Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Wang Yu-chih

Mr. Wang Yu-chih
Mr. Wang Yu-chih was born at Tsining, Shantung province, in 1878. After having obtained the degree of Chu-Jen through Provincial Examinations, he entered official life. Mr. Wang has been Marshal Tsao Kun's Secretariat for the Military Survey College of the Three Eastern Provinces for several years first as a Secretary, then as Chief Secretary and finally promoted to the post of Proctor. In 1993 Marshal Tsao Kun was given the province of Fengtien to be his patrolling area. Mr. Wang was invited to join his secretariat. In 1912 Mr. Wang became Secretary of the Third Division of the National Army station in l'eking. The latter part of 1915 when Yuan Shih-kai had launched his inunarchical movement, Marshal Tsao was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Forces on the Upper Yangtze engaged in taking precautious measures against the actions of the military leaders of the Upper Yangtze provinces. Mr. Wang was appointed Secretary to this Mission. In September 1916, when Marshal Tsao was Tuchun of Chihli, Mr. Wang was appointed Secretary to the Tuchun's Office at Paoting holding concurrently a post of Councillorship. In July 1917 he received another appointment as Secretary of the Civil Governor of Chihli. In June 1918, Marshal Tsao Kun was appointed Special High Commissioner of Szechuan, Kuangtung, Hunan i and Kiangsi. He appointed Mr. Wang the Chief Secretary of the Office of the High Commissioner, located at Paoting. During the Chihli-Anfu War in summer of 1920, Mr. Wang rendered valuable service as Secretary to the Headquarters of the Chihli Troops engaged in the encounter. In August 1920, after the victory had been won by Chihli, Mr. Wang was awarded the Second Class Decoration. Subsequently Mr. Wang was appointed Assistant Director-General of the Currency Bureau, and concurrently Chief Secretary to the High Military Commissioner of Chihli, Shantung and Honan to which Marshal Tsao Kun had just been appointed. In October 1920 Mr. Wang was awarded the Fifth Order of Merit and in December 1920 the Second Class Paokuang Chiaho Decoration. In February 1922 Mr. Wang was given the Second Class Tashou Chiaho Decoration and in July 1922 the Fourth Order of Merit. In August 1922 he was appointed Director General of the Wine and Tobacco Administration which position he is still holding. In January 1923 Mr. Wang was awarded the Second Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho Decoration and in May the First Class Tashou Chiaho Decoration. In October 1923 Marshal Tsao Kun was elected President of China. He appointed Mr. Wang the Chief Secretary of the President's office.