Senate of the New Parliament. In October 1918 he was appointed Vice-Minister of Communications and concurrently to be Director-General of the Chinese government railways. In May of 1919 he was appointed to be Director-General of the HankowCanton-Szechwan Railways, which office was a concurrent one. A month after the resignation of Mr. Tsao Jui-lin from the Ministry of Communications, in June 1919, Mr. Tseng was appointed Acting Minister of Communications. In December 1919 he was appointed Minister of Communications. In January 1920 he was awarded the Fourth Order of Merit. Later he was given both the Second Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho and the Second Class Wenfu. In July 1920 he was removed from the Ministership and was subsequently ordered to be apprehended and deprived of all honors and decorations because the Anfu Ministry had fallen. He was a "guest" the Japanese Legation until October 1, 1922 when he escaped in company with Messrs. Wang Chih-lung and Liang Hung-chih. In 1923 he was given his freedom by a Mandate.