Who's Who in the Far East/COOK, Rev. John Angus Bethune
COOK, Rev. John Angus Bethune (SINGAPORE), Ministerial Missionary to Chinese, Presbyterian Church of England; b. Oct., 28, 1854; m. 1882 Jeanie, e. d. of James Henry. Educ.: Schools, Glasgow; Edinburgh University; Theological College, London. Visited Italy, 1872, shortly after liberation of that country; since 1882 has been in Straits Settlements, and Sultanate of Johore, except when on furlough in Europe, India, China Burma, and Ceylon; revisited Italy in 1904 during President Loubet'.s visit. Publications: Articles in local press and home magazines. Club: Foreign Missions, London. Address: Gilstead, Newton, Singapore, Straits Settlements.