Who's Who in the Far East/CUNYNGHAME, Sir Percy
CUNYNGHAME, Sir Percy (SARAWAK), 10th Bt., cr. 1702; on the staff of H. H. The Rajah of Sarawak; 6. Feb. 21, 1867; s. of 9th Bt. and Jessica, d. of Rev. W. H. Bloxsome; S. father, 1900; m. 1903, Maud Albinia Margaret, o. d. of Major Selwyn Payne, Badgeworth Court, 'Gloucester; is a Captain, 5th Batt., Duke of Cambridge's Own Middlesex Regiment, and Resident * of Sarawak. Heir: s., b. Feb. 7, 1905. Club: Junior United Service. Address: The Residency, Sarawak, Borneo; Badgeworth Court, Gloucester.