Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Wang Kuo-chun

Mr. K. P. Wang
(Wang Kuo-chun)
Mr. Kouchun Penn Wang was born at Shanghai in 1894. He attended the Pootung Middle School, the Lung Men Normal School and the Shanghai High School. In 1912 he joined the Tsinghua College, Peking. After graduation in 1915 he went to America for educational work and entered Princeton University and finished Litt. B. course there in three years. He specialized in political economy, and graduated with honors from the Political Science Department. From 1918 to 1919, he took an M. A. course at Columbia University, New York, in history and journalism. While at New York, he made a special study of the big newspaper plants there. In the Spring of 1919, when the Peace Conference was in session at Paris, Mr. Wang was elected to attend as the general secretary of the Chinese Patriotic Committee, a publicity organ organized through the combined effort of both Chinese students and merchants in New York. While serving in that capacity, he issued many pamphlets on questions concerning China's interests at the Conference which were widely distributed in the United States. When Mr. Wang returned to China in 1919, he joined the Shanghai Journal of Commerce. On the following year, he joined the Shun Pao, as assistant manager. Toward the end of 1920, he joined the Peking Daily News, a Chinese owned English language newspaper in Peking, as assistant editor. In Peking, he also served as the Peking correspondent for the Shun Pao of Shanghai. In 1921, Mr. Wang attended as delegate the World Press Congress, Honolulu, and from there went to Washington to attend the Disarmament Conference. In 1922 returned to China and was appointed by the Ministry of Communications to be Chief of the Division of Compilation and Translation, an office taking charge of all documents in foreign languages.