Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Wang Cheng-fu

Mr. Cheng-fu Wang
(Wang Cheng-fu)
Mr. Cheng-fu Wang was born at Ningpo, Chekiang province, in 1890. He received his early education at the Tientsin Middle School, Preparatory Department of the Peiyang University, Tientsin, and in the School of Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy of the Peiyang University. He was awarded the title of Hanlin Scholar in 1910. Then he went to America and studied at Columbia University, School of Mining, and in 1912 received the degree of M. A. From 1912 he continued in the same institution working for the Doctor's degree until 1915 when illness forced him to return to China. Upon his return Mr. Wang serveil as secretary of the Peking Y. M. C. A. for a year. During the time when Mr. Wang was in America, he served as president of the Chinese Students' Christian Association, the Chinese Students' Alliance, etc. In 1916, he was appointed by the Board of Commerce and Agriculture, Chef Engineer for the Iron Division of the Sino-Japanese Coal and Mining Company at Penhsihu in charge of iron smelting, iron mining, and concentration plant. He served in that capacity until 1921. In 1921, Ur. Mang was appointed managing director and chief engineer of the Fengtien Mining Administration. Mr. Wang succeeded in putting the administration ting plant. He served in that capacity until 1921. In 1921, Mr. Wang was appointed Managing Director and Chief Engineer of the Fengtien Mining Administration. Mr. Wang succeeded in putting the administration on a sound business basis. He is now assisted by several returned students of business and engineering ability. At present, the following mines are also under his direction: Pataohao Mine, Lientun Coal Mine, Talin Talc Mine, Pingerhfong Magnesite Mine, Hsincheng Manganese Mine and a few other mines in process. He is also the president of the Mukden Y. M. C. A. and member of the board of management of the Manchurian Christian Medical College. He also serves the public in various other capacities.