Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Yang Chih

Mr. Yang Moi-nan
Mr. Yang Moi-nun, was born in Heungshan, Kwangtung, in 1873. In 1888 he came to Shanghai as an apprentice in business, serving first in the navigation department of Butterfield and Swire and becoming eventually a compradore of one of the company's steamships. During the early days of the Republic Mr. Yang was agent of his company at Chefoo. In 1918, he was transferred to Shanghai to take charge of the Chinese interests in the shipping department. Mr. Yang is a member of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and an advisor to the Ministry of Communications. He is a director of the Good Roads Movement, the Canton Guild, the Commission on the Chefoo-Weihsien Railway, the Chefoo Municipal Council, the Chefoo Chamber of Commerce and the International Famine Relief Committee. He is honorary president of the Chefoo Y. M. C. A. and of the Anti-Opium Association.