Who's Who in the Far East/ATKINSON, Dr. John Mitford
ATKINSON, Dr. John Mitford (HONGKONG), M.B., Lond., 1881; M.R.C.S. Eng; L.S.A., Lond., 1878; D.P.H., Cantab. 1894; Principal Civil M.O. and President Sanitary Board; b. Dec. 3, 1856. Prizeman at London Med. Coll., 1895-1897; Res. Med. Off. St. Mary Abbott's Infirmary, Kensington, 1878-1885; Med. Off. No. 3 Dist. St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington, 1885-1887; Supt. Govt. Civil Hosp. and M.O. to Small-pox Hosp. and Govt. Lunatic Asylums, Hongkong, in 1887; in 1895 was appointed Acting Col. Surgeon; in 1897 to present position; received thanks of Sec. of State for services during plague 1898. Since 1903 has been an official member of Legislative and Executive Council. Club: Hongkong. Address: Sanitary Board, Hongkong.