Who's Who in the Far East/HARDING, John Reginald
HARDING, John Reginald (SHANGHAI) M.I.C.E.; Engiueer-in-Chief, I.M. Customs; b. May 2, 1853; m. Elizabeth Margaret, d. of captain Sauuders, of Foochow. Educ.: Marlborough College, 1870-76. Pupil to Sir W. G. Armstrong and Co., Elswick, 1876-79; appointed assistant Engineer to Chinese Imperial Customs service, 1880; acting Engineer-in-Chief, I.M.C., 1895-96; Engineer-in-Chief, 1898; appointed Consulting Engineer, Corean Imperial Customs service 1903; Pres. Shanghai Soe. of Engineers and Architects, 1934-05. Decorations: 3rd class civil rank, China, 1904; 3rd order Pal Kwei, Corea, 19J5. Publications: Various papers on Engineering subjects. Clubs: Shanghai; Country, Shanghai; Monmouth County. Address: Customs House, Shanghai, China.