Who's Who in the Far East/COLLINS, Robert Moore
COLLINS, Robert Moore (PEKING), Journalist; b. Dec. 25, 1867, at Washington, D.C. Educ.: Middlebury College, Vermont, U.S.A. Reporter on the "Washington Post," 1891-93; same, and editor of the Associated Press, Washington, and New York, to 1897; correspondent for the Associated Press in Europe to 1899; reported the Queen's Jubilee, London, 1897; and conference at which was negotiated Spanish-American peace treaty, Paris, 1898; chief correspondent for the Associated Press in the Philippines during Aguinaldo's insurrection, 1899-1900; was at engagement wherein General Lawton was killed at the capture of Malolos (Aguinaldo's capital) and saveral minor engagements; through the Boxer campaign, witnessing the battle at Tientsin and the relief of Peking; in Europe until Spring 1901, reporting the death of Queen Victoria, and the wedding of the Queen of Holland; correspondent for Renter's and the Associated Press at Peking, 1901 to 1904; organised Renter's service in the East for the Russo-Japanese War; with General Kuroki's army from the battle of the Yalu to the peace negotiations (except battle of Shaho). Address: Peking, China.