Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912)/Message to Mr. Asquith
His Majesty the King telegraphed as follows to Mr. Asquith, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, on 10th January.
"Before leaving India on our homeward voyage, I am sure that you, as the head of my Government, will be glad to know that from all sources, private and public, I gather that my highest hopes have been realized and that the success of our visit has exceeded all expectations, not only in Bombay, Delhi and Calcutta, but in every other part of the country where the Queen and I have been. All classes, races and creeds have united in receiving us with unmistakable signs of enthusiasm and affection.
"The magnificent display at the Durbar was the outcome of wise and well-considered plans, brilliantly carried out, through the untiring efforts of the Viceroy and those working under him.
"During our pleasant visit to the Viceroy, all Callcutta combined in doing everything possible for our comfort and enjoyment. I rejoice that, thanks to the mutual confidence between me and my people at Home, I have been enabled to fulfil the wish of my heart. This satisfaction will be still greater if time proves that our visit has conduced to the lasting good of India and of the Empire at large."