Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Yu Nan-chiu

Mr. C. C. Yu
(Yu Nan-chiu)
Mr. C. C. Yu was born at Changsha, Hunan Province, in 1897. He studied at Yale-in-China for two years, 1912-13, and then went to Tsing Hua College. In 1914 he went to the United States on an Indemnity Fund scholarship. While in the States, he studied at Phillips Academy for four years, from 1914 to 1918, and then went to the University of Illinois, specializing in Political Science. He received an A. B. degree in 1921, and returned to China in that summer. While in America, he was editor of Young China, associate editor of the Chinese Students' Monthly, and contributed a number of articles to the Chicago Tribune, Springfield Republican, Daily Illini, etc. He was chairman of the Mid-West Section of the Chinese Students' Alliance; and spoke to many organizations in the state of Illinois on the Shantung question when that, was the discussion of the day. On his return to China, Mr. Yu taught in the China National Institute, becoming head of the English Department. in the Kiangsu Provincial Commercial College in 19:22; was professor of the School of Commerce, National Southeastern University, 1921-2; professor of Business Literature of China Institute; professor Fuh Tan University from 1922 and the Dean of the School of Arts in Fuh Tan University in 1923. He is still holding this position. He founded Hua Hua Academy in Shanghai in 1923. His literary works consist of: “International Relationship Between America, Japan, and China”, “A Guide Composition for Chinese Students". "Public Speaking” and a two-act play entitled “China: Past and Present." Mr. Yu is a member of the China Society of America; of the Far Eastern Society of Illinois; the Moody Club; the Publicity Bureau of Illinois; and of the Cosmopolitan Club.