Who's Who in the Far East/BILLINGS, George Michael
BILLINGS, George Michael (SHANGHAI), B.A.; Vice-Principal Shanghai Public School; b. Feb. 15, 1878; MI. July 5, 19C5, Nellie Rosa, d. of Capt. J. A. Scott, Nova Scotia. Educ.: Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Leicester, 1886-96; Jesus College, Oxford. Entered Oxford University 1896 as Shute Science Scholar; in 1899 was awarded Principal's. Exhibition at Jesus College; 3rd class final honours, School of Natural Science (Chem. Phys.) 1900; assistant Master at Raffle's Institution, Singapore, 1901; Vice-Principal, Shanghai Public School,. 1903. Club: Shanghai. Address: Public School, Shanghai, China.