Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Wen Shih-chen

Mr. S. T. Wen
(Wen Shih-chen)
Mr. S. T. Wen was born at Tientsin, Chihli province, in 1878. He was graduated from the Peiyang Naval College in 1898. He served for four years in the Chinese Navy as a lieutenant. In 1902 he went to Honan accepting the post of translator to the Governor of Honan. During his stay in Honan he also engaged himself in educational work. In 1902 he established the First High School and the High Normal Collega at Kaifeng. In 1906 he was transferred to Canton, becoming secretary for foreign affairs to the Viceroy of Kuangtung and Kuangsi. In 1907 he became secretary for foreign affairs to the Viceroy of Liang Kiang (Kiangsu-Anhui-Kiangsi) which post he lield for a considerable length of time. For sometime he was concurrently superintendent-in-chief of the Kiangsu Railways. After the esta! lishment of the Republic, Mr. Wen was advisor in foreign affairs to the Tutuh of Chekiang. From April 1913 to October 1916 he was Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of Chekiang province. He was given the Third Class Chiaho in 1914. In May 1916 he was given an additional post as High Diplomatic Advisor to the Military Governor of Kiangsi, General Li Shun. In August 1917 Li Shun became Tuchun of Kiangsu. Mr. Wen accompanied him thither and was appointed Councillor and Advisor on Foreign Affairs. In January 1919 he was given the Fourth Class Wenfu, and in June 1920 the Third Class Wenfu. In October 1920 Mr. Wen was appointed Superintendent of Customs of Nanking. In November 1920 he became concurrently Commissioner of Foreign Affairs in Nanking. He was a member of the Chinese Delegation to the Washington Conferenco in the winter of 1921-22. In March 1922 he was given the Second Class Tashou Chiaho and in July 1922 the Second Class Paokuang Chiaho. In March 1923 his name was recorded with the Cabinet Office as ambassador-in-waiting. In October 1923 he was awarded the Second Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho Decoration. In September 1924, Marshal Chi Hsieh-yuan of Kiangsu began his campaign against Marshal Lu Yung-hsiang of Chekiang province. Mr. Wen was appointed Commissioner of Foreign Affairs and concurrently Superintendent of Customs of Shanghai, which position he held during the course of the fighting between Kiangsu anri Chekiang provinces. However, upon the defeat of the Chihli Party in the fighting between Wu Pei-fu and Chang Tso-lin, Mr. Wen was relieved of his position, owing to his affiliation with the Chhli party.