Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Yang Ju-me

Mr. Yang Ju-mei
Mr. Yang Jui-mei was born at Sui Hsien, Hupei province, in 1879. He received his education first at the Ching Hsing Academy, Wuchang, Hupei, and later in the High Commercial College, Tokyo, Japan, where he was graduated. Upon returning to China, Mr. Yang became director of the Hupei Commercial College, holding concurrently the post of Financial Advisor to the Hupei government. Shortly before the establishment of the Republic, Mr. Yang went to Peking where he was appointed a Junior Secretary of the Board of Treasury. In 1912 Mr. Yang became a Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Finance in charge of a Section of the Department of Revenues. Later he became Co-Director of the Chih Yun Chu (Budget Examination Office) and also auditor of the Auditing Department under the Cabinet. Mr. Yang was responsible for the drafting of regulations and laws for the organization of an independent Audit Department which came into existence in June 1914. Upon the inauguration of the Audit Department Mr. Yang was appointed a Senior Auditing Officer. In September 1915 he was awarded the Third Class Chiaho Decoration. In December 1917 he was promoted to be Presiding Senior Auditing Officer of the First Bureau of the Audit Department which position he is still holding. In February 1919 Mr. Yang received the Fourth Order of Wenhu in recognition of service rendered in connection with the War Participation Service. In January 1923 Mr. Yang was awarded the Third Class Paokuang Chiaho. In May he was appointed a Member of the Commission for the Consolidation of the National Debts. While holding official positions, Mr. Yang has been teaching in several universities and colleges in Peking. He is the author of the following publications: '"Bookkeeping and Operation of Modern Banks," "Modern Bookkeeping and Accountancy for Official Organs," "Modern Commercial Bookkeeping," "Comparatiive Study of the Financial Administration of the Different Nations," "Outline of Laws of Accountancy," and "The Relation of Finance and Industry."